
Emerging Tech / Feed

Technology is changing and evolving faster than ever, and as it does, our community members are looking for the next big thing to revolutionize their conservation tech work. To chat about your favorite new tools that are just emerging in the field and discover innovations you haven't yet heard of, join this group!


Fast Company Feature: Smart Parks

“It’s such a massive leap forwards knowing where every rhino is every morning and every evening.” Fast Company writes about Smart Parks, a Netherlands-based organization with technological solutions against poaching.

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Service Designer

Love design, passionate about conversation? Want to make sure that  technologies that are being developed actually meet the needs of the people who use them? Come and work for us! 

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Cofounder needed

Hey all ! if you have an idea that you want to turn into a company- I would love to help. I have enough hardware/software knowledge (was an engineer) to be the cofounder of a...

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What about developing a drone conservation training course for field conservation staff teaching specific skills for specific research needs. 

How exciting @Joyeeta ! I'd love to learn more about the companies and projects you worked on, can you share more info about them?

I once chatted to an entrepreneurial advisor with a couple of my conservation tech ideas, and he said my ideas are good/impactful but don't make for a product worth millions of $$$ of turnover per year that would interest investors. So I am very curious about how you got your conservation tech businesses off the ground!

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Virtual Meetup Discussion: Future Questions & Tools in Movement Ecology

Hi everyone, Tomorrow, June 8, is our fourth and final WILDLABS Virtual Meetup in this Tracking Progress series - we are thrilled to have such an awesome...

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We've actually been looking into NFC to automatically provision field devices to set/read/store metadata. We're staring down the barrel of a large deployment and metadata is one of the issues that we think really needs automation. We're thinking of having a dedicated device to write and read the tags that would go on the devices as stickers and automagically sync the metadata with the database. An added bonus would be that most recently modern phones support NFC protocols like NTAG or MiFare Classic. That would mean that they could also be both read and written with the GPS coordinates, timestamp, etc as they're deployed in the field. It's still under discussion with the many other things that need to be implemented, though. I do think it's interesting that what we're seeing in a lot of conservation technology applications is not just a need for new technology but also the less exciting but more practical need for things that improve productivity like automating metadata management. 

Using NFC makes a lot of sense too. I'm just on an older lower-end device that doesn't support it, which is why it didn't pop immediately to mind. Would be interesting to see what the adoption rate for NFC-capable phones is across countries though I'd imagine some phone manufacturer or something already has that data.

A bit opposite of what you're looking for but according to this, the share of non-NFC enabled phones was 10% in 2020. They don't state their source unless you pay, but I suspect that's in terms of total phone models, not total phones in use. So it's highly likely that phones with no NFC in use is much higher than that. 

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Technical Difficulties: The Path to Success

Gautam Shah
In his contribution to the Technical Difficulties Editorial Series, Internet of Elephants founder Gautam Shah shares the lessons learned from challenges throughout his unique career path as an entrepreneur working and...

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Internet of Elephants is seeking test users for our early prototypes

Internet of Elephants is currently designing and building the first prototypes of online games to bring 20 million people all over the world closer to real wild animals.  Not...

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Thanks Stephanie for giving it a go.  It is most certainly very basic right now - hardly a game yet - but purposely left that way so as to leave a lot of space for feedback and ideas.  We'll put out another version in a few weeks - what is promising is that a lot of the things we were thinking to do next align with a lot of the feedback that is coming in.

Hi John - thanks for giving it a try - It is so basic that I'm surprised at all the positive response we get - nice to see people are open minded about this being version 0.000001  :)

Yes - definitely - the idea is to do this for maybe 10-15 different species around the world.  We want the user to eventually come in and 'spin' the globe, see what is happening with real wild animals in different parts of the world, and have a fun way of engaging with them.  

We don't yet even know which animal we would go live with first - that is still discovery to see what data is the most interesting from a game perspective combined with what captures the attention of people the most.  Elephants certainly do the latter, so we're testing out with some elephant data we have.  But we're seeing that wildebeest data and migratory bird data could be far more fun.

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Hi all, I've been on the look out for people using games/game engines for conservation purposes and thought I'd say hello in this group!  I'm a Unity3D developer...

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I only know Internet of Elephants! Have you heard about them?

I think their new competitor is Google, have you seen?

Internet of Elephants last launch was Wildeverse -

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Explorer Classroom: Gautam Shah

National Geographic
Join National Geographic Explorer Gautam Shah in NatGeo's Explorer Classroom on May 21st at 2PM EDT. Gautam will discuss Internet of Elephants' latest project, Wildeverse, a mobile game that brings primate conservation...

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Creating the Wildeverse

The new mobile game Wildeverse from Internet of Elephants lets players digitally teleport primates into their homes through a unique and engaging blend of technology and storytelling. Wildeverse creator and National...

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Hello everyone - great to have this group and the interest in gaming for conservation.  You may have already introduced yourself in other parts of WILDLABS...

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Hi - my name is Rogue Marechal, founder of HAL-13, a game board publisher specifically interesting in connecting the gaming community to the world and challenges of wildlife conservation.

Our first game, Serengeti: A Race For Life is an attempt to raise players/consumers awareness to the importance of biodiversity, by emphasizing the need to study and protect a wide range of species, as a means to help the enrire ecosystem.

By joining this community, I’m hoping to gain useful insight into wildlife protection, to enrich my knowledge of this field, and feed it back into my game designs.

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Pokemon Go concepts for wildlife conservation

We've been thinking this way for a while, but nice to see someone else write about it with some great ideas:

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Hi Gautam, 

Really interesting idea, thanks for sharing the post. Although this isn't quite the expansive action plan identified in the piece, it reminded me of the #pokeblitz hashtag that's sprung up in parallel with the Pokemon Go frenzy. If you find an actual creature while playing #PokemonGO, you can tweet pic with #PokeBlitz & experts will help you identify it! It seems to me to be a nice first step for 'making pokemon go real'. 




'Pokémon-Go players could capture 400 years of wildlife sightings in 6 days' - what an incredible figure! Like you, @mygshah , and Jordan, Dr Tom August has also been thinking about how Pokemon go could be applied to conservation:

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Gaming with real data

Hi.  Very glad to have this group as I think this is an area that has a lot of potential and little attention.  I founded Internet of Elephants this year and we are...

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