
Emerging Tech / Feed

Technology is changing and evolving faster than ever, and as it does, our community members are looking for the next big thing to revolutionize their conservation tech work. To chat about your favorite new tools that are just emerging in the field and discover innovations you haven't yet heard of, join this group!


Sustained Effort: When There's No Time To Wait

Isobel Ashbey
In this article from Isobel Ashbey, she shares Cambridge Consultants’ method for thinking of sustainability as a framework that addresses every level of product development.

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The role of low-code Earth observation tools in accelerating the sustainability transition

We've published a paper on the role of low-code Earth observation tools in the sustainability transition. It covers how different roles in a business like analysts and executives can benefit from this tech and how it can be applied to ESG, Nature Based Solutions and insurance and finance.


Sustained Effort: The Environmentalist’s Dilemma

Jacinta Plucinski
In this article from Jacinta Plucinski & Akiba of Freaklabs, they share advice on organising your thoughts around building short-term and long-term sustainability considerations into your conservation technology...

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How tech is changing the way Singapore manages parks and gardens

Discover how Singapore is using technology, including resistographs, drones, mobile apps, and data analytics, to revolutionize the management of parks and gardens, promoting nature conservation and enhancing citizen participation in green initiatives.


ISO Speakers for Emerging Technologies class.

Hi Everyone, Apologies for posting across multiple groups.  I'm teaching a new course @ Clark University next semester on emerging technologies for conservation. The course...

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Definitely interested! I'm in the ecoacoustics/acoustic monitoring space, working at Rainforest Connection and Arbimon.

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Climasens: Using technology to understand and respond to climate change

Climasens’ platform is now being used by Australian Councils to support disaster resilience efforts. It’s inaugural product, HeatSens, is being used to bridge the gap between emergency management and climate change preparedness to better inform efforts and investment towards climate change adaptation, especially in areas where vulnerable populations exist.


Field Surveyor

We are a team of ecologists and technologists who believe good business must be good for nature. We’re building an economy that puts nature and business in balance by incentivising the restoration of nature at scale.  

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NERC Digital Gathering 2023

Learn how we’re using technology to advance our understanding of the environment at our conference and exhibition. Join us for an exciting programme of talks, keynotes, and masterclasses. Registration and Abstract...

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