
Community Base / Feed

The WILDLABS Community Base is the ideal place to get oriented with the all that our community platform offers, hear about news and opportunitys, and to meet new friends and collaborators. 


Tech Tutors 3 is Coming: Call for topics & presenters!

Hi Wildlabbers,  It's been a quiet few months since Tech Tutors 2 wrapped, but a *lot* of things have been happening behind the scenes that we're really...

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Oh, so excited to hear more about what's been going on. Looking forward to watching Tech Tutors 3 also. There's been something missing in my late evenings :)

A suggestion for something I repeatedly get asked:

- How do I create maps of land cover change for my area and assess accuracy, using free software and limited (or no) coding skills?

Any takers?? I keep meaning to take a look at the latest plugins in QGIS, for example, but haven't got around to it...


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In The News....

I thought I'd start a thread with interesting articles in the news about how conservation and technology are working together, in case it spurs ideas. Feel free to add your...

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WILDLABS Journal Club: edna vs camera traps, Wombot, Drones & killer whales

Hi everyone, Lovely to see everyone and hear what you're all working on :)  If you weren't able to join, here are the slides & links from this week's...

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Read more: 

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WILDLABS Looking For Personal Stories of Challenges/Lessons Learned

Hi Wildlabbers, We're looking for stories from community members about challenges you've faced in your conservation tech work, and about the lessons learned from those...

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Hi Ellie--

I brought this up in today's Journal Club, but I'm happy to talk about some of my experiences dealing with a whole bunch of different things that have damaged or destroyed microphones in acoustic sensors (weather, curious animals, etc), and what we've tried to do in order to minimize or account for those failures.

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WILDLABS Journal Club: Planetary AI, biologging data standards, slope & Acoustics, & AIDE system

Hi everyone,  Lovely to see everyone at this week's journal club! Here are the slides & links from this week's journal club if you want to dig in and read...

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Read more:

@carlybatist 's in Case You Missed It

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community announcement

Survey: COVID-19 and Conservation Tech

Vulcan is conducting a survey in partnership with EMC Research and with support from WILDLABS about the impacts of COVID-19 on conservation and implications for conservation tech. Take the survey to share your thoughts...

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Join the sixth annual #Tech4Wildlife Photo Challenge!

Hi Wildlabbers, It's time for our sixth annual #Tech4Wildlife Photo Challenge! We'd like to invite all of you in the WILDLABS community to share...

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Hi everyone!

Just dropping in to say we've seen more than 150 photos shared in this year's #tech4wildlife photo challenge already! We often hear it's really hard to get an idea of what the conservation tech landscape is like - who is doing what. This photo challenge is one of the ways we try to break down those information barriers and bring everyone together. If you're curious about what's being shared this year, you can check out our curated feed on twitter here:

We'd love to have your projects added into our big #tech4wildlife celebration. If you haven't already, take a photo and tell us a bit about what you're working on! Share it on Twitter with the hashtag #tech4wildlife and tag us @WILDLABSNET. As always, we'll count down our favourites on March 3, World Wildlife Day. 


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Interview opportunity about your experience in researching

Dear Wildlabs members We're a group of students from the University of Puerto Rico and we're conducting a market investigation with the National Science Foundation...

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@StephODonnell perhaps tweeting this out from the Wildlabs account to increase coverage?

Froilán and Edgardo - what do you mean by 'experienced'? That can mean different things to different people so just wanted to clarify the term. Thanks!

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Recruiting interview participants re. conservation+communities+tech

Hi everyone -   I'm at student at the University of Washington who's starting up a cross-sectional interview study about conservation+communities+technology,...

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Someone also just sent me this super relevant FAO report on ICT's / phones / technology use in small scale fisheries:

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What have you been working on recently (2020)?

Hi Wildlabbers! How's everyone doing? Renewing an old thread because I'd love to hear about what you're working on at the moment - what's getting you up in...

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Weekly #Tech4Wildlife highlights from Twitter

Hi Wildlabbers, We're trying out a new way to bring together all of the cool #tech4wildlife content we find on Twitter, and our community here on WILDLABS...

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Hi Wildlabbers,

It's already time for more weekly tweet highlights! 

First, we were excited to see Season 1 Tech Tutor's Sara Beery getting tweeted about the MegaDetector in action! 

Yay #MegaDetector!! Vertically aligned animals was one of the things we targeted with the v4 release, great to see that it helped

— Sara Beery (@sarameghanbeery) November 19, 2020

Next, we loved seeing another Season 1 Tech Tutor, Daniel Situnayake repping his episode in this tweet about some very fun backyard birdwatching AI!

The @BirdBuddy_ is a super cute AI bird feeder that recognizes birds by their image or their song. It would be even cooler if inference happened on-device!

p.s. to train your own birdsong recognizer, see my @WILDLABSNET tutorial:

— Daniel Situnayake #BlackLivesMatter (@dansitu) November 19, 2020

Community member Shah Selbe shared an article about this unique sensor deployment strategy involving drones and darts - what do you guys think of using this system in the field??

Sensor-equipped darts shot from drones is definitely not a conservation technology deployment approach I’ve thought of before.

— Shah Selbe (@shahselbe) November 17, 2020

And lastly, we can't NOT mention that we celebrated WILDLABS' fifth anniversary this week!

Happy anniversary to WILDLABS! For five years, we've seen incredible collaborations and successes come out of this community, and we can't wait to see what we can build and accomplish together in #tech4wildlife in the next five years! We're just getting started.

— WILDLABS Community (@WILDLABSNET) November 18, 2020
Tweet us or post with your favorite community memories from the past five years!



Happy Friday, Wildlabbers! 

This was a big week for #tech4wildlife announcements and resources on Twitter - here are just a few of our favorites:

Audiomoth got even easier to use - great news for our Bioacoustics community!

1. We are excited to release the new #AudioMoth 1.5.0 firmware, which saves your configurations even when batteries are removed. Enabling fieldwork-friendly time configuration, using an acoustic chime to set the AudioMoth clock from a smartphone app

— OpenAcousticDevices (@OpenAcoustics) November 23, 2020
ZSL gave us a glimpse of their Instant Detect 2 satellite camera and sensor system:

#InstantDetect2 is starting to look really good. Next year should be very exciting!#Tech4wildlife

— SamSeccombe (@SamSeccombe) November 24, 2020
Our friend Alasdair Davies shared his work creating sustainably made, recycled satellite tags:

A highlight of my career this one. I didn't ever think I'd get to join a National Geographic expedition @InsideNatGeo turning 500ml water bottles into satellite tags with @HeatherKoldewey @EmilyDuncan34 @Imogennapper and others

— Alasdair Davies (@Al2kA) December 3, 2020
The Snow Leopard Trust team shared this great resource on the ethics of camera trapping when it comes to capturing human images:

You set up #cameratraps to detect #snowleopards, but cameras detect this. What will you do?
1. Report it?
2. Delete it?
3. Blur and share it?
4. Archive it?
Read on as we discuss the ethical tight-rope of dealing with human images in @AER_ESE_BES:

— Koustubh Sharma (@koustubh_sharma) November 25, 2020
And lastly, if you follow our annual #tech4wildlife Photo Challenge, you'll know that we're big fans of whale photos. So obviously we loved this post from Emma Vogel!

And that's a wrap on our two week research cruise! We successfully deployed both satellite and archival #Biologging tags, as well as collecting lot of #biopsy, #photoID, #eDNA and #acoustic data. It's great to be part of such exciting collaborative research on #whales in Norway!

— Emma Vogel (@efvogel) November 30, 2020
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Students looking to speak with local stakeholders

Hello Everyone! The undergraduate students in our new Conservation + Technology course at UC Berkeley are working on a project to help local communities live more harmoniously...

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I have some Malagasy contacts if those might be of interest to the students. I conduct fieldwork on lemurs in a national park there in collaboration with Centre ValBio research station, but I know of others working in Malagasy non-profits as well who may be good candidates. Feel free to email me ([email protected]) and I'm happy to facilitate any connections I can.

All the best,


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Tech Tutors 2: What do you want to see?

After a successful first season, we are excited to be bringing you Tech Tutors: Season 2, the tutorial series that provides quick, practical, and interactive...

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Hi There,

Nice you opened up the agenda.

I want to see more things on how to build devices, from cases to connectivity. I would like to see something in particular (a hands-on with real things and applications): Satellite connectivity.

Something was mentioned on the wildlife drones episode, I would like to see more on that, from ready to use devices to boards to build your own devices, detailed things, including estimated costs for the services, coverage and the like, an easy to roadmap to implement those things would be nice.

Of course, I want to see more on drones, that would be interestering too, there is a lot of action by applying drones for wildlife care. I am paricularly interested in autonomous ones, I don't know if there is any advance on them.

Some specialists on image sensors would be also appreciated (infrared, non-military SWIR, LWIR, etc)

Landbased Sensors + Connectivity + Drones + LWIR = Early wildfire detection, that is something that affects Jaguars and all kind of wildlife!

Best Regards,


LoRa/LoRawan for dummies! aka conservationists who think everyone is talking about a woman named Laura.... haha :) 

As Carlos mentioned above, this would tie in with "satellite connectivity" more broadly. 

Hi Carly,


This Nov-29 will be the international Jaguar day. I am working on a massive update on my site, the Jag things, Tech4Nature or Tech4Wildlife as you call it, new devices, etc. I promise I will keep you in mind the moment I write things about LoRa/LoRaWan. In fact, I already started because I couldn't forget your comments about Laura!!! I have many things going on but I will finish it, that's a promise (for you, but specially for the Cats!!!)


The first point in your favor: It is great that you call it LoRa/LoRaWan. Many experts don't make that distinction.

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TECH TUTORS: Tell us what you want to see!

Hi everyone! The WILDLABS team is planning to launch a new series of short, livestreamed video sessions focusing on the “How-To” questions of conservation tech....

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As someone that just started using acoustic detectors to study bats, I think it might be interesting to hear more about the specifics and differences between available hardware and software solutions to monitor/detect bats.


Hi.  the easy and short answer to that question is Wildlife Acoustics SM4bat or EMtouch, with Kaleidoscope Pro software. The longer answer is.. it depends, and I'm happy to chat more if you like.  You'll need to decide between heterodyne, frequency-division, zero-crossing, time expansion or full-spectrum recording hardware systems.  Automated or handheld? And do you want to build your own species recognizers,  identify calls manually, or rely on existing proprietary (and paid for) identification software? 

Thanks, Carlos

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Take the WILDLABS Conservation Tech Survey 2020!

Hi all,  The WILDLABS team is running our third annual survey in partnership with Colorado State University as part of a larger assessment of the...

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So far we've heard from 244 respondents based in 33 countries. They have identified themselves mostly as conservation practitioners (27%), technologists (26%), and researchers (23%). We've seen more representation from male respondents (66%) than female ones (34%), and substantially higher response rates from North America and Europe than any other region, so please help us better represent the diversity of the community if you can. Forward the survey link to colleagues and encourage them to share their experiences: 

Although discussing challenges is crucial, we also want to hear about what makes you optimistic about the future of conservation tech. Increasing accessibility of tools, a developing culture of collaboration, the rate at which the field is evolving, growing support from the conservation community, and the opportunities around big tech involvement have come up the most so far. What do you think?

Obviously, we're barely scratching the surface here of the rich content we're excited to fully analyze and share back with you all. If you haven't taken the survey yet, now is the chance to have your say - it only takes about 13 minutes to complete. We know it's a busy time for everyone, but the more responses we get the more we can represent the reality of the complex experiences and perspectives we know this community holds. Follow this link to access the questionnaire and consent information, and let us know if you have any questions:

Thank you all again for your time!

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Recommendations for low cost & versatile teaching/training supplies

Greetings Everyone, The Fung Fellowship at UC Berkeley has a little money left over from this academic year that must be spent ASAP, and we'd like to use...

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Hi all,

Teaching assistant here for the Fung Fellowship that Dan linked above.  First of all, THANK you for the responses @carlybatist & @Rob Appleby.  This has been extremely helpful for what type of technology we could introduce to students.  We will report back with what we use this fall and student's feedback/comments/enthusiasm! 

One point that is  particularly relevant now is that this course will now be completely remote for the fall semester.  Given that this will eliminate any opportunity for students to have hands-on time with a physical device...does anyone have any additional recommendations specifically that would work in a remote teaching environment? 

Thank you in advance!


Hi Andy,

My name is Elizabeth (Liz) Bondi, I'm a PhD Candidate in Computer Science at Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, advised by Prof. Milind Tambe. In brief, my research has primarily focused on using drones and AI for wildlife conservation.

As an intern at Microsoft Research with Dr. Ashish Kapoor, Dr. Debadeepta Dey, and Dr. Lucas Joppa, we built a simulated African savanna environment in Microsoft AirSim, and flew a simulated drone around it. Our goal was to create an automatically-labeled image dataset for training machine learning models, but I have also used it for demonstrations in the past to allow students to find specific animals while flying the drone around, for example. The AirSim environment will likely require GPUs, but perhaps access to the cloud (e.g., Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS) could be purchased for students.

One other note, I believe Sara Beery also used AirSim for camera traps.

Please feel free to check out Microsoft AirSim and download the African savanna environment (download ""). Our papers (see "BIRDSAI" 2020 and "AirSim-W" 2018 papers in particular) and the dataset are also available for some more information. Please feel free to email me at [email protected] if you would like to discuss anything further.




Awesome thank you Liz!  We will check this resource out and reach out if we want to discuss more or have any questions. 



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Share your funniest field fails with us!

Hi Wildlabbers, We've got a fun challenge for you this week - we're looking for the funniest field fails from our community! Did a bear chew on...

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Here's a video and a pic of a field fail on a project we did with Dr. Meredith Palmer. We designed and built an automated behavioral response system (ABRS) where we would play a sound when a camera trap was triggered and then record the video of the animal's response to it. Unfortunately the hyena's response to the sound of a prey was to eat the audio system.

Here's a link to the last video captured by the system:

And here' s a pic of the aftermath:


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