
Community Base / Feed

The WILDLABS Community Base is the ideal place to get oriented with the all that our community platform offers, hear about news and opportunitys, and to meet new friends and collaborators. 


Organisational Resilience Festival

From 7 to 11 of November 2022, Fauna & Flora International (FFI) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) will be hosting a global online Organisational Resilience Festival.  

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Conservation Technology Event - UK, late 2020

We are putting together a pilot Conservation Technology event for late 2020 in London, UK. It aims to bring together a wide range of expertise to discuss, present and workshop...

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We really should come back to this!

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Conservation Tech Directory - new update!

New directory update from @gracieermi & I! And an extra special one as we've just passed our 1-year anniversary! Super exciting to see how far this has come! Check it out:...

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Congrats on the milestone Carly and Gracie!

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Your favorite conservation tech blogs and writers

Hi all! We're looking for great new conservation tech writers and content creators to bring to our WILDLABS audience! So we want to know what you like to read when you're...

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Eugh me too! Ellie's been working with him to see if we might have him blog here as well.. *FINGERS CROSSED*!

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NSF Activate Fellowship

The Activate Fellows supported by NSF will be scientists & engineers from a variety of backgrounds & regions across the U.S. who will translate research breakthroughs to new products & services with broad...

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New Platform Help: How do I...?

Hi wildlabbers, Through our annual survey, you've told us (for literally YEARS) that your vision for WILDLABS is that it become the online home for...

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Ha, I literally said the same thing after posting my last link - 280 is so much less than you think. We're going to increase it a bit. We are still going to keep the editing tools minimal, that was purposeful. We don't want every type of post to behave exactly the same as it gets confusing. Links are intended to be straightfoward and quick, a link with a short description or commentary. Anything else you should be starting a proper discussion or creating a longer post. 

Another potential thing to add - maybe getting more specific than country on location? Like adding state/province/city? To make the member directory searchable on a smaller geographic scale. I've seen lots of posts recently on Bioacoustics Stack Exchange, AI for Conservation Slack, & others looking for people based in a particular region or city and it got me thinking about how the WILDLABS member directory could provide that. Just a thought! 

Thanks Carly! I'll pop this on the list of features to discuss with developers. Putting broader regions on the existing list might be possible. It could also be useful to get more specific but it might require re-working how the filter works or adding more filters. Maybe at some stage we could have a big wildlabs member map (although that might potentially lead to some data privacy issues). 

In the meantime some people put their city in their bio, which is searchable on the members section.

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WILDLABS Digest: 23 September 2022

Our latest WILDLABS Community digest has just hit inboxes! Don't have time to keep up with everything that's happening in the conservation tech world? This email is for you!


WILDLABS Journal Club

Hi everyone, I'm Ana and I'm an MS Biology student in the Philippines. My field of interest is bioacoustics (specifically on bird songs) and I'm so happy to join a platform...

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Ah Journal club - this was a lot of fun but a little chaotic. We've been wondering if we should bring it back with a slightly different format. ie we all agree on a paper to read before rather than bringing a mix of things to present. What does everyone think? Is anyone else keen? Is there a format you'd suggest we use? 

I have been waiting for journal club to come back!! 10000% down.

I agree with @StephODonnell, would love it to come back!!! And now that variety hour is happening, that's more of the "mix of things" that she mentioned anyways so I think that new format would be great. 

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What are your biggest sustainability challenges and issues in your work?

Update: You can now find all of the discussions and twitter threads in one place here on WILDLABS! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - We’re so excited to announce...

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Hey all! 

I mentioned that on Friday, we'd update this post with all the sustainability conversations happening across our platform, but I wanted to flag this great Twitter thread right now in case anyone wants to jump in! Lots of interesting conversation about challenges with transporting batteries to field sites on planes and using rechargeable batteries in the comments. 

Check it out here:

Battery Twitter Thread

Hi David,

Yes and no. A lot of organizations have realized that we also need to talk about co-benefits in such projects, especially when it comes to biodiversity. So, it's definitely not only about carbon anymore. however, most players struggle on how to measure and communicate biodiversity impacts. At WWF, we partnered for instance with Restor, who is trying to incorporating biodiversity

During a volunteer project, I ran into some stupefying experiences with camera traps, one of those 'corner stones', it seems, of nature conservation research. 

Everybody who works with camera traps knows it, but it was new to me, and I think it can't hurt to point out the glaringly obvious here:

They consume no less than 8 AA batteries per run. I've seen a project description boasting the use of 200 camera traps if I remember correctly. That is 1600 batteries and I sure hope they are able to retrieve every single one of them.

Secondly, the manual of the camera trap that I had purchased explicitly discouraged the use of rechargeable batteries. I tried it anyways and indeed, the camera seems to run shorter on them. Tip to myself for next time : download and read the manual first before purchasing.

Thirdly, in the country where I did the volunteer project it was completely unclear if there was a battery recycling system in place. It seemed to depend on the town and private initiative. The question now is to which extent camera traps for nature conservation are used in countries with a proper recycling system?

Fourthly, the project had a couple of camera traps that 'didn't work'. A few of these just needed some spraying with contact spray helped ( a whole different topic, but what is the environmental impact of contact spray? Does that weigh up to replacing the electronics? ). A few others seemed to suffer from the same problem. They contain a button cell that seems to power the clock and perhaps some other functions when the AA batteries are lacking. This button cell had gone bad, that is, rusted away. In the traps that I checked, the button cell was soldered to the electronics board. I had no means to replace them, so I do not know for sure that the faulty cell was the source of the problem. This really is a disclaimer, the camera traps seemed pretty old, and other things might caused the malfunction.

I found only one online source about these button cells in camera traps. It is listed below.

At least it indicates that this happens more often and that the cell is probably not rechargeable. If so, I find it a major design flaw. Would it not be better to make the button cells replaceable and /or rechargeable? Or do without them completely?






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Equipment Swap Meet/Giveaways

Hi all, as Steph mentioned in a recent post, I'd like to offload some equipment I have at hand (a bunch of second-hand, but good quality 9603 Iridium modems and...

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Hi Carl,

No problem and happy to go with the name you are most comfortable with. Looking forward to saying hi at the virtual meetup!



Hi all! 

Just wanted to drop in and share that we're having a lot of discussions around sustainability right now, and we're thinking about how the conservation tech community can recycle old tools in sustainable ways. Swaps and exchanges feel like they fit perfectly into that conversation! 

If any of you would like to drop into this discussion thread on practical steps toward sustainability and share your experiences with swapping tools, we'd love to hear from you! 

Hi all doing some spring cleaning. Just pay shipping.

I have: 

-20 new Taoglas FXUB63 Ultra Wide Band Antenna 698-3000MHz we don't need.                                      The ones that come with Boron's.

-90 Phoenix Contact TERM BLK 4P SIDE ENT 5.08MM PCB                                                                       


We have so much stuff we'll never use. Will post more as I sort through it. If you need something in particular let me know. Might get lucky. 

If by chance someone knows where I could find some ATSAMD21G18A-MFT or similar let me know!

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Tech Tutors East Africa: Call for Topics and Speakers

Hello everyone,We're so excited to announce that our popular Tech Tutors series is coming back soon, with a new regional focus! This year, our sessions will feature experts from...

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Definitely second doing one on SMART! It's been asked about before a number of times in other virtual events so I think the need/want is for sure there. 

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Conservation Data Coordinator 

Giraffe Conservation Foundation
Giraffe Conservation Foundation has now opened this opportunity to qualified candidates willing to work remotely. The position is desktop-based and the successful candidate can work from anywhere in the world to provide...

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Writing Bootcamp: Ask the WILDLABS Editor

Hi wildlabbers! Ellie here - I'm the WILDLABS editor! We've just launched a short series of Writing Bootcamp articles to help you get started writing your...

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Awesome! We were wondering about writing on WildLabs now that you can publish articles to specific topics. My writing skills are a bit rusty too. Looking forward to the article series :)

Thanks Akiba, hope you liked the series and found it helpful! Can't wait to see what you share! If you ever need someone to help brainstorm ideas on how to approach specific topics, drop in here anytime!

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Service Designer

Love design, passionate about conversation? Want to make sure that  technologies that are being developed actually meet the needs of the people who use them? Come and work for us! 

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