
Citizen Science / Feed

Anyone can become a citizen scientist - even experts! If you're excited about exploring new areas of conservation tech, contributing to projects, or developing and launching your own citizen science projects or apps, this is the group for you.


New WildLabs Funding & Finance group

WildLabs will soon launch a 'Funding and Finance' group. What would be your wish list for such a group? Would you be interested in co-managing or otherwise helping out?

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This is great, Frank! @StephODonnell, maybe we can try to bring someone from #Superorganism (@tomquigley ?) or another venture company (#XPRIZE) into the fold!
I find the group to be dope, fundraising in the realm of conservation has been tough especially for emerging conservation leaders. There are no centralized grants tracking common...
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Data loggers for sewage monitoring

Hi WILDLABS communityRecently I've been noticing some signs that our local beach in St Andrews, Scotland may be having raw sewage discharged. The monitoring by SEPA, as far as I...

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Hi Jamie,

Nitrate sensors for sewage are quite pricey, so I might go with a bunch of OpenCTD loggers, on the theory that the conductivity will spike in sewage.  There may also be a detectable temperature signal.

Jamie/Harold: OpenCTDs are awesome but unfortunately conductivity won't indicate sewage against a background of seawater. I think DO is an interesting avenue to explore but I'm not aware of much published research on correlations there. I've heard of folks using a variety of fluorescence-based sensors (e.g., CDOM to indicate the organic matter, tryptophan-like fluorescence, and possibly optical brightener fluorescence). I think it's all still a very active field of research, so can't wait to hear what you learn! 

BTW, I thought of SMRU's tags when I just saw this other thread to which @htarold recently replied over here: 

If you can share how SMRU implements your tags' saltwater switch(es) in that thread, @jamie_mac, that would be a huge help!

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Technology for Environmental Governance in Kenya

Has anyone encountered any environmental project or initiative that has utilized technology to promote governance in Kenya? Please share some examples. Thank you.

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Hello @nyokabi great question! What I know of is the following, hope it's helpful:

  1. WildlifeDirect's “Eyes in the Courtroom” project, which monitors wildlife crime cases in court to inform and support improvements to environmental law and prosecution. Think it utilizes some sort of app software.
  2. MIKE


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Using Dart Guns

I am looking for experience with using Dart guns for large ungulates such as Elk.  We are working a Elk herd project here in California and plan to dart some bulls and cow...

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There ate Tule Elk all up and down the Diablo Range now, from Livermore in the north to Carriso Plain at least.  Here is an old map from 2017 (2016 data).    We are working on new population studies now.Carrizo  Thanks Mike

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AI & Gamified Citizen Science

Hi everyone. I have been developing an idea for a gamified citizen science platform. It will leverage machine learning, gamified principles, GIS and collective citizen science to...

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Check out FathomVerse, a new game by MBARI folks for involving citizen scientists in improving algorithms to ID deep sea critters!

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AI-enabled image query system

Online citizen science platforms like iNaturalist and Macaulay Library contain a wealth of images but are hard to search using text. We are looking for ideas so we can develop the...

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WILDLABS AWARDS 2024 - Fostering bat conservation and citizen science in Zimbabwe: Establishing bat groups and training individuals to use bat detectors

Through our project, awarded by the WILDLABS Awards 2024, we aim to establish three bat groups across Zimbabwe. These groups will be trained to use Echo Meter Touch 2 Pro bat...

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Ecologist Postdoctoral Research Fellow

The incumbent will develop models and metrics that can be used to shape conservation policy using multiple data sources including camera traps, movement data and citizen science concerning the diversity and...

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Thoughts on RooBadge?

I came across this new Volkswagen initiative today, RooBadge, a vehicular kangaroo deterrent that uses telemetry data to automatically play high-frequency sounds in dense kangaroo...

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Sound deterrents to prevent collisions with Kangaroos in Australia have been sold for many years. None have been shown to work. Whether the Volkswagen device will be any better waits to be seen. Collision data will have to be collected for a while to see if the VW device has any effect on collision rate.

That is an interesting concept, and it would be great if something out there worked. In the meantime, I will try not to drive at dusk 🦘

At one point, I knew the "sonic" animal guards were the most stolen components of cars. You head in, get groceries, and come out, and they are gone. They weren't on the car long enough for me to confirm that would work

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BirdWeather | PUC

Hi Everyone,I just found out about this site/network!I wanted to introduce myself - I'm the CEO of a little company called Scribe Labs.  We're the small team behind...

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I love the live-stream pin feature!

Hi Tim, I just discovered your great little device and about to use it for the first time this weekend. Would love to be directly in touch since we are testing it out as an option to recommend to our clients :) Love that it includes Australian birds! Cheers Debbie

Hi @timbirdweather I've now got them up and running and winding how I can provide feedback on species ID to improve the accuracy over time. It would be really powerful to have a confirmation capability when looking at the soundscape options to confirm which of the potential species it actually is or confirm it is neither to help develop the algorithms.

Also, is it possible to connect the PUC to a mobile hotspot to gather data for device that isn't close to wifi? And have it so that it can detect either wifi or hotspot when in range? Thanks!

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Using citizen science image analysis to measure seabird phenology

Our new paper uses data from the citizen science project, Seabird Watch (hosted on the Zooniverse platform;, to measure seabird phenology. Volunteers marked birds in time-lapse images to investigate arrival and departure to/from the breeding grounds.


Passionate engineer offering funding and tech solutions pro-bono.

My name is Krasi Georgiev and I run an initiative focused on providing funding and tech solutions for stories with a real-world impact. The main reason is that I am passionate...

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Hi Krasi! Greetings from Brazil!

That's a cool journey you've started! Congratulations. And I felt like theSearchLife resonates with the work I'm involved round here. In a nutshell, I live at the heart of the largest remaining of Atlantic forest in the planet - one of the most biodiverse biomes that exist. The subregion where I live is named after and bathed by the "Rio Sagrado" (Sacred River), a magnificent water body with a very rich cultural significance to the region (it has served as a safe zone for fleeing slaves). Well, the river and the entire bioregion is currently under the threat of a truly devastating railroad project which, to say the least is planned to cut through over 100 water springs! 

In face of that the local community (myself included) has been mobilizing to raise awareness of the issue and hopefully stop this madness (fueled by strong international forces). One of the ways we've been fighting this is through the seeking of the recognition of the sacred river as an entity of legal rights, who can manifest itself in court, against such threats. And to illustrate what this would look like, I've been developing this AI (LLM) powered avatar for the river, which could maybe serve as its human-relatable voice. An existing prototype of such avatar is available here. It has been fine-tuned with over 20 scientific papers on the Sacred River watershed.

And right now myself and other are mobilizing to manifest the conditions/resources to develop a next version of the avatar, which would include remote sensing capacities so the avatar is directly connected to the river and can possibly write full scientific reports on its physical properties (i.e. water quality) and the surrounding biodiversity. In fact, myself and 3 other members of the WildLabs community have just applied to the WildLabs Grant program in order to accomplish that. Hopefully the results are positive.

Finally, it's worth mentioning that our mobilization around providing an expression medium for the river has been multimodal, including the creation of a shortfilm based on theatrical mobilizations we did during a fest dedicated to the river and its surrounding more-than-human communities. You can check that out here:


Let's chat if any of that catches your interest!


Hi Danilo. you seem very passionate about this initiative which is a good start.
It is an interesting coincidence that I am starting another project for the coral reefs in the Philipines which also requires water analytics so I can probably work on both projects at the same time.

Let's that have a call and discuss, will send you a pm with my contact details

There is a tech glitch and I don't get email notifications from here.

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Seeking Host Organisations for Travel Scholarship Application

Hi all,I'm Eva, a final year undergraduate studying Joint Honours Biology and Geography at the University of St Andrews.  I've recently joined the WildLabs community in...

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Hi Eva, 

Me and my colleagues run a small NGO based on Yogyakarta in Indonesia, although our projects are spread around the country. One of our active project is working with the movement ecology of Sunda gharials in Berbak-Sembilang National Park. One of the other is for Malayan Giant Turtle conservation using one-plan approach, which we are planning to start in situ phase. We can't give you promise about anything, but are able to be the host organization and would love to talk the opportunity!



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Thomas D Sisk Graduate Fellowship

Northern Arizona University, School of Earth and Sustainability is searching for a candidate to take up a unique fully funded Masters opportunity (upgradeable to PhD depending on performance and fund-raising) at the...

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