discussion / Citizen Science  / 28 April 2023

Bluspark - Integrated management platefmorm for protected areas

Hello all!


Bluspark is a plateform that allows natural area managers such as natural parks or reserves to optimize their day to day operations. We connect stakeholders of the area (visitors, local communities, rangers/guides/..., workers, agencies, politics..) around a set of very operational tools. 


Through an app or on computer, we propose:

- A mapping of actives and operations withing the area

- A collaborative interface with the ecossystem, that allows its members (visitors, local communities, agents, outsourced companies, public agencies...) to alert on situations needing the atention of area managers

- A troubleshouting system that distributes thoses alerts (maintenances needed, poaching, panning, fire...) to the right people/organizations to acelerate solutions

- A solutioning system that informs the ecossystem on how the issue is being tackled

- A tool to organize field operational routine (controls, preventive fires, maintenances...) and to collect specific data

- A module of statistics and help to decision making, alimented with all this data

- ...


I recently turned our platform, which was initially designed for urban realities, to the park management reality (in 2022 we started implementing in some natural areas in Brasil). It has an offline mode, we can customize it so it adapts to local realities and organization etc. I'm quite curious about the existing and similar (or not) tools for preservation area management in the world. I'd be happy to share more information on our system, and to learn more from this community on how area managers tend to digitalize their activities around the world :)

