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Description Activity Replies Groups Updated
I am working on that too haha. So in my design you load the glue gun with two part Loctite, it has two separate metal rings. Glue and hardener in each ring. Then each ring has a...
  • +23
Biologging 3 days 10 hours ago
Thanks, and that's a match! All these pictures are from a lab experiment and formated with AmphIdent. We took weekly belly pictures of several larvae. The aim of this google...
Camera Traps, Data management and processing tools, Software and Mobile Apps 3 days 14 hours ago
Hey Sol, No problem at all. Depending on your configuration, the Audiomoth software would have to work on a PCB with an ESP32 chip which is the unit on the audiomoth/...
Acoustics, AI for Conservation, Data management and processing tools, Emerging Tech, Sustainable Fishing Challenges 4 days 6 hours ago
Hi, this is pretty interesting to me. I plan to fly a drone over wild areas and look for invasive species incursions. So feral hogs are especially bad, but in the Everglades there...
AI for Conservation, Camera Traps, Open Source Solutions, Software and Mobile Apps 4 days 8 hours ago
Hi Soumya ,  Interested to know if you are pursuing distance education in ML while at your current job. I would love to hear more about your journey on course specifics...
  • +12
Community Base, Early Career 5 days 8 hours ago
Totally agree.Inititally sceptical until I saw Helena and Graeme were involved.MJ
Acoustics, Citizen Science, Community Base, Human-Wildlife Conflict 5 days 23 hours ago
Gotcha, well I look forward to seeing future iterations and following along with your progress!! 
Autonomous Camera Traps for Insects, AI for Conservation, Emerging Tech, Open Source Solutions 6 days 12 hours ago
I'll find you some. Just organising all of our stock of these.
  • +9
Biologging 6 days 13 hours ago
Hi @Frank_van_der_Most,great point and I will address this in my little talk next week.Greetings from Austria,Robin
  • +11
Community Base 6 days 17 hours ago
I got assistance. super grateful!
Climate Change, Community Base, East Africa Community, Conservation Tech Training and Education 1 week ago
More cool things surrounding the Mothbox project keep happening! Here’s a recap of cool developments over the past month!New Teammate! Bri...
Autonomous Camera Traps for Insects 1 week ago
Hi folks!@Chelsea_Smith from Fauna & Flora joined last month's variety hour to share more about Fauna & Flora's work with...
Remote Sensing & GIS, Data management and processing tools, Protected Area Management Tools 1 week 1 day ago