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Description Activity Replies Groups Updated
Hi Bill,I don't believe I will need them to be extremely accurate, but will need a good degree of accuracy for some behavioral classification and habitat use analyses. In regards...
Biologging 2 months 3 weeks ago
Hi, I have used a commercial company for drone work for my PhD and they were willing to give me a significant discount for research purposes. One thing to consider is that in SA a...
  • +2
Drones, East Africa Community 2 months 3 weeks ago
Thank you! This is encouraging. It's also nice to know that Saul is approachable for problem-solving issues.
Data management and processing tools 2 months 3 weeks ago
Am working on similar AI challenge at the moment. Hoping to translate my workflow to wolves in future if needed. We all are little overstretched but it there is no pressing...
Camera Traps, AI for Conservation, Build Your Own Data Logger Community, Data management and processing tools, Marine Conservation, Protected Area Management Tools, Remote Sensing & GIS 2 months 3 weeks ago
Hello WILDLABS Community!I work on the development of the hardware for networks of fixed radio receivers that are used to detect...
Data management and processing tools 2 months 3 weeks ago
I have fixed Bushnell TrophyCam IR windows with plastic cut from the bottom of a supermarket fruit package. Any thin, clear plastic will be OK. I stuck it in with silicone, but...
Camera Traps 2 months 3 weeks ago
Real nice video. I'll have another look in the weekend in detail.
  • +10
Acoustics, Community Base, Protected Area Management Tools, Remote Sensing & GIS, Sensors 2 months 3 weeks ago
Hi!I would take a look at Although developed for camera trap imagery, it is by no means restricted to such.Cheers,Lars 
Camera Traps, Community Base, Data management and processing tools, Drones, Emerging Tech, Remote Sensing & GIS, Software and Mobile Apps 2 months 3 weeks ago
I’ve used the things network before. It was developed in the Netherlands. The things network can be seen like an ISP. TTN just developed their ISP so to speak.I'd be happy to chat...
Connectivity 2 months 3 weeks ago
Hi @ThomasGray_Argos, @YvanSG  and @hjayanto,Thank you all for getting in touch. Luckily the Cat Island Institute via YME Bahamas got in touch and prepared an expedition to...
Biologging 2 months 3 weeks ago
When it comes to long-range communication in the jungle, it can be challenging due to the dense vegetation that can obstruct radio waves....
Acoustics, Connectivity 2 months 3 weeks ago
 I would recommend going with Ubiquity 2.4Ghz devices which have performed relatively well in dense foliage of the California Redwood forests. It took a lot of tweaking to...
Acoustics, AI for Conservation, Connectivity, Open Source Solutions 2 months 3 weeks ago