discussion / Remote Sensing & GIS  / 17 April 2024

Fauna & Flora: Bridging geospatial data and people together for enhanced conservation management

Hi folks!

@Chelsea_Smith from Fauna & Flora joined last month's variety hour to share more about Fauna & Flora's work with geospatial data. I invited her along as I thought it might be interesting to hear from within one of the big NGOs about how their tech teams work, and she delivered! It was great to hear about all the work their team is doing. 

Chelsea is keen to hear from anyone how has worked with high resolution spatial imagery to produce land cover maps, so if this is you, please give Chelsea a shout! 

Flagged during the talk: 

May be helpful, some work by Connected Conservation here: https://connectedconservation.foundation/news/unlocking-the-power-of-satellite-imagery-for-nature-conservation/