
Sensors / Feed

Want to talk about sensors that don't quite fit into any of our tech-specific groups? This is the place to post! From temperature and humidity to airflow and pressure sensors, there are many environmental sensing tools that can add valuable data to core conservation monitoring technologies. With the increasing availability of low-cost, open-source options, we've seen growing interest in integrating these kinds of low bandwidth sensors into existing tools. What kinds of sensors are you working with?


Tusk Conservation Lecture 2018: Ted Schmitt

Tusk are delighted to announce that their Tusk Conservation Lecture 2018 speaker will be Ted Schmitt of Vulcan Inc, Paul G Allen Philanthropies. He will speak about advancing Innovation in conservation, a talk that will...

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Next Generation Animal Tracking Ideation Challenge

NASA Tournament Lab
NASA and The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) have launched the Next Generation Animal Tracking Ideation Challenge, seeking your ideas for how to use emerging SmallSat/CubeSat technology along with other Space,...

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Ocean Hack: San Francisco, 10-11th September, 2018

One Ocean Collab
A 48 hr pop up innovation lab for the ocean, bringing together a mix of designers, strategists, technologists, engineers, scientists, marine conservationists, educators, artists and buisness talent to co-create...

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Thermal Sensor Project Update: Testing with live animals at the San Diego Zoo

Arribada Initative
The winners of our Human Wildlife Conflict Tech Challenge are offering regular updates throughout the year to chronicle their failures, successes and what they learn along the way as they develop their solutions. In...

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Hi Anne!Interesting with the vaccum seal issue!When looking at the sensor comparison images, it seems like there is not only a difference in noise (or SNR). The Heimann 80x64 also...
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HWC Tech Challenge: Smart Electric Fence Solution

Shadowview Foundation
As people continue to move into natural habitats, conflicts between human beings and wildlife continue to rise. Although there are a number of early-detection systems and tools in place to prevent human-wildlife...

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HWC Tech Challenge: Thermopile Sensor Project

Arribada Initative
Conflict between humans and wildlife is increasing as human communities expand and wild habitats are destroyed, prompting need for new mitigation techniques.  As a winner of the Human Wildlife Conflict Tech Challenge,...

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Eddy Expedition Log: Chasing Eddies

Elisha Wood-Charlson
This month, we're following along with the scientists and engineers from the Simons Collaboration on Ocean Processes and Ecology (SCOPE) and the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) who working together to...

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What technologies could help us monitor cave invertebrates?

How can we measure and monitor the biodiversity of caves in a non-destructive manner without having to visit every day or even every month?  We, the IUCN...

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Hi Tony, I'm leading a cross disciplinary group of researchers at Deakin University in Australia to build new technology for monitoring wildlife and engage citizen scientists with collecting data. 

We have designed a video trap for monitoring reptiles and amphibians, that uses constant video and has some on-board AI to not save video with nothing in it. Works day and night (UV illumination at night), but uses a lot of power so we have a battery and solar panel arrangement. I expect this could be easily adapted to monitor cave fauna.  Let me know if you already have a solution or want to discuss idea further.

Don Driscoll

[email protected]

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Thermal imaging scopes

I have rad the threads already posted and I was wandering if people have had experiences with thermal scopes. I have seen them range from AU$600 to above and beyond $30K. My...

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Hi Luke, 

I'll leave specific recommendations to others who are better qualified ( @Eric+Becker @Rachel+Kramer or @Alasdair - maybe you can advise?) but I did come across something yesterday that may be relevant. 

There is a live GroupGets campaign on at the moment (2 days left) for DIY-theromocam kits - not a scope but could do the trick if your budget is restricted as it's under $300 and you're willing to dabble in DIY? 

DIY-Thermocam Kit (Round 12)

The DIY-Thermocam is a do-it-yourself infrared camera, based on the FLIR Lepton long-wave infrared sensor and the popular Teensy 3.6 ARM Cortex M4 MCU. 

The aim of this project is to give private persons, educational institutes and companies access to a portable, affordable and customizable thermal imaging plattform.

There are various applications like finding heat leaks in the insulation of buildings, the analysis of electrical or mechanical components, the detection of persons / animals or even mounting it on a drone, together with the additional video out module.

Constructed as a self-assembly solution, the DIY-Thermocam allows you to take advantage of the versatile possibilities of thermal imaging and to save money at one go.

Everything, from software to hardware, is completely open-source. This allows everyone to modify or extend the functionalities of the device to their own needs.

GroupGets does now offer a complete self-assembly kit, so you don't have to worry about buying all the parts on your own.

scientific paper is also available, giving an overview about the whole project and its capabilities.

Update: haraldg has written a nice set of tools for post-processing the thermal raw data files. Check it out here. He also published a short article about manual calibration here.

Hi @Luke_edwards - I just had a chat with my colleagues @Eric+Becker and @ColbyLoucks at WWF who will get back to you with some recommendations from experience with the thermal scopes that we've explored for anti-poaching (FLIR TK and SCOUT III). 

Great to see that you're pairing conservation dogs and thermal imaging for wildlife surveys in Australia. In order to select the most cost-effective thermal imaging scope for your needs, it's important to know the range that you require, density of vegetation and size of the species you are monitoring. Can you share a bit more information on your parameters? 

The current project is in open plains. From a handler perspective the distance will be from 20m -100m. I will be working at night so it will be looking for me target, the Plains Wanderer, a small bird. Also it would be used to see other native and domestic animals in the area.

Other projects range from open plains through to rain forests. 

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The Plant-Powered Camera Trap Challenge

Alasdair Davies
Are you an architect, engineer, designer or a scientist? Can you design and manufacture a prototype open source plant-BES (bio electrochemical system) to power a camera trap and environmental sensors in tropical forests...

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Eddy Expedition Log: Setting Off to Explore Eddies

Elisha Wood-Charlson
If you have ever flown over the Pacific and looked down from the window seat, the water seems still. Viewed from this distance, the water appears stagnant with unmoving dashes of waves. This picture strikes discordantly...

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#Tech4Wildlife Photo Challenge 2018: Our Top 10

Hundreds of people joined our #Tech4Wildlife photo challenge this year, showcasing all the incredible ways tech is being used to support wildlife conservation. We've seen proximity loggers on Tasmanian Devils in...

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Technology Empowered Conservation Lecture Series

Paul Jepson
New technological forces look set to transform biodiversity science. This series will showcase and discuss cutting-edge applications happening in Oxford and beyond. It is guaranteed to inspire and challenge. 

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Instant Detect 2.0: A Connected Future for Conservation

Sam Seccombe
‘The Field’… Say the words ‘The Field’ to a group of conservationists and it will immediately conjure up vivid memories of everything from sticky wet rainforests to burning dusty deserts. What’s more, it’s almost...

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Congratulations to Zoohackathon winners, team ODINN!

Zoological Society of London
Following the UK Government’s landmark announcement of plans to introduce a complete ban on the domestic trade in ivory, it was fitting that a new machine learning product designed to tackle the supply end of this...

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FIT Cheetahs

Larissa Slaney
A new research project is looking to investigate whether technology combined with the ancient skills and knowledge of Namibian trackers can help save cheetahs from extinction. Called FIT Cheetahs, the research project...

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I’m sure you are all aware of the different open source hardware that has become available. These are lightweight small computers that are designed to allow anyone from...

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Pi Zero get a little upgrade... Anyone need a camera trap?



Hi All,


just sharing this for all those Raspberry Pi beginners like me, 91% off a training bundle


Also if you are still looking for a solution this was published earlier this year and gives recommendations for soundscape microphones : 

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HWC Tech Challenge Winners Announced

We are delighted to announce that British conservation technologist Alasdair Davies and the Dutch team of Laurens de Groot and Tim van Dam from the ShadowView Foundation are the winners of the first international Human...

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