
Acoustics / Feed

Acoustic monitoring is one of our biggest and most active groups, with members collecting, analysing, and interpreting acoustic data from across species, ecosystems, and applications, from animal vocalizations to sounds from our natural and built environment


Getting up close and personal with Antarctica's orcas

Jamie Morton
In this case study, Science Reporter Jamie Morton tells the story of how Kiwi scientists are teaming up with a local underwater robotics company to gain world-first insights into the lives of whales in Antarctica.

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Recording problems with Audiomoths

Hi guys I'm currently in Mauritius where I've done acoustic monitoring of Mormopterus acetabulosus for the last couple of months, trying to figure out what habitats it...

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Hi David

Thank you for your answer. I'm using 2000mAh Fujitsu R06 batteries. When configuring the AudioMoths, daily energy consumption is said to be 72mAh. The batteries should last for at least 20 days. I've never had them deployed for more than seven days straight (and they even did the zero lenght files at deployment for only three days). Maybe the energy consumption calculator in the configuration program is faulty?

Where can I find the firmware?


Information and links to the new firmware and the app is here   Note: there is a possiblilty of the update failing and the recovery proceedure is here

With batteries it is also to do with voltage decay as well as power. There was a discussion Nov 2017 about voltage limits and it was said that SD cards get a bit twitchy at less than 3.3v but the rest will still be operating at around 3v - I can't find any data on R06 however in general voltage drop is influenced by temperature, dicharge rate, age/no of recharges etc etc - your are right it may not the batteries but there is a possibility it might hence my suggestion.

I'd suggest also posting on the AudioMoth support forum, to see if anyone else has seen this issue and has a fix.


David B

Forgot to say - if you are having trouble reformatting SDcards on Windows- the project suggests this programme

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3D printed audiomoth cases

Hi, I've made an initial attemp to design a 3D printed case for an audiomoth (with 3 x AAA battery pack) and have made it available on the thingiverse (https://www....

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Ocean Hack: San Francisco, 10-11th September, 2018

One Ocean Collab
A 48 hr pop up innovation lab for the ocean, bringing together a mix of designers, strategists, technologists, engineers, scientists, marine conservationists, educators, artists and buisness talent to co-create...

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The 2018 Ecoacoustics Congress Wrap-up

Anthony Truskinger
Last month, the 2018 Ecoacoustics Congress was held in Brisbane. Bringing together scientists, natural resource managers, industry and artists, participants explored the ways that sound can deepen our understanding of...

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Audiomoth Group Purchase (Round 3)

Hi everyone, We are really pleased to see that there is more demand for yet another Audiomoth group purchase! We wanted to let you all know that a third purchase is...

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Hi all,

Do to the success of Round 3 (hitting its target 15 days early and reaching the stock limit) we have started to explore the possibility of launching a 4th round, with a shorter time frame (probably 15 days) and with a limit of 250 devices. This will all come down to component stock, and finding it, so we'll update you next week (16th April) once we have confirmed it's possible.

Kind regards,


Quick update from @alasdair - 'The 4th round of AudioMoth will go live Mon 30th April and there will be 250 made available. This has been made possible as we need to manufacture all those from round 3 and 4 at the same time whilst we await a stock re-order of a component.' 

Alasdair has promised to post the time it goes live as it's bound to fill up quickly, given how fast the third round sold out. Stay tuned!



Hi Stephanie, thanks for the update above. We will be doing two things this week to support the community. To meet the demand from Round 3 we require an essential component (MOSFET) and so we are planning to;

1) contact the 110 backers from this round (3) to ascertain how many have field trip deadlines and work with CircuitHub, the manufacturer, to see what's possible to meet deadlines - i.e identifiying other stockists of the missing component, or possibly an advanced run with the stock available now for those with an urgent deadline.

2) Launching a 4th Round on Monday 30th April with 250 devices available. This will have a shorter run time of 14 days and is possible as it will end shortly before the delivery of the stock needed to complete orders from both round 3 and 4, allowing us to help those who couldn't get in to round 3.

All the best,

Alasdair | Arribada Initiative

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#Tech4Wildlife Photo Challenge 2018: Our Top 10

Hundreds of people joined our #Tech4Wildlife photo challenge this year, showcasing all the incredible ways tech is being used to support wildlife conservation. We've seen proximity loggers on Tasmanian Devils in...

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Group purchasing of the AudioMoth (Round 2) is now live

Hi everyone, We've started the second group purchase of the AudioMoth. It's running from the 7th of Dec 2017 - 7th of Jan 2018. Delivery will be the...

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Hi everyone, we have received an update from GroupGets on the shipping of the second group purchase. 

'Quick update everyone. The boards are scheduled to ship to us from Circuit Hub on Feb 12. We will promptly ship out once we have them. The lead-time slipped due to the large amount of orders. Thanks for being patient!'

For those with small orders, your order will come to us at Arribada first and we will ship out from here. This greatly reduces the import taxes to you but will mean a small wait.

By taking part in this group purchase you have hugely reduced the cost per device for everyone involved. Thanks so much for your patience.

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Technology Empowered Conservation Lecture Series

Paul Jepson
New technological forces look set to transform biodiversity science. This series will showcase and discuss cutting-edge applications happening in Oxford and beyond. It is guaranteed to inspire and challenge. 

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Bird Bioacoustics

Hi,  myself and colleagues organised a workshop last July on developing bioacoustic techniques for bird survey and monitoring.  The presentations from the meeting are...

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Hi Carlos and others working on bird bioacoustics, 

@SteffenOppel flagged a new issue of Avian Conservation and Ecology that might be of interest as it nicely intersects with what you were looking at in your workshop and follow up survey. This issue is about Advancing bird population monitoring with acoustic recording technologies, and is available here. 

Presumably you've closed the survey now, did you get useful feedback from it that complements the information collected from delegates? What are your next steps for this work? 



Thanks for that Steph - and for the link in included.  A good set of papers there, and the review by Shonfield & Bayne on 'current use and future application' is really useful.

The SurveyMonkey should still be open for people to add to - and some good additional feedback has already been gained on my initial proposals for a survey protocol.  The next step for me is get this written up and published in CIEEMs In Practice in the next couple of months.

All the best,  Carlos

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Group purchase of the AudioMoth from Open Acoustic Devices imminent

Hi everyone, It has become apparent that a number of us (ZSL / Institute of Zoology / UCL / NGOs / independent PhD students etc...) each need about 50 - 100 AudioMoths for...

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HI Alasdair,

pardon me if this is irrelevant, do you know any device which we can use to record low frequencies like sounds of elephants etc? I don't think AudioMoth is capable. I'm just trying to find such a device/technology. 

kind regards!


Hi everyone,

Good news! The second group purchase is going live this week. We've been preparing things with GroupGets to get it live, so I'll post the link to the campaign for those who want to get their hands on a device. I may start a new thread for the second round as this one is getting a tad long.

@nilaksha - do you have a specific frequency range you'd like to target in regards to your elephant research? The AudioMoth may already be capable if you can let us know your target.

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Acoustics for Human-Wildlife Conflict Prevention, Anti-poaching, and more

Dear friends, We made some noteworthy progress with our SERVAL-sensor, which stands for: Sound Events Recognition for Vigilance and Localisation. As the recognition-part...

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Hi Chris,

thx for sharing your ideas. We indeed cracked the problem of recognitizing sound types and to deploy a trained convolutional network model on a RPi. The information we process includes dB-levels per audio band, thus, yes, that is also possible on a RPi.

The current version of the sensor can 'talk' LoRa and GPRS, but that was the easy part. If necessary, we can install a local LoRa-network. We have our own one running around our office. 

Power consumption is the actually the limiting factor in terms of for which problems you can or cannot apply the SERVAL technology. We are developing it to mitigate HWC-situations, as these are by definition within the zone between nature and culturalized land. Power is less of a problem in these zone, because we can detect elephant rumbles and tiger roars on several km's distance.

Thus, the sensor is ready, but the data processing and learning is not. At this moment we are searching for funds or volunteers to help us process the recordings. Once that work is completed, we are ready for the field ;-)

sign me up as a volunteer!


Being a Cornell grad, I have a Raven Pro license.

agreed, power is everything. Again, with the GPU-accelerated FFTs, is it perhaps possible to run the algorithms on an RPI A, or perhaps even a Zero? Or is this done via Raven batch mode?

I'm quite interested to acoustically detecting human activity in general; i.e. trucks, motorcycles, gunshots, chainsaws, and with hydrophones, motorboats, but also collect/harvest vast amounts of data in super-remote places for TEAM, as per: , and generally target the SMART folks of:  I'll be at the World Bank in a few weeks for:  , with the goal being to find a sponser to pilot this sort of thing for biodiversity monitoring.

(and while we're burning power, perhaps discriminating bipeds vs quadrupeds visually, as per:, ..?)

Anyway, extremely good to find you.

How can I participate?


Great. Let's continue our discussion that through Skype ;-) My skype name is jkschakel and you can email me at [email protected]

I'm available on Tuesday or Wednessday night (Amsterdam time) or Thursday. Could you please send me an email with your skype name and some cv or whatever for me to orientate?

To answer your other questions:

- Yes, we do use Raven (light) to extract the sound samples.

- No, we don't use raven on the RPi, and because it has to analyse sounds in realtime, the Zero is (currently) not powerful enough.  

- crunshing and analysing the numbers is done on the RPi, but we bypass visualisation. The output is a numerical class (representing e.g. chainsaw, elephant at circa 1000m, etc) which is transmitted to the rangers.

- We certainly share our interests - let's see how we can join forces. We have cracked the techno aspects and know how to create the model, but have not yet found a sponsor to fund that labour. Help in terms of funds or hands-on time is highly appreciated!

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HWC Tech Challenge Update: Meet the Judges

Our panel of international experts has been hard at work reviewing the 47 proposals we recieved for innovative technological tools to address human wildlife conflict. The panelists have systematically been assessing the...

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Imagery request

Hi All, Does anyone have some acoustic monitoring imagery they would be willing to share? Imagery will be used for best practice guidelines and supporting website, and will be...

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Hey Paul, 

Emma and Paige have also given the go ahead to use their photos, they also have some other photos you might be able to use! 

@WILDLABSNET Absolutely, I'd be more than happy to help. I've got lots of photographs from my acoustic monitoring projects. Thanks!

— Emma Checkley (@EmmaCheckley11) March 8, 2017

@WILDLABSNET Yeah, I've definitely got some of those lying around!

— Paige A. Byerly (@paigebyerly) March 8, 2017



Hi - is this still needed, as I'm sure we could provide something relating to birds, bats and cetaceans?


Thanks,  Carlos

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New R package: 'soundecology'

In a recent review about future directions in soundscape ecology I came across a new R package called 'soundecology', which might have some promising features. For...

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Thanks for that tip-off, I'd not seen that paper before. One of the speakers at my bird bioacoustics meeting in July covered soundscape ecology, with some interesting data comparisons of the different metrics.  His presentation is on our website if you would like a copy?

Also, I've just emailed Danile Hayhow about the work on capercaillie I've been doing in 2016 & 2017- recording lekking calls to see if an activity index compares with standard survey methods.  I'd be very keen to talk this over with yourselves at the RSPB in preparing the journal publication, as it will incorporate the survey data from 2017 collected by RSPB Scotland staff.

Thanks, Carlos



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Elephant communication translation

Good morning! I just came across this exciting elephant communication platform. It is from DSWT, utilizing decades of elephant research, and allows people to write human...

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Wow, this would be amazing to continue on with the years of data I have from tigers! I understand their social lives are very different but it would be interesting to see what other species could be highlighted on a platform like this.

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