discussion / Acoustics  / 16 October 2017

Bird Bioacoustics

Hi,  myself and colleagues organised a workshop last July on developing bioacoustic techniques for bird survey and monitoring.  The presentations from the meeting are available here: 


We've also just produced some feedback from questionnaires that delegates filled in on the day - and are looking for any extra input from these - particularly in relation to our initial proposals for draft survey guidance.  If you are interested, it would be great if you could take a look at our SurveyMonkey (which is short and won't take long) - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/T9C2FTT

Thanks,  Carlos

Hi Carlos and others working on bird bioacoustics, 

@SteffenOppel flagged a new issue of Avian Conservation and Ecology that might be of interest as it nicely intersects with what you were looking at in your workshop and follow up survey. This issue is about Advancing bird population monitoring with acoustic recording technologies, and is available here. 

Presumably you've closed the survey now, did you get useful feedback from it that complements the information collected from delegates? What are your next steps for this work? 



Thanks for that Steph - and for the link in included.  A good set of papers there, and the review by Shonfield & Bayne on 'current use and future application' is really useful.

The SurveyMonkey should still be open for people to add to - and some good additional feedback has already been gained on my initial proposals for a survey protocol.  The next step for me is get this written up and published in CIEEMs In Practice in the next couple of months.

All the best,  Carlos