discussion / Acoustics  / 30 December 2018

Recording problems with Audiomoths

Hi guys

I'm currently in Mauritius where I've done acoustic monitoring of Mormopterus acetabulosus for the last couple of months, trying to figure out what habitats it prefers for foraging. I've been using 10 audiomoths for this (one got stolen, though). First off they worked perfectly, but recently I've been having some problems with them. They give out zero-data files and do not record properly. 

I found that the SD-cards appeared to be full in some of them (even though I delete all the wav-files when I've transferred them to my harddrive) and so I reformatted them (to MS-DOS (FAT32)).  This helped a bit, and now some of them record properly again, yet only about half. 

I record at 96kHz from 19:00-23:00 with a medium gain for three consecutive nights and then I take the audiomoths home, transfer the files and charge the batteries before redeploying them. They're deployed in waterproof membrane boxes. 

Why are they not working? What can I do to make them work? 

Thank you.


Alexander Holm

I've had issues with zero lenght files when my batteries get low - how about trying a unit that didn't work and fitting it with good alkalines to see if the batteries are the issue - there is also new firmware just releeased that is designed to improved file writing.