
Human-Wildlife Conflict / Feed

Human-wildlife conflict is a significant challenge that only grows as habitats shrink and other issues like climate change alter the natural world. Technologies like biologging gear have become essential for proactively addressing human-wildlife conflict before it escalates, and tech projects that seek to understand population ranges and behaviour can help people learn to live with wildlife as part of our own environments. If you're interested in using technology to prevent human-wildlife conflict, this group is the place for you!


Technology Showroom of Artificial Intelligence (AI) aided Elephant Early Warning Systems

Hello, I’m in the process of setting up a Technology Showroom in Classic Village, Pannimadai, Coimbatore, South India,  highlighting the various types of Artificial...

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Hi @Tim+Vedanayagam 

Thank you for posting this. I'd be happy to contribute to the thermal sensing work under way. Can you confirm - have you built a thermal AI model and trained / labelled data for a particular camera?

We have been training a model for low cost (Lepton 3.5) thermal cameras via a challenge with WWF / Wildlabs and have 30,000 labelled images as our training dataset of Asian elephants. We're focusing on Deeplabel and YOLO with a plan to port to Tensorflow and it will be open source, so applicable for others to use and adopt in their early warning systems that use thermal.

More info here -

Kind regards,


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#Tech4Wildlife 2020 Photo Challenge In Review

2020 marked our fifth year holding our annual #Tech4Wildlife Photo Challenge, and our community made it a milestone to remember. Conservationists took to Twitter last week to share their best high-tech snapshots from...

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Call for Nominations: Tusk Conservation Awards

The 2020 Tusk Awards are now accepting nominations of outstanding individuals who have made a significant impact on conservation in Africa. These nominations offer the rare and exciting opportunity to honor your peers...

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Fence-Based Elephant Early Warning System

Technology is rapidly changing the way communities monitor wildlife movement and prevent or mitigate human-wildlife conflict. This case study from Appiko delves into field testing of the open source sensor warning...

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HWC Tech Challenge Update: Thermal Elephant Alert System

Anne Dangerfield
The Arribada Initiative is back with an update on their thermal elephant alert system which aims to reduce human-elephant conflict (HEC). The success of their system rests on the ability of a camera to accurately...

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AI powered mobile app to save snakes

Hi, I'm currently working on a solution to save snakes from humans by helping humans to identify whether a particular snake is venomous or not. The idea came into my mind...

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Hi Nilaksha,

Interesting idea.  My ideas are usually not that helpful, but I thought I would chime in with the following:

(1) Start small and local, this will help reduce the size of the training data set you will need.  So if you can work with a specific set of communities in a particular area that has a known set of snake species, both venemous and non-venemous, you only need images for those species and you won't need as many.

(2) iNaturalist has a pretty decent database (not thousands, but hundreds) of identified images.  I have no idea what the restrictions would be around getting access to the database, but this is a Citizen Science organization, so I don't THINK it should be too complicated, especially if your initial scope is limited.

(3) Venemous snakes need "love" too.  PLEASE make sure the app does not encourage the locals to kill the venemous snakes unless absolutely necessary.  While it is admirable to prevent the accidental killing of a non-venemous snake, you shoudl not be encouraging the purposeful killing of the venemous snakes, but should be encouraging people to stay clear if the snake is in the wild and get professional assistance if the snake somewhere that could be dangerous to humans or other animals.

(4) Look into organizations like the Rainforest Aliance, OpenAI, etc., which are non-profits doing work in or with AI, they might be able to help give you a leg up.

(5) If you start local, you could build into the app the contact information for the professionals to come in and deal with the dangerous snakes.

Hopefully some of this is useful.

Good luck,


Thanks Drue for your valuable input.

This is certainly not to encourage killing venomouse snakes. We can actually incorporate the featurs you pointed out to save venomouse snakes as well. Ideally we can let the user know how to deal with a venomouse snake and whome to contact if he/she needs professional assistance. 

Thanks again.


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Tech In the Wild: Where technology meets conservation

Fauna & Flora
Join FFI on Wednesday 25 September for our AGM and a special presentation aiming to explore the range of tech projects we currently engage in, and a look to the future to see what technological advances could mean for...

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Conservation and Technology Conference

Bat Conservation Trust
The Bat Conservation Trust is hosting a one-day conference exploring conservation and technology for all wildlife (not just bats!) at the University of Nottingham this fall. The conference will bring together wildlife...

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Makerspaces to empower communities to develop/refine their own solutions to HEC

Does anyone know of or have experience in setting up 'makerspaces' or similar innovation centres in forest areas, with the aim of empowering communities to develop/...

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You should talk to @hikinghack ; also take a look here.



Hi Aditya, 

If you haven't already found it, you should check out our last virtual meetup, it was all about tools and spaces for collaboration and we featured a number of members who have set up and are working on conservation focused makerspaces. You can watch in and connect to the members featured here



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Caught in the crossfire – Tapirs in tiger territory

Tim Knight
It is common knowledge that the illegal trade in tiger bones and body parts poses a grave threat to the remaining populations of Asia’s most iconic big cat. But this grisly business also has a detrimental impact on...

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HWC Tech Challenge: Smart Parks field update

Smart Parks
As a winner of the Human Wildlife Conflict Tech Challenge, Smart Parks is working in partnership with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and WILDLABS to develop a smart solution that uses the power of the Internet of...

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Tech for Rewilding Conflicts

Hi Folks. Wondering if anyone can suggest some specific tech to reduce conflicts from potential spp reintroduction and livestock for trophic species, in particular golden and...

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Hi Laurens,

Would be great to connect. Sent you a mesage directly. 



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Foxlight to deter pumas, but how about Andean foxes?

Hi everyone, Another interesting article on Mongabay recently about human-wildilfe conflicts. This time on the use of Foxlights to reduce livestock depredation by pumas in...

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I agree Nilanga, definitely a good PhD topic. The case you raise with elephants is of great concern I imagine, as elephants standing their ground leads me to think of only the most dire of outcomes. With predators, I think a good deal of any successful implementation of aversive approaches also relies on their being sufficient alternative prey/habitat for predators to avoid livestock areas. The same is true for any non-lethal approaches IMO. If alternatives aren't available, it might be all the more difficult to dissuade predators. Is this similar for elephants in this case (i.e. do they actually have alternative sites/food sources nearby that aren't in conflict)? 

You are right, Rob, in that when aggressive behavior in elephants results from more aversive techniques, the outcomes are not great for either party. It's a tough spot to be in since elephants are also extremely intelligent and can find ways to get past most deterrents. Electric fencing, when managed properly and are functioning appropriately, have been proven to be the most effective in keeping elephants out of crop of human-inhabited areas. But then again, elephants also figure out how to either drop things on the fence and break the current or find other ways past such barriers. There is work being done in various places to restore habitat,fodder plant species, and water and mineral sources that would keep elephants out of human areas, but the whole dynamic is changing overall in the face of massive habitat loss and impediments to movement in the form of corridor blockage or disruption, etc. In addition to doing reactive things like prevention and mitigation measures, it's so important to work on the drivers/root causes of the conflict, such as habitat loss and fragmentation. So it's key to work at both levels for longer term solutions to this issue overall.

A very good summary all-round Nilanga. Only a wholistic approach can truly resolve conflict. 

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Mobile phones to reduce HWC

Hi all, We often think about complicated tools when people refer to the use of tech in conservation. But mobile phones can be highly valuable as well, as was proven in these...

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Citizen scientists to analyze HWC interventions

Hi all, I came accorss this interesting website of the organisation 'Bring the elephant home', which they use to involve sitizen scientists into their project on...

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Hi Femke,

At the Biological records Centre we have been tackling these issues for over 50 years! You are right to point out that with citizen scientists you can collect/review a lot of data in a relativly short period of time. Our iRecord system collect 1 million observations in 2018, and just look at how many people are reviewing images over in the zooniverse (check out snapshot serengeti).

You are also right to point our that without strict protocols, and with varying abilities, the use of citizen scientists can introduce biases, which often leads to the impression citizen science data is of lower quality. There are ways to account for this statistically when you are working on data collected in the field, and for those reviewing images online both the zooniverse and iSpot have systems in place, such as reputation and multiple reviews of a single image to reach consensus.

There is a good report on using citizen science here.



I agree with Tom's comments. A project I work with has used Zooniverse to identify animals in camera trap images, We include a field guide that helps reviewers with making trickier distinctions such as deer versus elk (challenging in partial views with IR images). We require each image to be identified by thirty reviewers before scoring it. That allows us to either be quite confident in an identification or to recognize it requires expert review. We have seen no examples of intentional misidentifications. The biggest problem is coming up with enough images to meet demand--some people will work for hours!

Thanks both for your comments, very interesting indeed! Also great to hear that so many people are eager to get involved in this kind of research and will participate with great enthusiasm.

Bets regards,

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The Ecosulis Rewilding Tech Challenge

With the aim of advancing rewildling-related technology in the UK and introducing new talent and ideas into the field of rewildling, Ecosulis is thrilled to announce the launch of their first ever Rewilding Tech...

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HWC Tech Challenge Update: Testing our prototype thermal cameras in the Arctic

Arribada Initative
Arribada just returned from their first thermal camera field trials in Greenland, where they tested the image quality and detection abilities of their chosen thermal sensors in an arctic climate, assessed their...

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Hi @adanger24 and @Alasdair !Do you have any news on progress with this project you can share?Cheers, Lars 
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