
Camera Traps / Feed

Looking for a place to discuss camera trap troubleshooting, compare models, collaborate with members working with other technologies like machine learning and bioacoustics, or share and exchange data from your camera trap research? Get involved in our Camera Traps group! All are welcome whether you are new to camera trapping, have expertise from the field to share, or are curious about how your skill sets can help those working with camera traps. 


ISO Alternatives Wanted: Reconyx HF2X HyperFire 2

Hi everyone, do you know of any cameras that are similar to the Reconyx HF2X HyperFire 2, but that might be a bit less expensive?

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Yes, contact me, please!


I am Daniele and I work with camera trapping research in the Mamirauá Institute for Sustainable Development (Amazonas state, Brazil).
We have used with Reconyx HyperFire since the beggining of our monitoring, but now we have a budget to buy new cameras and we are considering to purchase another models. I was looking for some information and saw your answer to this post. Could you please tell me that information on any "cameras that are similar to the Reconyx HyperFire, but that might be a bit less expensive"?
We are considering the Browning Patriot model.

Thank you,



There is this other WILDLABS discussion thread where tons of people provided input on their experiences with lots of different brands & models which may help. 

You might also want to check out the Conservation Tech Directory and search 'camera trap' for a list of suppliers/companies & the price range of their products. 

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Avian nest box monitoring 

Hi. I’m hoping there’s a guru out there who can advise on tech for monitoring conditions inside avian nest boxes? Links to data loggers and endoscopes they’ve used successfully...

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Maybe this is a starting point. Any idea if this product would work inside the box. Kestrel DROP D3 Wireless Temperature, Humidity & Pressure Data Logger  

I'd be interested in any camera monitoring setups that can be used inside a nest box. Most camera traps are too bulky for this purpose. All the devices I've looked at either need a wired connection or a wifi network to transmit images. I want one that can store all info to an SD card and preferably be solar powered. Obviously infrared or starlight sensitivity. Sound recording would be a bonus for some bird monitoring I want to do.

Done lots of this over the years and it depends on the species really. If you want incubation behaviour  and hence success or otherwise using temperature then the Thermocron IButton DS1921G is perfect. The new Blue Maestro is an option I became aware of this year but I haven't tested at scale.

In terms of cameras and endoscopes I've tailored many off the shelf products and built a few from scratch. When I get chance I'll have a look around and see what is still available.

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CamTrap Ecology meets AI conference

The first international workshop on camera traps & AI analysis for wildlife monitoring, including associated ecological & data collection methods. It runs as three live online sessions of expert talks, tutorials...

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River Otter Camera Traps

Hello! My name Is Britnee Cheney. I have started a new River Otter conservation program at the Aquarium I work at, and I'm having a hard time getting good clear videos of the...

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I am a Camera Trapper hobbyist. I have gotten some nice otter videos. You can see them on my you tube channel pheekin trail camera videos. There is nothing on the channel but 15 second videos of animals that I have filmed. I have several otter videos on the channel that I think are pretty good. I found a spot where beaver, mink, and otters were moving between a medium size river and a man made wetland. I set my cameras on the trails. The secret was getting the camera really low on the trees near the trails. If you look at the otter videos the camera is pointed toward the river, just offset of the trail. When placed at 90 degrees to the trail the otters moved too fast for a good video. When offset but looking toward the river, the otters see the camera but most animals still proceeded down the trail toward the wetland. It helped that the river bank was steep and when they got to the top they triggered the camera at the same time they saw the camera. The camera was a true dark flash so they see the camera has and object but do not see the flash. One warning when cameras are set low on a tree the camera really has to be locked in tight. Raccoon and coyote will investigate the camera and some will knock it.  Coyotes knocked out  of position three of the 4 cameras that I set. Thankfully I got the otters before they knocked the cameras. Hope this helps 

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Conservation Technology Research Internship

Boost cons tech capacity at an international NGO! Fauna & Flora International is offering a paid three-month internship to consolidate and share best practices for the application of emerging hardware and software...

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Download files through wifi/BT ?

Is there any camera or accessory that would let me download the SD files through wifi or bluetooth, thus not having to remove the camera to extract the SD? . Still, thereI...

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Lead Software Engineer, Wildlife Insights

Are you creative, love new challenges and have experience developing software? The Wildlife Insights team is hiring! Join a diverse team of ecologists, data scientists, engineers and machine learning experts to protect...

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Dealing with Cows whilst camera trapping

Morning everyone.I am having a big issue with cows knocking over camera traps and was hoping the wider group might be able to throw up some solutions. The project I am...

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Hi David,


Harold is correct. Cattle do like to use anything to scratch against. They are also pretty inquisitive.  

Cattle don't like shadows or flowing rubbish/ material. So attach a flag post near the camera or build a cage around it. Yet with a cage, cattle will most likely rub up against it. 

Never ending cycle of the scratching vs what you don't want moved


I like the idea of supplying them with a scratching post solution, I will look into that. Thorns/gorse is also a great idea. 

Thanks very much for the suggestions! I will let you know what works!


Hi Kim,

Thanks for the response. I think they can hear our cameras clicking when they are set off and they come to see what is happening so I would totally agree with the inquisitive cows!

I will try the flag idea as building cages is just not going to be practical with soil depth.


Thanks for the suggestion! 




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Can deep learning identify seabirds? (species, within-species, individual)

Hello everyone,I am looking for insight on the feasibility of identifying seabirds from photos taken at sea (such as these

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Update: I asked the same question on twitter so I'm sharing answers I got there:

Hi Yvan, 

I dropped this into the AI for Conservation slack group as well, you got this reply this morning: 


Hi Yvan,

If you find something which reaches your expectation and especially the ability to identify individual with plumage patterns I will be intereted.

In the same idea that Ultralytics, there is : 

Which could probably answer your first and second requirements.


And find here a great website showing all the IA-based camera software, you may find solutions or contact throw this list:

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Hardware Advice Needed: Cameras for seabird' nests

Hi everyone, I am part of a project about seabird conservation in Cape Verde Islands. We need to monitor tropicbird, Cap Verde petrel and other seabird’ nests, in order...

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Identify animal from Image

I am thankful to the members of Wildlabs net for giving us the right information to enable us to plan Bioacoustics solution implementation. It seems to be on track as of now....

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Hi Jitendra.

If they are still images, many people are using Megadetector to analyze their images. I'm not sure how it will do in species classification, but it can tell you if there are images of interest in the shots. Others here can probably give you more detailed instructions on how to use it to batch process camera trap images.


Have you considered creating a Kaggle competition? If you already have lots of images, and some that have been labelled, then this could be a good way to get people working on a solution

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Wolverine Data Technician

WCS Canada is seeking a Data Technician with a keen eye for detail to support its Wolverine Conservation Program. The Data Technician will be responsible for classifying wildlife photos taken with motion-sensor cameras...

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Camera Trap Image analyzer

How do I get started with trap tagger in analyzing camera trap data. Thanks in advance

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Hi Ann,

The best thing to do is contact Nic and Hannes directly:

They can provide you with an overview of the software and answer any questions you have. I've heard good things from a couple of others who have tried out TrapTagger.




Hello Matt,

Many thanks for your recommendation . I contacted Nic and we have planned a session where he will take me through the software.




Hi Kate,

I highly appreciate your feedback. I love your idea of using wild ID .I have registered for the wild ID and am looking forward to using it in future. I wont hesitate to contact you incase of any inquiries.

Many thanks,




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Time-lapse camera trap recomendations

Hello camera trap gurus, I am searching for recommendations for a cheap (<90USD), rugged, and durable time-lapse camera for studying glacial melt. I've already been...

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Wow, I'd not come across the Kilocam before. What a cool piece of kit! Not remotely helpful to your question sorry (I honestly don't know of a cheaper, better option anyway), but could be the basis of a very cheap, time-lapse camera-collar...

Hi Meredith

We used some cheap Browning trail cams to record grey seal behaviour on the Farne Islands over the last autumn as a timelapse. We recorded an image every 1 min during the pupping season, which you probably don't need not need to record glacial melt, and they performed brilliantly. The batteries (8 x Lithium AA) lasted the whole of the season, from Mid October until the end of December, but we had to periodically swap the 32Gb SD cards as they would fill up after about 3-4 weeks. We also had to tape over the movement detector as that function still works even when timelapse is in operation. 

At the end of the season, we switched to every 2 min to pick up the final waifs and strays and to get some info on the moult, but, due to logistical reasons, we didn't have the chance to replace the batteries, nor could we change the SD cards. Even so, one of the cameras lasted until mid April i.e. over 6 months on a single set of batteries. We only had one of the eight cameras break and that was because a seal went over the top of the camera wrenching it from is anchorage point and eventually into the sea! It did get washed up but was in a sorry state after all that!. The others were all working perfectly and were ready for the seabird season.

Happy to provide more info if you need it


Hi Meredith,

Here's a little more information about the Arribada cameras. They are solar powered and received enough power in the Antarctic winter continue photographing.  We programmed them to take an image every hour, which might frequent enough for you to monitor glacial ice. Even with 3 years of continuous monitoring, the memory card did not fill up. I think they are priced a little higher than 90 USD, but they can stand alone without maintenance for a long time. Depending on how remote your field site is, that might be beneficial.

We can send over some of the sea ice images we collected. They're fun and interesting to look at if nothing else.

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Floating mount/base for cameratrap?

We're monitoring a wetlands ecosystem and after losing some cameras to flooding and treefalls and being interested in detecting some of the swimmers (beavers, otters, etc.) while...

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@Rob_Appleby @Freaklabs 

I haven't tried anything like a floating mount for camera traps so would love to stay posted on how it goes. It would open up a lot of possibilities, but it sounds quite complicated too.

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How do you store your camera traps?

Hi folks: I'm looking for creative ideas for storing camera traps when they aren't in the field. I've got drawers in the lab, but the cameras become a bit of a tangled mess. Just...

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Hi Erika, 

Suggestions coming in over on Twitter: 

I store my Cameras in one gallon plastic bags with a zipper lock. Most cameras will fit in that size bag. There is a note card that goes in the bag, The note card lasts longer in the bag and does not smear which it will if you write on the outside and is very important if you are running a lot of cameras. You can make a nice note card with a word processor and lay out everything you want to note. The Notes can be whatever you want to track but the most useful is the brand and model, the date the camera was purchased, The Date it went into the storage bag, Notes on if the camera has been updated. The camera number, the password if the camera needs a password, The person who put the camera in the bag with their full name and the date, A note on how the camera did on it's last deployment, Camera works fine, YES, or whatever might be wrong is listed. I would also list any special features that the camera can perform, such has WIFI enable, Cell Camera, etc. I also make sure the Cameras number is easy to see on the card. When the cameras go out they should have a camera number on the inside of the camera so you can track it in your field notes and make sure all the bags come back from deployment so they are ready for when the cameras come back in from the field. 

The batteries are removed from the camera, When I bring a camera in from the field I test each battery with a  battery tester. If all the batteries are still good that information is noted on the bag card that the batteries were tested and their strength. Keeping the batteries with the camera keeps you from mixing batteries of various strengths. Remove any bad batteries and note if a new one has been added. If you decide to replace all the batteries, Note on the card that they are NEW and their strength because all new batteries should be tested to make sure you did not get a bad one. If batteries are not available put that on the Note card, NOTE, removing the batteries will usually require all the settings to be redone, I still put on the note card, CAMERA NEEDS NEW SETTINGS. 

I also put in the SD Cards, with SD size on the Camera Card. Some of my older cameras only take a 32 gig or smaller, while my new cameras take 125 Gig SD cards. If putting out a camera for a very long run I want to grab one that can take a large SD card. I usually have two SD cards for each camera so they can be swapped out but keep the same cards. Put on the Camera Card that the SD card should reformatted before the next deployment or you can reformat the SD card before the batteries are removed, but NOTE on the camera card that the SD cards are formatted and ready to go. This is a good idea so you know before storage that the SD cards work. 

Last I add one packet of Silica Dry packs. The bags are 5 grams. I use DRY and DRY. I got them in a 50 packet bag from Amazon, about 8 bucks. They are cheap and do a great job of removing all the moisture from the Camera, batteries, SD card, and keeps them dry for even very very long storage. 

Hope this helps, when the camera number goes up the more you need to keep them organized. 

I forgot to add, I put the cameras in the bag with the doors or camera halves OPEN so the moisture does not stay in a closed camera, we want everything to stay dry. 

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