
Zamba Cloud
Short summary for card views and tables:  
Zamba Cloud uses computer vision and machine learning to perform intensive camera trap video processing work, for research and conservation.
  • Emily Dorne edited overview - (4 May 2024 12:27am)

    Emily Dorne contributed to Product - "Zamba Cloud"


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Zamba Cloud provides computer vision algorithms for wildlife conservation, making it easier to handle large amounts of camera trap data for research and conservation.

Zamba Cloud uses machine learning to automatically detect and classify animals in camera trap videos. You can use Zamba Cloud to:

Classify which species appear in a video, including identifying blank videos

Train a custom model with your own labeled data to identify species in your habitat

Zamba comes with a couple official machine learning model options pretrained from different contexts: African forest species, European species, and blank detection.

Head to to get started!

Product Type 






No code required!

To generate predictions for unlabeled videos

Zamba Cloud includes multiple state-of-the-art, pretrained machine learning models for different contexts. Each is publicly available and can be used to classify new videos.

To generate new predictions, you'll upload videos and receive a spreadsheet telling you what species are most likely present in each video, allowing you to weed out false triggers and get straight to the videos of interest.

After creating an account, you can either upload videos directly or point Zamba Cloud to an FTP server where your videos are stored. Then, get back to your day while Zamba Cloud processes your videos. You'll get an email when it's done. Simply log back into your account and a spreadsheet with labels for each video will be waiting for you!

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