
Camera Traps / Feed

Looking for a place to discuss camera trap troubleshooting, compare models, collaborate with members working with other technologies like machine learning and bioacoustics, or share and exchange data from your camera trap research? Get involved in our Camera Traps group! All are welcome whether you are new to camera trapping, have expertise from the field to share, or are curious about how your skill sets can help those working with camera traps. 


Solutions for safely transporting camera traps?

Hi,  Does anyone have any go-to solutions for transporting camera traps securely and safely, especially on commercial flights?  Something like these Rubbermaid...

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Ollie I have all of my camera traps in Pelican Boxes but I buy camping foam and line the inside, then I buy 50mm foam and layer the cameras so they dont rest on each other and then foam on top, it sems to work well and my cameras get driven thousands of km over bad roads.



For transport of equipment on flights I suggest Pelican's line of cases called "Pelican Air".  They have slightly lighter shells so you don't run in to weight overage issues as much...


A cheaper alternative to Pelis is MAX cases. They are just as strong:

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Cellular camera trap antennas - animal proofing?

Hi All, We have found that monkeys, baboons and elephants are breaking a lot of our cellular camera traps antenna. These animals love to chew on and manipulate the antennas...

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Hello Sam,

We've had good luck with these:

In high baboon areas we'll pass the cable through clear PVC tubing to prevent chewing.

The other thing we'll frequently do in areas we forecast problems is to pre-deploy broken or dummy equipment at the location for a couple of weeks.  We find that that deploying this "sacrificial" stuff sometimes reduces interest in the functional equipment after it is deployed after this initial period of acclimation.



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Advice and construction of camera traps.

Howdy geniuses. I'm writing from Australia with an interesting one for you. 6 months ago a group of us started a project that got initial seed funding from

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here is there first publication and a test camera that theyre using.

Hi Toby, hi all,

I've been keeping very quiet about Instant Detect 2.0 on WildLabs as we wanted to ensure we didn't generate any hype or make any promises that we cannot fulfil....but I think we will have something that fits this brief almost exactly relatively soon and it would be a shame for the same work to be replicated. 

I have just returned from Kenya where I was testing our Instant Detect 2.0 prototypes and I am very pleased to report that the system is now working. We still have some optimisation work to do and we plan to run a number of longer trial deployments over a number of months later in the year to completely identify, and correct the sort of issues that only crop up over time and in the field. We plan to record and publish all the results from these trials.

Once we believe that the system is ready we hope to be able to supply it to the conservation community at a very low rate at the start of next year. Importantly it will be fully certified and legal to use, it is not 'hacky'. 

I am in the process of writing a blog about the testing but if you would like to know more perhaps we could have a chat sometime.

Best wishes,

Sam Seccombe



Adding my 2 cents here... and I'm being generous with the value of my comment, maybe just 1 cent... AI should be able to help a lot with the recognition tasks.  Edge Computing AI, done in the camera module might have to be custom developed for the application, but if you have the AI folks available might not be that hard. The trick is finding a very low power, low cost solution.  For that, I would recommend maybe looking into SqueezeNet, a super efficient Open Source Deep Neural Net created by UC Berkeley, Stanford and a company called DeepScale.   It is small enough and efficient enough that it can run on a smart phone or on the processor of a smart camera. 

DeepScale is using it for automotive applications, but it might be a good fit for this kind of application where you want to quickly decide on the edge what data is important and what data you can ignore and only send the important data to the cloud and discard the rest with an extremely high degree of reliability.



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Speed camera: Help needed to get traffic data

I need to post challenge for a problem that seemingly should be easy but is turning out to be an Internet trawling nightmare. For the purpose of data collection I need to...

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Hi Greg,

You are getting some great technical advice from folks a lot more qualified than me.   But as I read through everything, I see you are potentially wanting to use your solution for citing violations.  Whatever solution you install needs to be "future proof" for this from the start.  Not sure how that would work where you are (Zimbabwe, I believe?), but usually the accuracy of the speed reading and the vehicle identification has to be beyond reproach.  Calibration and accuracy, data integrity, etc., all need to be considered.

I would at least look into a buy vs. make decision (or a hybrid of the two) before committing to a completely homegrown solution.  It sounds like you only want to install one system.  You can find small but acurate radar systems and cameras pretty readily on amazon if you wanted a hybrid solution, or you could look into any one of the dozens of companies who make traffic speed monitoring equipment.  You already have a place to install, so that helps.  Some systems would be too expensive for your budgets or your needs, but some would be pretty reasonable.  Furthermore, those companies could potentially be enticed to provide a system at a substantial discount if they can consider it a charitable contribution.    But I'm just thinking out loud here, and maybe it would be difficult for these companies to ship a system to Zimbabwe.  

Just my 2 cents.


Dear Drue 

You are definitely correct regarding the need for any system to be reasonably accurate and very accurate should citations start to be issued. That actually was why I like the german system as it seems slightly more full proof than working on Doppler. If you could point me in the right direction for what you find on Amazon that would be great but as a package. The main thing is it must be easy to install and at a price that does the job.

Initially our intention will be to use it to monitor the road so we can work out which groups to target for awareness campaigns,  citations would be probably the last on our list.


Anyway thanks for your thoughts and if you come up with something do let us know.


Hi Greg,

Indeed, the German solution you identified might be a better solution than what I had found on Amazon, which were mostly Doppler solutions, and thinking more about it, would not give you the ability to do long term data analytics on the traffic patterns, which might be important to achieving your objectives.  A few alternatives to the German solution would be: (Canadian) (US)

Good luck,


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Join us at the Tech Hub Showcase event ot hear how our winners are using technology to scale their solutions to the illegal wildlife trade. The event will take place at Digital Catapult, 101 Euston Road, London, on the...

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Technology for Wildlife and the Looming Spectre of E-Waste

Laure Joanny
In this blog, Laure Joanny adds her perspectives to an ongoing discussion that we've been seeing in the community about conservation tech and it's relationship to e-waste. How do we tackle the challenge of battery waste...

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Who can construct an experimental camera trap device?

Hello everyone,  I'm an ecologist at Princeton University and I'm trying to find someone to help me build a set of camera traps that play audio...

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Morning all - I'm new here and I'm just getting my feet wet as I look around the issues du jour.

Thinking about this proposition (a detection and response combination) and its use in aversion measures (example - discourage the carnivore from following the track to the village), it may be worth bearing in mind an architecture where the detection and response systems are logically separable, so that although they CAN be run as a single physical unit, they could also relatively simply be evolved to support a two-station (or more) model where a "guard" detector sets off an "alarm" response in one or more other units.

All it means in design terms is that the two logical sub-systems (detect and respond) communicate via  a message-oriented interface rather than being tightly integrated through, say, shared memory.

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Discussing an Open Source Camera Trap Project

Hi everyone.  This conversation took place in the Sensors thread and I'm moving it over here since it's more relevant in the camera trap thread.  [Alasdair...

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What avout the open source OpenMV? It looks like most of the general requirements are met with this platform?

Hi Tim.

The OpenMV is quite interesting and I haven't thought of it for a camera trap application. It's quite useful for machine learning operations, but the camera resolution is 320x240 color or 640x480 grayscale which is a bit on the low side. That's the equivalent of 0.3 MP. The main reason for the low resolution however is that they focus more on the machine learning algorithms and video capture rather than still images.  For still images, I think it'd be nice to take advantage of the 5MP cameras on up to the 10+ MP cameras for a flexible camera trap system. I'll be doing animal population surveys in the forest and mountain we manage which would mainly consist of still photos. 

As an off-the-shelf solution, Arducam actually has quite good specs. There are potentially other issues such as how long it takes to get the picture off the camera or take consecutive photos. The FPGA code is also not open but it might be a good starting point to a fully open camera trap system. 


Perhaps the new generation of low-power and high performance boards based on RISC V might allow us to build camera traps that could handle high resolution imagery. 

Has anyone got their hands on these boards yet?



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Camera-trapping best-practices

Hi everyone,  As part of a WWF-UK conservation tech initiative, I'm putting together camera-trapping best-practice guidelines, aimed at field...

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Hi Ollie

As a newbie to camera trap data, this makes interesting reading.

Just to check my understanding on terminology, in Figure 5, the reference to "Automatic filtering of blanks" - did that refer to eliminating false positives, so reducing the number of images that are not of interest ?


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Getting up close and personal with Antarctica's orcas

Jamie Morton
In this case study, Science Reporter Jamie Morton tells the story of how Kiwi scientists are teaming up with a local underwater robotics company to gain world-first insights into the lives of whales in Antarctica.

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Troubleshooting: Trophy Cam Agressor

I work in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. I have a Trophy Cam Agressor from 2015 (model 119776). It started to record date time wrongly with delays of different magnitude. I...

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Ok no problem Peter. My colleague Neil Jordan works in Botswana, as does Lucy Ransome (who is heading there in April). Otherwise, do you have a contact I can send it to so they can get it to you?

Cheers and thanks again for the interest. 


Neil was who I was thinking of. I'm not sure when he plans to next be here.


Hi Peter, Ok cool, I'll ask him. I know Lucy is heading back over in a couple of months for sure though, so happy to give it to her for you.



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Troubleshooting: Trophy Camera Brown, Bushnell

Heej everyone, I am a Dutch student currently conducting a camera trap study in Costa Rica. I will be comparing density estimates of mammals between line transect surveys and...

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Hi Marisa,

It sounds like the Iris on the lens may be stuck open or its been drifting into an open position (hence why you could see images for a while, but now the image is completely whited out). Is there the ability to alter the lens Iris on the camera?

If you can view what the image looks like directly from the camera (is there an ability to view the fiield of view as you set thecamera up?) you should  see the same problem if the Iris is wide open.

Try and isolate the problem step by step to rule out each element of the technical system, whenever you have a technical fault.  In this instance there isnt much that you have to play with on a simple trail camera. It would seem the power supply is OK because images are being captured (even though they are whited out) and the PIR is functioning to trigger the images. Check the SD card you are using works OK in another camera to rule that out as the problem too. Are the settings on this camera the same as others that are working correctly? If not alter them too.

There is also a detachable anti reflective LED cover on this Bushnell. Check its not been slipping over time and bouncing the LED illumination directly into the camera lens. That would white images out to varying degrees too.



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Data Needed: Mitigating rhino poaching through multimedia data mining

Greetings everyone, I am a PhD student at Beihang University in Beijing, China. My focusing is in mitigating rhino poaching using multimedia data mining techniques. In order for...

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Hi Steph,

Yes, my project objective is to detect rhinos and invaders at the sametime through videos not images. The tool is to be used by the game farm owners in order to protect the rhinos, well by invaders I imply the poachers. 

Thank you very much for the information, yes I need funding as a realtime data will be advantageous for the better prediction. As we all aware mining videos is challenging as compared to images as videos are un-structured data.

Keep in touch.


Greetings Everyone,

Last week I have written to this community with regards to video data for attempting to analyse videos with rhino community, in order to conduct my research for object detection, object behaviour analysis and invader detection in a protected game farm. Seems It might take time to get such data, I wish to state it clear that the idea is to understand object detection, invader detection and behaviour analysis for wildlife animals and I focused on rhinos because thats what is dangered in my country (South Africa).

Nontheless, if now we dont have specific videos for rhinos, I still welcome video data for elephants. If again there are no video data, I can work on the images of both rhinos and elephants. As we know videos are just a set of continous images linked. For me to conduct my PhD research I depend on data and surely as the project progress, maybe we might find one or two videos that can use to justify my solution. So in simple, anyone who has elephant or rhino images can assist, as both of this wild animals are attcked by poachers for various reasons.

As the objective is to mitigate the poaching of the wild animals through multimedia data mining. 

Please assist a fellow researcher...:)

Thanking you in advanced.




Hi Sibusiso,

Are you looking for huge data sets or would vacation pictures (mostly Uganda) of elephants be of any help to you?

Cheers, Nigel

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Drones, Orangutans, and Strangler Figs in Malaysian Borneo

Sol Milne
In this case study, WILDLABS member Sol Milne takes us through his Ph.D. work investigating how changing land-use is affecting orangutan distribution in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. With the help of five local research...

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Recommendations Needed: Submersible Camera Traps

Hi everyone, I am working on a project where we want to set GSM cameras up on the seashore. Theoretically the cameras shouldn't go under water but in storms there is a chance...

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Hi @Chloe+Aust - great to see that you've found the right GSM camera trap for your needs. I was following this thread with interest as well: A friend who works with underwater equipment said that he had some ideas. I'll put you in touch - it would be great if you can discuss via this thread so others can see his recommendations as well.

Hi Chole, there is a fellow named Sebastian Kennerknecht who is a camera trap wizzard.  He has done a ton of work for Panthera.  He might be a guy you want to speak with.  You can find him on FB or I can privatley connect you.  And, we should put your findings on the forum here so everyone can benefit.


Amaxing, thank you! We had to put them out already so have gone with the super-tech solution of a  *very* high pole for now but will look at speaking to Sebastian, or with your contact Rachel if that fails. Thank you so much! Chloe

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New Paper: Automatically identifying, counting, and describing wild animals in camera-trap images with deep learning

A new paper just came out in PNAS that seems to be getting quite a bit of attention - researchers have developed a type of artificial intelligence called "deep neural...

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Thanks, Steph. The camera trap ML nerds among us will have seen drafts of this kicking around in pre-print for a while now. Very cool to see it out finally.  

I'll also draw everyone's attention to another study (involving some of the same authors) which has just come out in draft form: "Machine learning to classify animal species in camera trap images: applications in ecology". 


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