
Women in Conservation Tech Programme (WiCT) / Feed

Welcome to the home of the Women in Conservation Technology Programme (WiCT)! This is a space for the women and mentors involved in the programme to keep in touch, share updates and resources, and problem solve together! Drop into our group to say hello and keep in touch with the programme and participants. 


New WildLabs Funding & Finance group

WildLabs will soon launch a 'Funding and Finance' group. What would be your wish list for such a group? Would you be interested in co-managing or otherwise helping out?

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This is great, Frank! @StephODonnell, maybe we can try to bring someone from #Superorganism (@tomquigley ?) or another venture company (#XPRIZE) into the fold!
I find the group to be dope, fundraising in the realm of conservation has been tough especially for emerging conservation leaders. There are no centralized grants tracking common...
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Technology for Environmental Governance in Kenya

Has anyone encountered any environmental project or initiative that has utilized technology to promote governance in Kenya? Please share some examples. Thank you.

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Hello @nyokabi great question! What I know of is the following, hope it's helpful:

  1. WildlifeDirect's “Eyes in the Courtroom” project, which monitors wildlife crime cases in court to inform and support improvements to environmental law and prosecution. Think it utilizes some sort of app software.
  2. MIKE


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A Year of Supporting East African Conservation Technology: Lessons on How You Can Amplify #Tech4Wildlife

It has been an extraordinary year supporting and growing the regional East African Conservation Technology Community at WILDLABS. We've made great strides and unlocked exciting opportunities for our community as we...

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Congrats Esther! Can't wait to continue working together.
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Celebrating #IWD2024 in Collaboration with SHE Changes Climate, Shortlist Futures & Women in Renewable Energy

Esther Githinji
On 27th March, our Women in Conservation Technology Programme Kenya Alumni and East Africa Community participated in a vibrant #IWD2024 gathering in Nairobi in collaboration with other women-focused organisations...

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It was a great meeting of great minds. I have since interacted with MokoMaya and seen first hand her upcyclying using glass bottles...
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Introduction + Mentorship/Research Partnership 

Hello everyone! I am a current Princeton University undergraduate student passionate about conservation tech and habitat restoration. While I am involved in youth...

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Me and @Hubertszcz are working on biodiversity monitoring for habitat restoration on the Azuero penninsula in August. I don't have any like paid research opportunities i know of myself, but if you find yourself in panama, im sure they can use help!

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WiCT active?

Hi to WiCT - is this group still active?  I am new to the discussions board and would love to connect.  Paola (from Mozambique)

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Hi Paola! It's Meredith (former Pringle lab in Gorongosa) - great to see you here! Would love to touch base about the WiCT network and programming - we ran a similar programme to this in Gorongosa two years ago and are gearing up for another women's session in Gorongosa this August. It would be great to involve you if you're interested? 

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Women in conservation technology

Hi, sorry if this information is available somewhere and I just haven't found it (I'm new to the community). I wondered if anyone had an idea of what the proportion/number is of...

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You could look at WILDLABS' State of Conservation Tech research results! Shows ~⅓ of survey respondents are female (though this is obviously just a subset of the total people/women in conservation tech, the subset being those who filled out the survey).

@EstherGithinji runs some of the WILDLABS Women in Conservation Tech programs so she would have lots of insights into this! 


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Taking on the conservation Strides

In a threatening world full of challenges to both humans and non-humans in existence, soliciting for diverse sustainable solutions to promote coexistence is vital and the answer lies in the advancement and adoption of...

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Impacts of Rhino Fence on other Wildlife Species

Hello, My name is Rita Orahle, a Rhino Monitoring Officer from Loisaba Conservancy. In this article, I will give an update on research on the fence and key gained skills and support from the Women in Conservation...

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