
Camera Traps / Feed

Looking for a place to discuss camera trap troubleshooting, compare models, collaborate with members working with other technologies like machine learning and bioacoustics, or share and exchange data from your camera trap research? Get involved in our Camera Traps group! All are welcome whether you are new to camera trapping, have expertise from the field to share, or are curious about how your skill sets can help those working with camera traps. 


Recommendations Needed: Best sensors and cameras to install along fence gaps in a conservancy

Looking for sensors and cameras to install along fence gaps in a conservation area to uniquely and precisely identify animal movement patterns. Any ideas?

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Hi Damian, 

This may be part of your conversation with Alasdair and the ZSL team already, but you might want to connect with @Institute+IRNAS as well. They're collaborating with Alasdair's Arribada Initative, ZSL and others to tackle some of the challenges you've also been looking into (e.g LoRA systems). There's some more info about their work here:

Luka (if it is indeed you who is manning the Institute IRNAS member profile here on wildlabs), maybe you can jump in here? 



Hello Stephanie,

Thank you for the Introduction. This is nice and I think they can be very helpful to us at this moment. Especially on the acoustic sensors and LoRa network setup initiative.

Looking forward to getting intouch with them.




Hi Damien,

Lora technology enables a range of very efficient solutions that you can deploy over a large area. We provide consultancy and field support for deploying such networks and work with Arribada team on developing custom hardware solutions for various applications in the conservation field. I suggest you explore the existing options and let us know if you need more customized solutions.


Institute IRNAS

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Recommendations Needed: Camera for remote work using Irriduim for image upload

Hi all,   I'm looking for advice on companies that can provide me with a camera to be deployed on a sub-Antarctic island. It's not for counting, it is more of...

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Hi swinnard,

we have built a system this year for Arribada Initiative that is working closely with ZSL that implements the functions you require to a large extent. The Arribada FMP device is open source open hardware and you can find more details here:

The device has the following features:
* Solar powered
* Built-in camera
* RockBlock Iridium modem
* WiFi and LoraWAN communications (not required in you application)
* Ultrasonic distance sensor (not required in you application)

We have built a version of this device for Arribada Penguin monitoring: which captures images hourly on Antarctica of penguins and stores to the SD card, without the Iridium comunication.

Note that the cost of Iridium system may be prohibitively expensive, see

2000 credits for 800GBP will give about 100MB of capacity, which can translate to about one photo per day if a compressed resolution is sufficient. A full HD image will for example be 2.4MB. 

A more optimal method would be to take a photo several times a day, process them using OpenCV or other image processing library to determine if the image is interesting and then send it via Iridium. This can save some data as well as generate interesting photos. All of them can be stored to the SD card and retrieved at a later point.

Hi Institiue IRNAS, 

Thank you very much for your response, it is very helpful information. 

I will have a look in more detail into your camera. For us it is not possible to choose photos to be sent back, we need them all to come back via irridium, so it is definitely the part of the project that can quickly become cost prohibitive. 

I've been in touch with a research group that used an Instant Detect camera from ZSL which they now want to sell, so I may well end up using that system. If not though, the system you are using looks great. 

Thanks for sharing it with me. 





Dear All


Our group in Australia has developed a device for monitoring wild dogs/dingoes in remote areas and have a fully authomated system using Iridium and or 3-4G if available. This device is officially called Wild Dog Alert Node and will be capable of being deployed into remote areas, gathering image data using a unique sensor system, processing the image and sending it to the cloud where it is identified as a wild dog-dingo and an alarm is immediately triggered. In our case it is to prevent predation on livestock but this technology could easily be modified for any species. The R&D is being refined and we are expecting to start disseminating information soon in both scientific papers and general media

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Data Needed: Camera trap images for machine vision training

Hi everyone, I'm working on an object detection system for detecting elephants! It's detailed here and at my project...

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Hey, this is really interesting @theraido, thanks for sharing. Kirk has a nice writing style that's really easy to understand.. to the point where I feel lulled into confidence that I'd be able to replicate the project without too much fuss (I suspect this might be rather a strong case of over confidence). I was also amused that waiting for the birds to appear at the feeder seemed to be the slowest part of the project. 

It looks like it's going to be a series of tutorials, with the goal being to build an open platform for exploring crow intelligence. Eventually, he says like to identify individual crows in the wild, and give them the opportunity to pass a series of tests. So it'll be interesting to follow along and see whether he reaches this goal. 

In case anyone is interested, the next tutorial posted so far is 'building the rich man's deep learning camera', where he shares how to build a self-contained deep learning camera to detect birds in the wild.


Sounds great!

I am doing the almost same thing, since here we have a problem between elephant and human living in the same area and conflict a lot. We would like to warn people when elephants are approching by camera trap's detection of elephants.

How is your work now? Maybe we could share some info and put it forward together.


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Recommendations Needed: Software for sampling photos from video

Hello Camera trappers :) I am using video in our cameratraps sampling but need to extract picture from them to identify jaguar individuals. Any suggestion of good software to...

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My preference is to use Adobe Lightroom, allowing me to move forwards or backwards one frame at a time. I can also adjust the exposure. This is an example from one of my videos. 

I hope this is helpful. 


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Camera Trapper from Colorado

I'm honored to be part of this WILDLABS group and specifically this Camera Trap forum. I hope that what I've learned weekly over the past 14 years will help others. Most...

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Camera trapping workshop, London

Amy Fitzmaurice
This one day workshop will cover key aspects of planning, executing and analysing camera trap surveys in the field. It will also examine the various survey techniques for which remote cameras provide a powerful tool and...

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The Plant-Powered Camera Trap Challenge

Alasdair Davies
Are you an architect, engineer, designer or a scientist? Can you design and manufacture a prototype open source plant-BES (bio electrochemical system) to power a camera trap and environmental sensors in tropical forests...

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#Tech4Wildlife Photo Challenge 2018: Our Top 10

Hundreds of people joined our #Tech4Wildlife photo challenge this year, showcasing all the incredible ways tech is being used to support wildlife conservation. We've seen proximity loggers on Tasmanian Devils in...

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Research: A rigorous, realistic and reproducible test of camera trap perfomance

I am working towards having a test of camera trap performance where the targets are real, moving animals instead of people, the movement of the targets is controlled so that tests...

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Also, just a general comment: some less epxensive cameras peform very well but may be more prone to 'glitches' over the duration of an extended study. I think the expectation of long term reliability is part of the reason some people choose the expenisve brand. Systematic tests of long duration reliability in field conditions would be really interesting, albeit probably too difficult/expensive to achieve.

Thank you Julia

Camera testing is certainly not Toffee's favorite activity - he would much rather be sniffing for scent marks !

The adverse effects of high temperatures on PIR are well established and they are a major problem anywhere that air temperatures get above about 30C. There is also a problem with cameras staying hotter than their surroundings for a few hours after sunset. I have also noticed that the infrared illuminator on the Reconyx actually heats up the camera.

Birds might be trickier to train than dogs, but you only need a reliable way to lure them to particular points within the field of view.

Certainly there are more factors to consider than only detection capability (though arguably that is the most important - better a fuzzy picture than none at all probably) and reliability is one of those. Bushnell Trophycams are notorious for losing their date settings (and this morning the one I am testing had done just that) for example. All sorts of equipment gets put through accelerated durability tests, and there is no reason why camera traps should not be similarly tested. 

Given the huge projects that are built around camera trapping, and the scale of the conservation management decisions that are based on camera trap data it is a real problem that their performance is not tested and validated as fit for purpose.


The sequence of images in the attached brief report shows why camera traps must be tested with real animal targets, and not with humans. The camera easily detects a human, but misses multiple images of the target dog.

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Technology Empowered Conservation Lecture Series

Paul Jepson
New technological forces look set to transform biodiversity science. This series will showcase and discuss cutting-edge applications happening in Oxford and beyond. It is guaranteed to inspire and challenge. 

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Instant Detect 2.0: A Connected Future for Conservation

Sam Seccombe
‘The Field’… Say the words ‘The Field’ to a group of conservationists and it will immediately conjure up vivid memories of everything from sticky wet rainforests to burning dusty deserts. What’s more, it’s almost...

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Resource: Camelot - new camera trap software

Camelot is an open-source, web-based tool to help wildlife conservationists with camera trapping. Camera Trapping software for Species Identification & Reports. By...

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Hi Egil, I think Camelot has a reasonable story around most of these things. Here's how I see it:

I set up a survey and I add the information about all the camera trapping stations (including camera IDs).

I import the photos. The database reads the data, time and camera ID from the photos so photos are linked to a camera trap location.

Camelot has two modes for importing data: a bulk import, and a per-session import.  It sounds like you have many images up-front, and so bulk import may be the way to go.  In this case Camelot can create the camera trap stations based on the location of the images, and their metadata.

Then I do a quick first pass where I assign a species (tiger, leopard, etc) to each photo.

Yes, I expect you'll find the library UI suitable for this.

In a second round I want to identify the tigers. So I get all photos labelled with 'tiger'. Obviously the first one is a new animal thus I want a 'button' which allows me to add a new animal. Then in following pictures there is a drop-down menu with identified tigers. The order of the pictures presented is by camera trap location, data, time and then the next nearest camera trap location.

The sighting added in the first pass can be edited to add-in the individual, and new individuals can be added straight from the dropdown menu.  Camelot does not have the ability to define a custom ordering of images: the ordering is always by camera trap station, by capture time (broadly; it's a bit more nuanced than this in reality). However does have the notion of "reference images", where images flagged in this way can be displayed, in another window (which can handy where multiple monitors are available), based on the currently selected sighting field data.

If things go as planned I'll likely be running into 100,000's of pictures, so I need to be able to do the first round pretty quickly. Then there will be 4-5 species I need to identify at the level of the individual. There will probably up to about 200 individuals of a species, but never more than about 20 at each camera trapping station, and the vast majority of individuals won't show up at more than 4-5 camera trapping stations either.

Camelot does support this sort of raw scale (x00,000 images) and has a reasonably efficient UI for identification.  The information here may be relevant, depending on how many multiples of 100,000 it turns out to be.

However Camelot does not currently offer the ability to limit individuals in a field depending on the selected species (it is always the same individuals available in a dropdown regardless of the selected species).  Potentially this limation could be worked around by having a dropdown available for each species, which will at least highlight in an export where a data-entry error may have arisen.  (e.g., individual chosed in the "individuals" for species X field, but the selected species is Y.)

At 200 individuals the workflow for reference images could start to break down too, depending on the level of familiarity with the individuals. (i.e., repeatedly searching through all reference-quality images of a species, or images for a couple dozen individuals to make an identification could be onerous.)

I've looked around and I think Camelot is closest to what I want, but I wonder if I could get it really close to what I want. I have quite a bit of experience with SQL and building access databases, but I thought, with the prevalence of camera traps these days, that there would be more packages out there.

I agree Camelot really only goes part-way to meeting the requirements.  It should be workable to use Camelot for the purpose, though support for individuals is relatively new and really hasn't been optimised for this sort of scale. It seems like the two places where Camelot is most lacking for this workflow are (and correct me if I'm wrong):

  1. lack of some more flexible ordering system for reference images against the selected image(s)
  2. lack of ability to filter options for a single "individuals" field based on the selected species

It'll likely be some time before these features are available in Camelot, but I'll add them to the development backlog.


Thanks for the reply Chris!

When you state:

"Camelot has two modes for importing data: a bulk import, and a per-session import.  It sounds like you have many images up-front, and so bulk import may be the way to go.  In this case Camelot can create the camera trap stations based on the location of the images, and their metadata."

When you mention 'location' you refer to the location of the images from where they are imported from? And not the gps location from the EXIF data if it's available, right? In my case no gps data would be available. But if I've downloaded the images to a hard drive in the field, and then back in the office import them into Camelot I can tell Camelot that the pictures from folder X belong to camera station 1?

You're right about the two points for optimizing. If photos can be ordered by station, date, time, and reference images ordered by 'distance to station', it greatly reduces the number of reference images to look through as the vast majority of individuals will be recorded at only a few stations, effectively trimming down the number of individuals to look through from 100's to a few dozen.

Cascading the drop down lists Species > individuals (or even area > species > individuals, or species > area > individuals, or in some cases species > group > individuals) would be beneficial too in the process of identifying individuals. In a SQL database this isn't hard to code into the fields on a form, but might not be that easy in Camelot as you would have to chose if the field you add depends on another field on the form.

Hi Egil,

When you mention 'location' you refer to the location of the images from where they are imported from? And not the gps location from the EXIF data if it's available, right?

Yes, that's right -- I should have said the 'directory of those images'.

But if I've downloaded the images to a hard drive in the field, and then back in the office import them into Camelot I can tell Camelot that the pictures from folder X belong to camera station 1?

Yes, that's right.  Images can be dragged & dropped into existing camera trap stations, which have GPS coordinates associated.  For the bulk import case, the data scanned from the image would need to be joined with GPS data to produce the final CSV for upload.

And thanks for the confirmation on how you'd expect that functionality should behave.


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FIT Cheetahs

Larissa Slaney
A new research project is looking to investigate whether technology combined with the ancient skills and knowledge of Namibian trackers can help save cheetahs from extinction. Called FIT Cheetahs, the research project...

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HWC Tech Challenge Update: Meet the Judges

Our panel of international experts has been hard at work reviewing the 47 proposals we recieved for innovative technological tools to address human wildlife conflict. The panelists have systematically been assessing the...

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Recommendations Needed: Best camera traps for Central African rainforests?

Hi all,   I have a question, I know someone who is looking at setting up camera traps in some somewhat remote parts of Central Africa. This would be primarily done...

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Hi John, 

They will want a camera with good tolerance to humidity + precipitation (so a camera with a proper O-ring seal, and pack it with regularly-dried silica gel). Elephants will likely have a go at the cameras - so they will want to think about protecting their cameras with heavy-duty steel security boxes (perhaps with welded on spikes, which has worked in Thailand) and minimising smell left on and around their cameras during setup (e.g. use gloves, don't smoke or leave food).

Apart from that, the usual considerations apply: good detection circuitry (less of a problem if targeting elephants though, as they are massive) and battery life always helps. 

Laila Bahaa-el-din et al. used Panthera and Scoutguard in Gabon; the Goualougo Triangle Ape Project in Rep Congo uses Reconyx I think; Julia Gessner et al. used Reconyx in Rep. Congo and Cameroon. The latter reported that (of 47 cameras), 4 were taken out by elephants and one by a leopard!


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How to lose a BRUV in 10 days

Ivy Baremore
As pressure on marine resources increases, fishers have to explore deeper and deeper waters to make a living. What does this mean for Belize’s deep-sea sharks? In an effort to understand the threats to these animals,...

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Recommendations Needed: GSM Camera Traps

Hi everyone, I was wondering if people had any decent GSM camera trap recommendations We've been using Scoutguard and Spartan camera traps and have had success with...

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Hi Chloe,

I've had promising results with the Scoutguard MG983G-30M, and I believe a 4G version has just been released. The 3G version has some useful features, like two-way communication to change settings/get images and a audio call feature (which I haven't used). I'd be very pleased to hear how your tests go.




Thanks everyone,

@TopBloke @Kai - I've not come across the Ltl Acorn ones - will take a look. So does that mean if it was purchased in the UK it would be locked to a UK SIM then? That might be problemativ as we tend to purchase here to test and set up before  sending out when staff are heading back to the country of deployment.

@Rob+Appleby - That's good to know about the Scoutguard MG983G-30M too, thanks. 

A supplier is going to send me a new model by the same people who make Scoutguard to test but he hasn't said what it is. Maybe it's the 4G one. Whatever it is if it is any good I will feed back on here


@@Chloe+Aust -  pls google “ltl acorn uk”, you will get a lot info.  No, no limited, just the company's sale rules. You could use it anywhere, but for example, if you wants to use it in kenya, you need a local sim card, such as safaricom... when you check photos from china, you will find most of them photoed by are ITI acorn. Panda,tiger, snow leopord, cloud leopard, leopard, golden cat.... 

Scoutguard is also a good china camrea traps. oldest company. only company have espano menu. but they are focus on US hunting market. not special for wildlife researching use.

The LOREDA is also good, the only brand focus on wildlife-bio researching camra traps in china. Might be do not have dealers/stock in uk.


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Article: Google's cloud vision for automated identification of camera trap photos

I did a quick evaluation of whether Google Cloud Vision can be used off the shelf to automatically identify animals from camera trap photos. I wrote a blog post about it here....

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An update to the automated species identification debate: 

A paper has recently come out which used deep learning ("very deep convolutional networks") and managed 89% accuracy for the Snapshot Serengeti Zooniverse dataset, IF the image was first manually cropped around the animal. Seriously, who has time to do that? If the image remained uncropped they managed a woeful 35% accuracy. 

Perhaps we have a long wait ahead of us for this to become a practical reality?

Fair point, it isn't a peer reviewed article as yet. I had a poke around out of curiosity and wasn't able to track down a fully published paper yet (thought it's been a while since this preprint was released...). On reading, were there any issues that stood out to you that others should be aware of? And, as Ollie pointed out, the research wasn't getting a great response rate from uncropped images - I wonder if perhaps, given the time since the original publication, the results may have actually improved by now? It seems (from my interested but unqualified observer perspective) that the field is moving forward in leaps and bounds, such that a paper pre-published in march 2016 may very well be out of date by this stage...

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Resources: Panthera Camera Trap information

Greetings Camera Trap community! I'm sure a number of you have heard about Panthera's camera traps. I thought to share two resources with you, one on Panthera's, I...

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My understanding is that the Panthera cameras are only available to people or groups in Panthera's network. I tried to get some a few years back and had no luck, even for a project that had received Pathera funding in the past.

Regarding the poacher cam, I know @ColbyLoucks at WWF has developed a system using infrared thermal cameras that worked in the field trials.

Putting on my black thinking hat, the design as shown of the poacher cam will not be effective long-term once poachers know to look for it. Eric Dinerstein had worked on a project where such cameras would be concealed in a vine or some other organic-looking encasement. 

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Machine learning, meet the ocean

Kate Wing
There is a revolution coming in conservation. Advances in conservation technology are generating more data than ever before on what lives where, who eats who, and what’s disappearing and how fast, but it still requires...

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