discussion / Camera Traps  / 5 April 2017

Resources: Panthera Camera Trap information

Greetings Camera Trap community!

I'm sure a number of you have heard about Panthera's camera traps. I thought to share two resources with you, one on Panthera's, I believe, standard camera trap, and a video highlighting the new Poacher Cam. Has anyone in the community worked with either of these cameras, and if so, do you know what the cost of a single unit of each is?

My understanding is that the Panthera cameras are only available to people or groups in Panthera's network. I tried to get some a few years back and had no luck, even for a project that had received Pathera funding in the past.

Regarding the poacher cam, I know @ColbyLoucks at WWF has developed a system using infrared thermal cameras that worked in the field trials.

Putting on my black thinking hat, the design as shown of the poacher cam will not be effective long-term once poachers know to look for it. Eric Dinerstein had worked on a project where such cameras would be concealed in a vine or some other organic-looking encasement.