
AI for Conservation / Feed

Artificial intelligence is increasingly being used in the field to analyse information collected by wildlife conservationists, from camera trap and satellite images to audio recordings. AI can learn how to identify which photos out of thousands contain rare species; or pinpoint an animal call out of hours of field recordings - hugely reducing the manual labour required to collect vital conservation data.


Operation Pangolin launches to save world's most trafficked wild mammal

Researchers and conservationists are embarking on a bold initiative to save the world's most trafficked wild mammal — the pangolin

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This is an amazing project. I'm eager to learn the conservation solutions from the projects that can be transferred to other species. We need this in Kenya, our biodiversity is...
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Call for Data: A Global Database of Tree Crown Footprints from RGB Imagery

Hello! I am putting together a benchmark dataset for tree crown segmentation - do you have data and would you like to join our effort?Call for data: we're looking for...

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You should definitely talk with Ben Weinstein and co (the folks behind DeepForest), if you haven't already!

Bluesky have a commercial tree crown dataset available covering most of Great Britain (England, Wales and parts of Scotland). There is a canopy layer with approximate outlines of each canopy (the image on this page shows just circular crowns). It's created using aerial imagery.


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Machine Learning Scientist

British Antarctic Survey
The British Antarctic Survey’s Artificial Intelligence Lab is looking to hire a machine learning engineer/researcher. 

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Engineering Manager, Skylight

Allen Institute for AI
On the AST Skylight team, you will work with talented engineers, domain experts, and product managers to uncover illegal fishing by developing the tools that help countries around the globe combat this problem.

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New tutorial on Firetail 10 - annotation of acceleration data

Hi! I created a new tutorial video on how to annotate high density acceleration data using Firetail 10 ( In particular, I cover

* how to automatically segment your data
* how to edit and modify annotations
* how to transfer models across individuals
* how to overlay external and video annotations

If you like to follow the tutorial, grab

* your movebank account
* this study:,path=stud…
* the free edition of Firetail from


Commercially available connected audio sensors

Hi - can anyone advise if there is a commercially made passive audio recorder that can be powered by solar/battery and have 3g/4g connectivity - ideally with compression on the...

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I am not aware of any such connected loggers/recorders but they would be nice. 

The AudioMoths have been revolutionary in providing audologging at a low cost but they take a lot of "data muling" (carrying SD cards in and out of the field sites) and swapping of batteries.



Hi Lars, thanks for the response. We are using lots of Song Meter Micro's atm and they have proved to be resilient. Just need something which doesn't involve going on site regularly - but get the data off. 

Rainforest Connection's (RFCx) Guardian devices may be of interest. They are solar-powered and have connectivity options for Wifi, GSM and satellite transfer. They've previously been used for detecting e.g., gunshots or chainsaws (using edge computing) and then sending positive detections/alerts to folks on the ground. RFCx also hosts Arbimon, a free, no-code software platform that facilitates analysis of audio data as well. Happy to chat more if you'd like to talk further about it! 

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AI for Forest Elephants Challenge

FruitPunch AI is hosting the AI for Forest Elephants Challenge. Together with 50+ AI enthusiasts and experts from all over the globe, we will apply AI to detect gunshots and elephant rumbles on sound monitoring...

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Interview for Technologies in Conservation

Dear Wildlabs community, my name is Nikolas and I am a Master's Student from Lisbon. Like many of you, I grew up with a great passion for the wildlife that we are surrounded...

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I'd be happy to chat with you if you wanted! My expertise is within passive acoustic monitoring particularly. The Conservation Tech Directory might be useful for you in identifying relevant actors within the space.

My original background is in ecology and conservation, and am now in the elected leadership of the Gathering for Open Science Hardware which convenes researchers developing open source tech for science. I am not working on a specific piece of technology right now, but am happy to contribute some higher-level views for your interview if that helps.

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African elephant facial or body recognition software

Hi Guys   I am a volunteer at a large Eastern Cape South African Game reserve. We have in excess of 700 elephants that are presently being photographed and...

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In DRCongo and just discovering this now. We operate in Lomami National Park, very remote regions, and our issue includes individual recognition of bonbos and forest elephants from camera trap data.  Tim van Dam's comment hit home for me in that we have NO internet acces in the field sites, with internet, but not much access to cloud based propgram only in the cities of KIndu and Kisangani, over 100km from the field sites. We would liketo be able to download and use software, and even participate in testing some applications, but time lags are involved since data has to come out of thefield to move into the propgrams.  I think basically we can do a lot with low tech solutions, and selectively move up the analytical chain but there is no question that we will remain with some fundamental connectivity problems....Is anyone esle facing thes kinds of constraints? Can anyone suggest some basic "recognition software" and a working group to allow us to get into this area and see what we can produce and contribute? John Hart  


This article in Seattle Times does pretty much a smiliar thing with Bears and you may find some solutiosn from their work

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New paper - An evaluation of platforms for processing camera-trap data using artificial intelligence

We review key characteristics of four AI platforms—Conservation AI, MegaDetector, MLWIC2: Machine Learning for Wildlife Image Classification and Wildlife Insights—and two auxiliary platforms—Camelot and Timelapse—that incorporate AI output for processing camera-trap data. We compare their software and programming requirements, AI features, data management tools and output format. We also provide R code and data from our own work to demonstrate how users can evaluate model performance.