
Early Career / Feed

Just starting your conservation tech career path? Our Early Career group is the best place to network, chat about your master's projects, and seek advice from your peers and those who have been down this path before! Join now to get to know community members and students from around the world!


TRCO Hiring Research Assistant 

Tanzania Research and Conservation Organization (TRCO) is currently advertising for a research assistant position to join a TRCO team to carry out research and conservation projects in various places in Tanzania.

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Tales of career triumph

Hello Wildlabers!I am trying to break into the ocean conservation tech world, and would love to hear about your tales of triumph breaking into the industry! Tell me about mentors...

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Just tangentially, can you elaborate on "…work in the environmental field but in the aviation industry"?

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Natural Capital GIS & Data Administrator

The Future Forest Company (FFC) team are looking for an enthusiastic, early career data and GIS administrator to join them. The role will manage spatial and operational data, with a particular focus on carbon from...

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Looking for AI volunteer positions

Hello,I just joined Wildlabs and I am so excited that there are tons of information and resources here with a big, supportive community.I am a machine learning developer with 2...

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Hello Donya :) 

Welcome to WILDLABS! Great to hear about your experience as a machine learning developer and interest in volunteering to help the planet using AI. 

I reckon the AI for Conservation Group would be a great place to start. You can join the group here and explore the resources and opportunities available within this community. 

Adventure Scientists would also be a great place to have a look at here for volunteer roles in conservation data management. 

I hope this information helps and good luck! 

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Computer Science student looking to work for wildlife

Hello everyone,I am a master student in Computer Science, with a specialization in AI and computer vision. I like to work with AI, computer vision, drones, sensors, autonomous...

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Great information! Thank you for sharing this. I actually have Masters in Zoology and have done some field work in Marine Conservation. Since then I have worked in Science education and eventually switched to Software Programming. My dream has always been to work in Conservation, however life happened and I had to give up on this pipe dream. I currently work as a Developer in a contractor role for the Federal Government. Would someone with my experience have an advantage in conservation Tech?

I think the real demand in conservation tech is for transdisciplianry individuals. If you look at all the stand-out people in this space they are people who occupy multiple domains that are traditionally isolated. These are people who talk fluently in computer science and ecology, for example. Not only this, they are also people who create and imagine in ways that intertwin ideas and concepts across these domains. Its these people, thinking in these ways, that lead to innovations that really move us forward. Some of these people started out where you are now, having crossed domains through their career and then seeing opportunities to bring these skills together in imaginative ways. 

I couldn't agree more with both of these comments tom! I'm reading hundreds (literally hundreds) of applications for open WILDLABS roles at the moment, and the ones that stand out are those where it's really clear they're following genuine curiosity across different disciplines. If you're in conservation, it's the evidence of interest in tech (courses, projects, things you're trying and learning yourself). For tech, it's getting into conservation - all the things you mentioned. 

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