
Community Base / Feed

The WILDLABS Community Base is the ideal place to get oriented with the all that our community platform offers, hear about news and opportunitys, and to meet new friends and collaborators. 


Opportunity: Graphic Designer

The FieldKit team is now seeking a freelance Graphic Designer with a passion for conservation technology! If you'd like to use your skills to connect with a conservation technology community, please send a cover letter...

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Survey on Economic Value of Ecological Data

Hello everybody!  I'm working on a project dealing with some methods we can potentially use to assess the economic value of conservation tech and/or ecological data....

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Just re-upping this in hopes that I can get some more responses if it gets to the top of people's feeds.

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Opportunity: Communications and Digital Media Coordinator

Ventana Wildlife Society
Ventana Wildlife Society is now seeking a Communications and Digital Media Coordinator to join their team and use digital media to tell the story of their work, including the conservation technology-heavy recovery...

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Introducing the WILDLABS On the Edge Fellows

We're proud to introduce the first WILDLABS On the Edge Fellows for 2022, Loretta Schindlerova and Meredith Palmer! Working alongside expert Edge Impulse mentors, these two fellows will use embedded machine learning to...

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Media stories highlight WILDLABS research & community

Following the release of our 2021 State of Conservation Technology research and report, the WILDLABS community has been featured in many articles, including two new features in The Hill and Mongabay. Header Image: ...

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community announcement

AI for Conservation Office Hours: 2021 Review

We've wrapped our first AI for Conservation Office Hours, a new programme where we set up 1:1 sessions with conservationists using or thinking about using AI so they could receive expert guidance from data scientists at...

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Digital Naturalism Conference Sri Lanka 2022

Hi Wildlabbers! The Digital Naturalism Conference July 2022 - Batticaloa, Sri Lanka We are excited to announce that we are going to have the next...

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great to see a new DiNaCon!

can't make it there myself, but highly recommended.


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WILDLABS Fellowships

Hi wildlabbers! We are delighted to announce the launch of the WILDLABS Fellowship Programme, so I'm here to tell you a bit more about the fellowships, our...

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Congratulations, Steph. 

This sounds like a great idea and a big step forward. Looking forward to hearing about all the projects. Also happy to help out if needed :)


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Updated conservation tech directory site!

@gracieermi and I just migrated our Conservation Tech Directory site to a new platform that is more user-friendly and aesthetic. It has a snazzy link title now too! - ...

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Great did not know that this list exist

Quick note that we've done another update last week, so the site now has 489 resources listed! The figshare link and PDF have also been updated.

Thanks Carly. It's such a useful resource :)

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Training the Trainers

Hey all, this came up in journal club today (journal club is great and you should come). I know a lot of us end up having to train others in how to use hardware or software tools...

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Conservation grants for field vehicles

Hi everyone, Does anyone know of grants to support buying or repairing field vehicles? My colleagues in the Caribbean have old pick-up trucks that will die soon but they do not...

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Hi everyone, 

Trying to revive this conversation. Has anyone any leads on car manufacturers, foundations, NGOs, etc who support buying (or repairing) vehicles for conservation?



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Hiring - Technologist in US

Natural Power's Global Wildlife Technology group has an opening for a Technologist in the US.  Our group develops technologies to solve wildlife and energy conflicts. We...

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WILDLABS Journal Club: DIY camera trap, optimising use of biologgers, Allen Coral Atlas

Hi everyone,  It is so hard to stay on top of the sheer volume of conservation tech literature and work happening - even for our team! So to help with this, we started a...

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Alright - everyone who has asked for an invite on any social platform *should* have a calendar invite in their email from me (it'll be from my email). If I've somehow missed you, can you please shout? 


Hey Stephanie, I remember this idea being kicked around and I indicated interest some time ago, but if I am not on the list you have going, I would love to passively follow, appreciating the timezones likely will be difficult for me to follow live from Australia. 

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Tech Tutors Capacity Building Episode: Call for Input

Hi all, Our upcoming presenter Meredith Palmer is looking for community input as she works on her Tech Tutors presentation! In October, Meredith will kick off our third block...

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Thanks for posting, Ellie!

Hi all, would love to have a chat with anyone who has experience or insight in this area (and possibly put together a perspectives piece based on this episode). Looking forward to hearing from you all! 

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IUCN Marseille

Hi there Any of you guys are coming to marseille in septembre. It is our home town so we can meetup and hack around? Cheers

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Hi Oliver, 

We are coming down, and I was just wondering...  Seeing as as are no longer un the EU (very sad face) it might be a good idea for us to get cards and flyers printed by a local company rather than trying to bring them through customs ourselves.

Do you know of any local helpful printing companies?

See you there!


Will be there virtually! Not in the EU so unfortunately wouldn't be able to go with COVID restrictions, but looking forward to connecting with folks online!

And a plug that WILDLABS has a session :) - ("WILDLABS: Broadening participation in conservation technology innovation and application")

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Journal Club tomorrow (July 30, 10:30am EST) - review paper discussion

Hi!  Steph, Ellie & I were thinking it might be cool to just focus on 1 paper this week for journal club, that paper being the hot-off-the-press review article "A...

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Hi. I can give a brief blurb on the state of wireless sensor networks if you want. I don't think it will be a very deep dive due to time limitations, but can discuss how we're seeing it in terms of field deployment of wireless sensor networks.


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Hack4Nature : tech for biodiversity

We are organizing this year a giant online hackathon (12 challenges) around biodiversity and tech: the night the city the agriculture and the sea We are using AI...

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Is this available for participants outside of France? I'd love to be involved!

Yep Its sill open you can join Slack ?

Yep Its sill open you can join Slack ?

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Earth Defenders Toolkit Global Launch

The Earth Defenders Toolkit is a collaborative space for earth defenders and their allies. The Toolkit provides a growing collection of resources and training materials for...

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WILDLABS Journal Club: Project Rattlecam, whaleshark eDNA & the Problem with innovation challenges

Hi everyone,  Lovely to see everyone at this week's journal club! Here are the slides & links from this week's journal club if you want to dig in and read...

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Read more: 

Carly's in case you missed it:

  • New Species on WildMe: new wildbooks (Grouper Spotter, Salamander Wildbook), ML support now for bobcats, clouded leopards, ocelots, great white sharks, Indo-pacific humpback whales, bottlenose dolphins 

  • SeaBee: establish drone-based infrastructure for scientific research in Norway (pilot training, data storage, ML algorithms, specs/data standards, etc.) 

  • Reckoning with elitism & racism in conservation: Mongabay article, interview with Colleen Begg, South African conservationist

  • Underwater AI detection: created by Jake Easterling of Scubotics, upload videos and ID the fish you saw! 

  • From WWF, Rainforest Alliance & iseal; effort to make credible evidence about impacts & effectiveness of market-based sustainability approaches accessible to inform policy & practice 

  • CarbonPlan: non-profit that analyzes climate solutions, builds open tools/resources for evaluation & deployment of them, improving transparency & scientific integrity of carbon remocal 

  • DevelopmentSeed: engineering & product company accelerating application of accessible geospatial analysis (Cloud Geo), planetary AI, etc. to make evidence-based decisions that benefit the planet 

  • Remotely monitoring honeybees: Best Bees Company installs hives on commercial and residential properties (pays property owners) & use software system to monitor and record colony health, data shared with researchers

  • GoodAI community: “empowering companies that use AI to help deliver on SDG’s”; online discussion boards, company directory, job board, responsible AI resources 

  • Highest resolution global map released: from Impact Observatory, Esri & Microsoft AI for Earth; using Sentinel-2 imagery at 10-m resolution & image segmentation CNN (UNet)

  • Brazil’s wildlife forensics initiative: Amazonas state using isotope ratio mass spec to detect geographic origin of animals (captive-bred vs wild-caught, and where in the wild), products (timber, gold, etc.)

  • ConservationAI: UK ngo detecting & classifying animals, evidence of illegal activity from pictures and thermal images collected by camera traps, drones (can use 3/4G comm’s for real-time monitoring); upload data to site, models (TensorFlow automatically run them and give you analytics dashboard 

  • New Analytics Lab from Conservation Science Partners (US non-profit): develop & prototype software, computational environments & data products to monitor land use, analyze ecosystems, develop climate change projections, etc. 

  • eBioAtlas: from NatureMetrics & IUCN; creating global atlas of life for Earth’s rivers & wetlands using eDNA; interfaces with IUCN RedList & GBIF; freely available 

  • Global Environmental Crime Tracker: from the Environmental Investigation Agency; central public database of illegal wildlife & timber activity (pulls from publicly available info, media coverage); currently for Asia, Africa & Europe

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Tech Tutors 3 is Coming: Call for topics & presenters!

Hi Wildlabbers,  It's been a quiet few months since Tech Tutors 2 wrapped, but a *lot* of things have been happening behind the scenes that we're really...

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Oh, so excited to hear more about what's been going on. Looking forward to watching Tech Tutors 3 also. There's been something missing in my late evenings :)

A suggestion for something I repeatedly get asked:

- How do I create maps of land cover change for my area and assess accuracy, using free software and limited (or no) coding skills?

Any takers?? I keep meaning to take a look at the latest plugins in QGIS, for example, but haven't got around to it...


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