
Citizen Science / Feed

Anyone can become a citizen scientist - even experts! If you're excited about exploring new areas of conservation tech, contributing to projects, or developing and launching your own citizen science projects or apps, this is the group for you.


Using social media for Citizen Science projects - examples

Hi everyone, I am a first-year student on the MS in HCI at RIT, and I am working on a school project about using social media platforms for citizen science projects ( I am...

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Hi Natalia!

This is not for birds, but we are running a whole bat monitoring programme based on citizen science, and every tool we have prepared is ready to be used at European scale! You can find all the information here:

Feel free to contact me if you need any information. 

All the best!!


Hi Adrià! 

Thanks for sharing the link and congrats on the plans to upscale it! I will explore the page more and reach out with a few questions about setting up stations and the data collection process.

Thanks again! Have a nice weekend!


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New paper: Integrating machine learning, remote sensing and citizen science to create an early warning system for biodiversity

Opinion paper describing "how data acquired from remote sensing, citizen science & other monitoring approaches could feed in near-real time to an early warning system for biodiversity that integrates automated red-listing of species with the identification of priority areas for conservation."


Software to aid acoustic sound files visualization/labelling + Software to syncronize video/acoustic sonograms

Hi everybody!I am currently trying to figure out if there is any open-source software that could improve our citizen science project on bat monitoring in Europe (and potentially...

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I would also recommend Arbimon. It is well set up to handle Audiomoth recordings. Being cloud based, you will need a good internet connection for sound file upload. I'm just starting to investigate its use for Song Scope recordings. Setting up the call recognisers will be a slow process, but they can be made available to all users once done.

You could try using a video editor like DaVinci for looking at your video and audio together. I don't think DaVinci displays sonograms by default (just waveform) but I think it will open your selected audio in an external editor which would allow you to see the sonograms and make measurements with something like Audacity or Kaleidoscope.

The open-source program Audacity can show the spectrograms and histograms and has quite a lot of other useful features, e.g. playing ultrasound calls slower, so it can be heard by people. 

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New paper: Benthic animal-borne sensors & citizen science combine to validate ocean modelling

"We develop the use of benthic species as animal oceanographers by combining archival (depth, temperature) data from animal-borne tags, passive acoustic telemetry & citizen-science mark-recapture records for the flapper skate in Scotland."


Sydney seals: From Manly to Malabar, marine life sprawls across a city

This came to me by way of my dad over the weekend, but it's is full of familiar names and has started popping up from other places in the conservation tech network. It's a gorgeous visual story via The Sydney Morning Herald, telling the tail of the return of fur seals in and around Sydney. It highlights PhD student Vanessa Morris' PhD research and the citizen science program Vanessa Pirotta created called Wild Sydney Harbour (



Ceres Tag sends just in time alerts and GPS location to have the power to track and trace.

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Cofounder needed

Hey all ! if you have an idea that you want to turn into a company- I would love to help. I have enough hardware/software knowledge (was an engineer) to be the cofounder of a...

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What about developing a drone conservation training course for field conservation staff teaching specific skills for specific research needs. 

How exciting @Joyeeta ! I'd love to learn more about the companies and projects you worked on, can you share more info about them?

I once chatted to an entrepreneurial advisor with a couple of my conservation tech ideas, and he said my ideas are good/impactful but don't make for a product worth millions of $$$ of turnover per year that would interest investors. So I am very curious about how you got your conservation tech businesses off the ground!

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Research opportunities in the Daintree World Heritage region of Far North Queensland, Australia

Michael and Maria Parsons recently purchased a substantial 165 acre lot of land in Far North Queensland, Australia. Entirely covered by tropical rainforest, it is contiguous with the Daintree World Heritage Area and...

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Hi @MICHAEL_PARSONS . I'm Akiba from FreakLabs and we specialize in wireless sensor networks for environmental monitoring. We're currently...
Hi Akiba (& Jacinta),Many thanks for your kind message in reply to our suggestion for collaborations centered on our pending Daintree Nature Refuge. BTW, I have various...
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Citizen Science Conservation Apps for travelers?

Hi all,  What are some citizen science apps for travelers? Like, if there was someone going on vacation to some biodiversity hotspots, what kind of apps would be...

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Hi John,

iNaturalist is good for all taxa. If you have birders in the crowd, eBird. and if you have some who may not know birds but are keen to learn, check out Merlin ID. If anyone is keen to record audio of birds calling, they can then upload them via Xeno Canto. eBird and iNat apps also now accept audio, but be sure and check out all three in terms of audio exploration for what might grab the interest of groups most. I really enjoy exploring calls from others using Xeno Canto.


Jessie Oliver


I would check out the upcoming Key Conservation app!

It's in beta testing now with a group of restricted users but will be released fully soon.

If you're traveling with kids, consider They can earn points and badges for their observations of plants, animals, insects, and fungi, and can trade points in for prizes. It's focused on North Carolina, but you can upload observations from anywhere. Good ones get syndicated to iNaturalist.

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Webinar: Bioacoustics and Engagement

Wildlife Acoustics
Join Wildlife Acoustics for their webinar, Super Hear-os: Engaging Everyday People Through the Science of Bioacoustics, this Thursday, July 22nd at 10 AM ET / 3 PM BST! At this event, four presenters will discuss how...

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Invitation to join the FIT community on WildLabs

Hi Citizen Science Group, My name is Zoe Jewell, I'm the co-founder of WildTrack. Our focus is on the non-invasive monitoring of endangered species, primarily using our...

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Hi Zoe,

This looks really interesting! Is the initiative on social media at all? I would like to share it with the Australian Citizen Science Association membership. Also, is there involvement in Australia? If on twitter, feel free to connect with me via @JessieLOliver



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Compelling Citizen Science Projects

Dear All, I am putting together a list of compelling research projects suitable for engaging citizen scientists from the comfort of their homes - think Zooniverse-type projects...

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Hi Paul,

I recommend you have a look at SciStarter and filter for online projects.

Also here in Australia we have:


Wildlife spotter

Galaxy Explorer

Weather detectives

Explore the sea floor


and others that are popping up all the time!



Hi Paul, 

I would be interested to see how your project turned out if there is a link to it anywhere? Also, in case it's of interest, UNEP and TED Ed developed the Earth School initiative, and one of the 30 interactive quests focused on citizen science (#26)! The citizen science quest, which I led the development of, included projects that could be done from home by design, being developed in response to COVID.

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WILDLABS Featured: The Economist Technology Quarterly

The latest Technology Quarterly special issue from The Economist highlights the theme of protecting biodiversity, and covers topics including climate change's impacts on biodiversity, modelling ecosystems, using...

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Event: StreamingScience's #Tech4Wildlife Thursdays

Join Conservation Technology Educator Andrew Schulz each Thursday at 7:00pm EST for #Tech4Wildlife Thursdays, a casual chat event with friends from the conservation tech community. Many of these chats will feature...

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