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Title Author Summary Groups Date
Shana Hirsch

Shana Hirsch

eDNA Collaborative and Experiment Partner to Provide $80K in Grants--Apply Now! eDNA & Genomics
Adrien Pajot

Adrien Pajot

The conclusion of the WILDLABS Awards 2024 selection process is imminent! Our external judging panel is currently deliberating to determine the 14 chosen projects. Meet them! Community Base
Alex Rood

Alex Rood

The Wildlife Restoration Foundation is hiring a Conservation Technology Intern  Community Base, Early Career, Biologging, Remote Sensing & GIS, Software and Mobile Apps
Alex Rood

Alex Rood

Camera traps often monitor larger animals, so passive infrared sensor tends to miss small and fast species like mustelids. Researchers tested the Mostela against a tree-mounted camera trap to compare performance and make recommendations... Camera Traps
Alex Rood

Alex Rood

These researchers are introduce the ISPA (Inter-Species Phonetic Alphabet) as a new way to precisely interpret and transcribe animal sounds. By using text to represent sounds, existing human language machine learning models could be used... Acoustics
Talia Speaker

Talia Speaker

Sign up for Data Science for Social Good 2024! This summer program is a great opportunity to get dedicated data science support on a conservation (tech) project or to get rich experience as a student in the field. More info in the link -... AI for Conservation
Jake Burton

Jake Burton

Applications open for a PhD position in plant vibroacoustics at the University of Southampton Acoustics, AI for Conservation, Early Career


New position available in Esri’s Nonprofit account team. Remote Sensing & GIS
Jon Wetton

Jon Wetton

A portable nanopore DNA sequencer has been used to determine the species of origin of bushmeat intercepted at Brussels Airport during a day of baggage searches. Emerging Tech, eDNA & Genomics, Wildlife Crime


Remote Sensing and Research group at Dedan Kimathi University have come up with this ebook after a project observing the deterioration of part of the aberdare. I always welcome efforts that involve young learners so that they benefit and... Climate Change, Community Base, Conservation Tech Training and Education, East Africa Community
Carly Batist

Carly Batist

We demonstrate the power of using passive acoustic monitoring & machine learning to survey species, using ruffed lemurs in southeastern Madagascar as an example. Acoustics, AI for Conservation
Olivier Staehli

Olivier Staehli

Hi! We're engineers eager to understand how technology can simplify acoustic work. If you use recorders, your input would be invaluable. Please consider taking our 5min survey. As a thank you, participants will be entered into a draw for a... Acoustics
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