
Camera Traps / Feed

Looking for a place to discuss camera trap troubleshooting, compare models, collaborate with members working with other technologies like machine learning and bioacoustics, or share and exchange data from your camera trap research? Get involved in our Camera Traps group! All are welcome whether you are new to camera trapping, have expertise from the field to share, or are curious about how your skill sets can help those working with camera traps. 


Camera Trap Data Normalization Help

Hi all! I am working on a project studying pinniped habitat use in the Eastern US. We set up camera traps across the haul-out areas, set to take 4 images per hour. If a seal...

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Hi Michelle,

it would be good to get some more information on your project. What question are you trying to answer? How many cameras did you have deployed? How many different study sites/haul-out areas are there?


Absolutely, I am happy to provide it. Our objectives are 1) to improve the understanding of local and seasonal haul-out patterns, and the numbers of seals hauled out during daylight hours; 2) to investigate any haul-out patterns in relation to environmental factors. 

We had 10 different cameras set up at two different survey areas (8 at one location and 2 at another). We are studying the two survey areas separately. At one of the locations there are 8 different survey sites within the area where seals haul-out, at the other location, there are 2 different survey sites within the area. 

So far we have completed 3 survey seasons as well. 

Let me know if there is anything else I can provide!

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Overview: Depth Sensing Technologies for Camera Traps

Hi I am cross-posting a conversation I had with some people from the Global Open Science Hardware group and figured yall were the experts on this stuff: https://forum.openhardware...

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@hikinghack @Nycticebus-scientia We just ran an open-source competition on this exact question! DrivenData is a small group of data scientists, and we partnered with the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (MPI-EVA) and the Wild Chimpanzee Foundation (WCF) to compile enough hand-labeled data to apply machine learning to the depth problem. In your original post, this falls under the AI Prediction Based category. The code behind all of the top-performing models is freely available on GitHub. We're hoping to make these freely available in the future in the a more user-friendly way.

@JHughes to your point about motion sensor camera traps being continuously set off -our free, open-source web application called Zamba Cloud uses machine learning to automatically sort videos by either what animal they contain or whether they are blank. You just upload a set of videos, and the web application will output a list of labels for each video! This may not address the battery drainage problem, but can help with filtering out blank videos and identifying which actually captured animals.

(apologies for joining this thread late)  Has anyone tried using the LIDAR in one of the newer iPhones so-equipped as a trail cam trigger? (e.g. iPhone12 Pro), perhaps in conjunction with a nueral network that processes the depth map looking for animal triggers?  (I know this is liable to be a power-hungry trigger, for now, just looking at a proof of concept)  

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Osa Conservation: A Multi-Tech Toolbox of Solutions

Osa Conservation
In this Conservation Tech Showcase case study from Osa Conservation, you’ll learn about how technology is aiding their long-term efforts to prevent wildlife crime, protect critical species, and build a climate-adaptive...

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Cuddelink Camera Issue?

I just wanted to see if anyone else was having an issue with Cuddelink cameras sometimes emailing you super old images. Like for example, when we went out in March to change the...

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Camera-trapping provides new insights on scent marking in the large-antlered muntjac

New insights into the behavior of the large-antlered muntjac, a critically endangered deer species in Southeast Asia, are revealed through camera-trapping, shedding light on scent marking as a communication method used by these secretive ungulates and its potential role in territoriality and mate assessment.


Scientists step up hunt for ‘Asian unicorn’, one of world’s rarest animals

The saola, also known as the 'Asian unicorn,' remains one of the world's most elusive and rare animals. Conservation organizations, such as the Saola Working Group, operating in Laos and Vietnam, are conducting extensive searches using camera traps and exploring new methods like training dogs to detect saola signs and developing rapid DNA field test kits in order to save this remarkable creature from extinction.


Camera trap pics of rare species in Vietnam raise conservation hopes

Camera traps installed in Vietnam's Phong Dien Nature Reserve have yielded remarkable images of rare and endangered species, igniting optimism for biodiversity conservation in the region. Among the captivating photographs are sightings of muntjac deer, the crested argus, Annamite striped rabbit, and Owston's palm civet. The camera trap images serve as a testament to the presence of these elusive creatures, fueling hope for their conservation.


What are the waterfowls?

I took photos and videos about a lovely couple who has got a new family at Ducks Lock along Oxford Canal. Can anyone tell me the name of waterfowl.

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Collar Tracking vs. Camera Traps for Monitoring Mexican Wolves

This article compares and contrasts the success of their wolf monitoring efforts with both collars and camera traps. The camera traps were intended to help researchers identify individual wolves within the population, but they experienced difficulties identifying both uncollared wolves and those with marked collars.


Camera Trap Data Management Survey

The Wildlife Insights team is running a survey to learn more about camera trap data management practices, and in particular to understand potential barriers to data sharing, as...

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AI Animal Identification Models

Hi Everyone,I've recently joined WILDLABS and I'm getting to know the different groups. I hope I've selected the right ones for this discussion...I am interested in AI to identify...

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Thanks Dan, that is very helpful. No zebras here but I did see four deer wandering through the streets this morning. Quite wild at times here!

I am totally willing to try an image classifier if it reports multiple objects it identifies in a scene. I will give this a go.

I think 1 fps would be quite acceptable actually, and in some perspective actually advantageous in reducing how much data is getting logged.

I tried upgrading my existing object detector model to YOLOv8 following the links you sent, but I don't think it is possible to upgrade the model on the framework I'm using (ml5js) so I think I will have to try a different framework.

Thank you.

Hi David

It appears that you have been looking for existing models, however, most existing models are trained on either COCO or some other very generic dataset. So, if you want to identify just animals, you may be better off training your own model. It seems no one in this thread mentioned yet that it is possible to do transfer learning on existing models, which keeps most of the "visual part" of the model as is, but just changes the classification part so it can identify other things. This way you can take an existing model trained on COCO and in a fraction of the time it takes to train a full model, just retrain that for your animals.

Also have a look at your requirements for the inferencing stage. Some models take long in training but are superfast in inference and others are slow in both cases but very accurate, etc. If you want semi-realtime inferencing, you are probably looking at single shot detectors (SSD), and not RCNNs.

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Congo Basin activity?

greetings - I am helping coordinate a visit by the incoming director of national parks for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in mid-late June. He is very interested to...

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i sent you a PM regarding this, feel free to contact me however is most convenient for you -




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Indigenous groups working with camera traps in Latin America

Does anybody work with or know of Indigenous groups in Latin America who are proficient with camera trapping and using cam trap data for conservation/management action? A...

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Happy to put you in contact with some of my grantees working in Mexico who have extensive experience in capacity building for indigenous communities focused in species monitoring, including: Eco-Creando Soluciones, AC, Bosque Antiguo, AC, Bioconciencia, AC. Let me know.



I've heard that Alianza Ceibo and Amazon Frontlines use camera traps in the Amazonian regions of Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru to monitor poaching and land encroachment. You can reach out to them directly or I can put you in touch with one of their program managers if you'd like (I only have her # and don't want to post her personal info directly on here though).

Great, thank you both! I'll follow up for introductions/ contact info

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Camera traps, AI, and Ecology

3rd International Workshop in Jena, Germany (7. - 8. September 2023)

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Are you ready for the event next week!? 17 talks, 4 sessions, 4 invited speakers - check out the schedule if you want more information:...
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Analyze difference in time events in camera trap data

We are studying how foxes and birds feed from feeders aimed at Livestock Protection Dogs in Tierra del Fuego. We want to look at time between visits to assess dependence of visits...

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Adrían - You might try looking at the methods for analyzing temporal interactions described in these two papers. These will hopefully provide you a starting point into the literature. Best wishes - Russ

Rahel Sollmann. 2018. A gentle introduction to camera-trap data analysis. African Journal of Ecology.

Justin P Suraci, et al. 2022. Beyond spatial overlap: harnessing new technologies to resolve the complexities of predator–prey interactions. Oikos.

Hi Adrián,


Bracis et al. {recurse} package in R allow those time between visits comparisons. I had problems running the package with my data, though. 


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Recommendations needed: software for collating camera trap images

Just looking for recommendations for collating camera trap images. We will be retrieving 30 cameras in coming weeks and would like to use a program to upload the SD cards directly...

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Hey Sami! Not sure what their needs are at WildlifeInsights. But would love to contribute in any capacity. I'm a software developer with a Masters in Zoology and experience Wildlife research. I have worked on several project integrating with TensorFlow and other ML models-including ChatGPT. Any chance they are looking for folks to staff their venture? Cheers!


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Who's going to ESA in Portland this year?

So who is going to be at the Ecological Society of America meeting this year in Portland, August 6-11th?It will be my first time at the conference, so I won't know many people...

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Indeed, I'll be there too!  I like to meet new conservation friends with morning runs, so I will likely organize a couple of runs, maybe one right near the conference, and one somewhere in a nearby park where we can look for wildlife.  The latter would probably be at an obscenely early hour, so we can drive somewhere, ideally see elk (there are elk within 25 minutes of Portland!), and still get back in time for the morning sessions.

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