Global Feed

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Header image: Laura Kloepper, Ph.D.


GPS wildlife tracking on the cheap

Hi everyone, Should this be of interest, please see our how to on making a cheap GPS device The paper here https://euanritchie....

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CCF GIS Group Social

It's that time again; on Thursday 13th we'll be heading to The Eagle on Benet Street from 18:00 to talk maps. This informal social event is for people with an...

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QGIS UK Midlands & East User Group meeting

This is the first QGIS (Midlands & East) user group meeting on Thursday 18th May in Cambridge. Tickets are free thanks to the sponsors - British Antartic Survey. Thu 18 May...

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This meeting will now be followed by the Missing Maps May Mapathon - Cambridge from 18:00 - 20:30, which will also be hosted at the British Antarctic Survey. We also plan to squeeze in a post-mapping drink at The Punter just down the road. Open source GIS followed by humanitarian mapping, followed by free pizza and a pint - what more could you ask for!?

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Missing Maps April Mapathon - Cambridge

Join us for another evening of mapping (and pizza!). No previous experience required.  On Wednesday 5th April from 6pm-8:30pm, we are hosting a...

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Hi Steph,

It was fantastic! We had a full house, with all 40 tickets sold out and really good attendance rate. We were mapping an area of Zimbabwe for the Clinton Health Access Initiative's malaria program. We were joined remotely by some collaborators at OpenStreetMap Bangladesh, and together we completed > 70% of the task. The next Cambridge Missing Maps is going to be at the British Antarctic Survey on Thursday 18th May and you can register here! We hope to include the David Attenborough Building on the Missing Maps Cambridge circuit for future events. The Cambridge Conservation Forum GIS Group are also planning to hold a MapforEnvironment event in the very near future, which will of course be advertised on WILDLABS.NET!


Sounds awesome! Will you be working to finish the other 30% at the next meeting, or working on a new project? 

Adding in a great photo you posted from the event on Twitter last night :) 

Thanks for adding the photo from the event. Missing Maps is becoming really popular, so tasks get completed quite quickly. We shared the task numbers for people to finish off at home if they wanted to, but by the time of next month's mapping party, this task will long have been completed so we'll be working on another one! I hope you can make it on Thursday 18th May.

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SCCS Bengaluru 2017 in Bengaluru, India

The Student Conference on Conservation Science - Bengaluru will be held in Bengaluru, India from September 21st to the 24th, 2017. This conference will feature over 500 of Africa and Asia's most innovative and inspiring...

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Comparing two sound wave files - for a conservation game

Hello sound experts We in the conservation games area are working on a game idea that would require the ability to compare two sound waves (no more than 3 seconds each) and see...

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Dynamic Time Warping is often used as a foundation.

Hey Gautam!

Could you share few sample files? I want to try out a couple algorithm and see if that's useful to you.



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Heat Maps

We have been playing with heat mapping incubators. Traditionally yo map an icubator by placing a therometer in different locations within the incubator. This is at best a slow and...

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Hi @AdamBloch 

I'd like to know more about your setup. I'm monitoring temperatures on a nature reserve using an array of 100 iButton Thermocron temperature sensors. I'm interested in what the benefits of using Arduino and Raspberry Pi might be. I need to collect my sensors in and read through a USB device. Then there's the interpolation and plotting of the data, and I'm particularly interested in how you are filtering and querying your data i.e. 'selectable [time?] range'.


Hi Thomas

We are mapping a very small area in real time. The data rate is controlled by the time it take to read all the DS18B20s. The logger I use in the Octogons is using about 90 sensors and refreshes about every 5 to 15 seconds. The data is store as a CSV in series of files.

Best thing to do is drop me a PM and your number.

Many thanks


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Welch Labs - Learning to see

For those of you working on image detection systems of whatever kind, I highly recommend the YouTube series Learning to See by WelchLabs. It presents truely beautiful...

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Ah! Thanks for posting this Tom. It's such a well designed, simple to understand video series, and the backing track is utterly delightful.  


Given the growing applications of machine learning for conservation, I've been wondering if a 'machine learning 101 for conservation' webinar or article might be a worthwhile resource to look into for our community. In looking for a link to put in here to a UCL course I know exists on this topic, I actually just came across this article: A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO MACHINE LEARNING IN ECOLOGY. Seems that Jon Lefcheck had the same thought as me and got right down to it.

If you're interested in more introductory, practical resources on machine learning, do let me know below! Also, if you know of any other go to tutorials that you've found useful, please share them. 


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Camera Trap Pictures Wanted

Hi All, Does anyone have some camera trapping imagery they would be willing to share? Imagery will be used for best practice guidelines and supporting website, and will be...

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Not quite. I'm coordinating a fauna monitoring project for a Landcare network and, of course, we hope to get phascogales. I've just retrieved a batch of cameras from nest box monitoring duty for the phascogale project and their next role will be to investigate a possible sighting of a Squirrel Glider in the area.


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lidar imagery

Hi All, Does anyone have some lidar imagery they would be willing to share? Imagery will be used for best practice guidelines and supporting website, and will be credited so...

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Hi Paul, 

So you have had the good fortune to make this ask during our annual #Tech4Wildlife photo challenge, but unfortunately you've been foiled on this ask (unlike the acoustic and camera trapping photos) - we've yet to see any lidar images shared in the photo challenge. So I'll add a request on top of your request.. if you do have some lidar images that you are willing to share with Paul, please add them to the #tech4wildlife photo challenge mix over on Twitter as well! 

To participate this year, all you need to do is: 

  1. Take a photo of how you are using tech to save wildlife
  2. Share it on Twitter: tell us a bit about your work and the tech featured
  3. Remember to use the hashtag #Tech4Wildlife and tag us at @WILDLABSNET



Hi @P.Glover.Kapfer 

Have you looked at the Environment Agency LiDAR data available under the Open Government Licence and available from

It might also just be worth asking Amphibian and Reptile Conservation whether their LiDAR data are available. They have a 2 ppm coverage of the New Forest National Park from 2015 which is shared with Natural England (contact Arne Loth). The New Forest National Park Authority also have a 4 ppm dataset from a few years previous, though I'm not sure what the copyright status is with that one (contact Lawrence Shaw).

As a fairly frequent LiDAR user, I'd be interested to know more about your best practice guidelines and website.



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Welcome to the GIS group!

Hello and welcome to the WILDLABS.NET GIS group! We felt that, being such a broad-spectrum and cutting-edge tool in conservation, GIS deserved its own group within the WILDLABS...

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Hello. I'm working at Korea National Park Service, GISP, and a charter member of OSGeo Foundation. I'm teaching various open source GIS applications such as QGIS, GRASS GIS, Orfeo ToolBox, OpenDroneMap. Nice to know this GIS group!

Hello, I am currently using QGIS for assessing conservation planning effectiveness and identifying gaps in networks of protected areas in the Neotropics. It's really nice to be able to share and gather knowledge about GIS functionalities.


Hi, I'm a GIS consultant to conservation and research groups, mostly using ArcGIS and, increasingly, QGIS. Lately I've been doing a lot of work with satellite imagery. I've done quite bit of Python programming as well. I hope to meet like-minded folks for information-sharing and maybe even collaboration. 

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RGS Geo-technologies for field research workshops

Have you seen these two RGS Geo-technologies for field research workshops? Open source GIS and field monitoring with Arduino Open source remote sensing and...

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Thanks for sharing. It looks as though they've recently been cancelled.

Thanks for the update, @joelm . I wonder why they were cancelled - lack of uptake or something else? I'll see what I can find out.

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Modeling techniques

Hi, May I know what are the different applications of modeling?

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Hi Priyanka,


From your post, I believe you mean applications for modeling data, right? There are many depending on the area or environmental topic you are working on, such as QGIS, Movebank, Google Fusion Tables, iPlover, etc. What does everyone else in the community have to say about this?

@sivakumar @Hangiw @dave  @wai.yee @StephODonnell - What are your thoughts?

Hi Priyanka, 

I'll second what John's posted - it would be helpful to know a little more about what you're looking to do before we can answer your query. What is you project? What sort of data do you have? What are you looking to model? 


Hi Steph,

Actully, it's my presentation topic in class, Now I don't have a data but have to deliever an information in general. So can I produce depctive data to show how to represent any model. 


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Drone training for forestry and conservation

Introduction to the use of drone systems for forestry and conservation Learn the potential of drones to monitor and map your projects More info available in: https://...

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Thanks for sharing, @Lot  

Adding a little more info in case anyone was interested but didn't click through - also, earlybird tickets are still available. 


Drone applications in sustainable natural resource management

When: 15th to 19th May, 2017
Where: Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
For whom: Members of forestry companies, governmental environmental institutions, non-profit organizations and university research departments, as well as students.

@TWhitten this may be of interest for Indonesia team members using drones? 

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Citizen Science Conservation Apps

Hello, I have been creating a listing of citizen science apps. Here are a few of them. 1. iBats - Allows for the recording and monitoring of bat calls.  2....

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Hi all, 

I am curious what the reason by the original poster to target applications specifically. That might help me provide us provide you with greater detail. There are  likely thousands out there and if you are also interested in web platforms either as data entry portals or doing project online data analysis that are yet again thousands more.  Many web based platforms have accompanying applications as well. If we look at the birding community, there are already several in Australia for example, but eBird is a global project to record and distribute wild bird observations, which is run by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. It has a web platform but several apps have also been created to enter data via mobile phones. This is just one example of such technologies. Also I mentioned the global project finder SciStarter in a previous post, and just wanted to let you know, they are VERY interested in knowing about any projects you find that aren't in their data base. There are also interested in partnering with other groups to aggrigate projects. Here in Australia for example, as part of my role with the Australian Citizen Science Association (ACSA), I have faciliated such a partnership with the Atlas of Living Australia'/ACSAs project finder. An API now exhanged data across protals regardless of what the information is originally entered. 

Best regards,


Hi guys,

I just spoke with the folks at Scistarter, and as a result they added a filter for applications, and also a an App URL field to the appropriate project pages! :)  Hope that helps!

@Sivakumar This thread seems interesting

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Conservation GIS Group Social

The second bi-monthly Conservation GIS social of 2017 will be at The Eagle on Benet Street from 18:00 on Thursday 23rd March. This informal social event is for people with an...

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Last week's GIS social topics included:

  • IfSAR and InSAR Interferometric synthetic aperture radar, as used by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in their new TanDEM-X high resolution global digital elevation model. The new GDEM has a vertical accuracy of < 1 metre and an xy resolution of 6 metres. You can read more on the project web page
  • Using Maxim iButton termperature data logger arrays to monitor the diurnal temperature fluctuations of different habitats and microhabitats. We also touched on sampling design and interpolation methods.
  • Towards the end of the evening we discussed the difference between geodesic and Euclidian distances, the planar nature of the solar system (see Laplace's invariable plane) and whether the galaxy has a ‘right way up’.

Beverages of choice were Greene King’s Abbot Ale and IPA Special Reserve. Put the next GIS social date in your calendar now and don’t miss out –  it’s Thursday April 13th.

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Foxlights predator deterrant

You probably all heard about Richard Turere's lion lights project. A Australian sheep herder created a similar device called Foxlights. It has some advantages in that it...

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Personally, I'd order a few of the $10 radios from eBay and see how they work. They are cheap enough that if they don't work out, you wouldn't be out much money. 

For $27, you could try one of these which is rated Waterproof Level IPX3; it can be used during rainy weather.

From my brief search, I think you are going to have a tough time finding something solar, waterproof, and inexpensive. But do let us know what you turn up!

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Upcoming capacity building conference

Hi all! I'll be attending a conference on capacity building in Pune, India this week. There wil be a day of tech demonstrations available for participants covering things from...

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I went to one of the ERT Spatial Ecology and conservation conferences in Bristol a couple of years ago. It was invaluable - I discovered things there that I'm now using extensively at work. Plus, Mark is a great guy. I checked back recently and saw that this was happening - it sounds wonderful - have a great time! The WILDLABS.NET session looks awesome!

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Turtle Seminar

Hello all!   There is an upcoming seminar on turtles in Yonkers, NY on Saturday, March 25th. If you care about turtles, you should attend. It's $45 for the day, and...

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Recommendations Needed: Real-time enabled camera traps

Hello all,   I have become interested in camera traps and the possibility of using them in remote areas. I was wondering what are the best reccommendations for camera...

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Hi Jankees

Thanks for your reply,

If there have existing network like RoyalKPNN.V. provide mobile phone service,  there will be no problem, 3G/4G camera traps will works well. each cam 250 USD at the moment. 

Now days hundreds of chinese tech team are working on LoRa and NB-IoT solutions as well. All of them want to be successfull like HUAWEI,ZTE and DJI. Nice people, good team, team work ,working 12 hours each day like machine, like arms race.

I am sure they are willing to support anti-poaching. I am not techman,but we are chinese, we have the duty to solve problems, be responsible for it. If you come to china oneday, let me know.

Thanks, and your sensingclues is great. 



A number of good points have been made. In terms of remote-enable camera traps, you will mainly find one that use cellular data signals to transmit images. Typically these are thumbnails rather full resolution, so you will likely still need to retrieve teh emory cards for analysis. Also, traps that transmit images tend to have a lionger time lag between shots, which can be a problem.  Hunting web sites tend to have the most complete reviews and discussions of the various models.

If you want to use citizen science in the data analysis process, I would suggest looking at Zooniverse ( It has a pretty well-thought-out platform. 

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