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Header image: Laura Kloepper, Ph.D.


Challenge #1: Fishing vessels of the future

Welcome to the first discussion thread on this new WILDLABS group. To kick things off, we'd like to build on the first in a series of introductory blogs about...

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The updated TNC/CEA report on electronic monitoring in fisheies just came out, which is very much on point for this group.

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Laure Joanny Reviews: Tech Tutors' How Do I Repair My Camera Traps?

Laure Joanny
Our first season of Tech Tutors may have wrapped, but the connections and collaborations from these episodes are still going strong! Today, we're sharing Tech Tutor presenter Laure Joanny's recap of the most important...

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I think you are right that there can be a lot of sharing on fixing camera traps! However, instead of setting up infrastructure for repair instructions, why not use an existing one...
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Sustainable Fishing Challenges: Fishing Gear Innovations

Daniel Steadman
Today, Sustainable Fishing Challenges group leader Daniel Steadman discusses how fishing gear itself could benefit from fresh technological innovations to prevent both environmental damage and damage to species and...

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Recommendations for low cost & versatile teaching/training supplies

Greetings Everyone, The Fung Fellowship at UC Berkeley has a little money left over from this academic year that must be spent ASAP, and we'd like to use...

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Hi all,

Teaching assistant here for the Fung Fellowship that Dan linked above.  First of all, THANK you for the responses @carlybatist & @Rob Appleby.  This has been extremely helpful for what type of technology we could introduce to students.  We will report back with what we use this fall and student's feedback/comments/enthusiasm! 

One point that is  particularly relevant now is that this course will now be completely remote for the fall semester.  Given that this will eliminate any opportunity for students to have hands-on time with a physical device...does anyone have any additional recommendations specifically that would work in a remote teaching environment? 

Thank you in advance!


Hi Andy,

My name is Elizabeth (Liz) Bondi, I'm a PhD Candidate in Computer Science at Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, advised by Prof. Milind Tambe. In brief, my research has primarily focused on using drones and AI for wildlife conservation.

As an intern at Microsoft Research with Dr. Ashish Kapoor, Dr. Debadeepta Dey, and Dr. Lucas Joppa, we built a simulated African savanna environment in Microsoft AirSim, and flew a simulated drone around it. Our goal was to create an automatically-labeled image dataset for training machine learning models, but I have also used it for demonstrations in the past to allow students to find specific animals while flying the drone around, for example. The AirSim environment will likely require GPUs, but perhaps access to the cloud (e.g., Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS) could be purchased for students.

One other note, I believe Sara Beery also used AirSim for camera traps.

Please feel free to check out Microsoft AirSim and download the African savanna environment (download ""). Our papers (see "BIRDSAI" 2020 and "AirSim-W" 2018 papers in particular) and the dataset are also available for some more information. Please feel free to email me at [email protected] if you would like to discuss anything further.




Awesome thank you Liz!  We will check this resource out and reach out if we want to discuss more or have any questions. 



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Argos Satellite Tag Open-Source Grant

Thomas Gray
WILDLABS community member Thomas Gray from Argos has given us a preview of an upcoming grant program to develop open-source tags. Three years ago, Argos worked with the Arribada Initiative to develop an open-source...

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ElephantEdge -Building the World’s Most Advanced Elephant Tracker

Hi all,  I think that anyone keen on creating awesome sensors will be interested in this contest! Check out the information below:, Smart Parks, and...

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Hi everyone, 

If you want to find out more, join Adam Benzion, co-founder of, @Tim+van+Dam , co-founder of Smart Parks, @smaston Founder of Project 15 at Microsoft, and Rex St John from Arm  today 9am PST for a livestream to talk about the #ElephantEdge Hackathon.

They'll be talking about how this collaboration came to be, how to get involved, and how developers and makers can get involved to unlock challenges facing our Earth and help the scientific community advance in their projects by contributing our technology skills to these efforts.

Join here:


Hi Everyone, I'm Anthony Lindley, a PhD candidate at the University of Southampton. I mainly work with computer vision but would like to branch out and try other ML applications.

I love elephants and having only recently got to grips with the scale of the threat to their existance, feel very strongly about this competition! I'm really keen to meet other people who'd potentially be up for collaborating with me or forming a team. Please contact me on twitter at @ajwl27 and we can come up with a plan!


Really looking forward to the solutions everyone comes up with here and of course, I hope that this actually makes an impact in the wild and helps protect these beautiful animals.

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Tech Tutors: How do I use portable genomics in the field?

Hi dear WILDLABS community,I'm happy to share with you that I'll be providing a Tech Tutor webinar on the 13th of August about portable genomics titled 'How do I use...

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Hi Wildlabbers,

We'll be using this thread for all follow-up questions and ongoing discussions after tomorrow's episode with Ineke! If you haven't registered yet, make sure you get your ticket here.

As always, we'll update this thread after the episode with the full tutorial and Q&A on our Youtube channel. We'll also share our collaborative notes and resources gathered from the episode's chat.

See you tomorrow for what will definitely be an exciting episode!


Hi Wildlabbers,

Ineke's episode is up on our Youtube now! Follow this link or watch it below. You can also find our collaborative notes from this episode here (where you'll definitely want to check out Ineke's handy glossary!).

Ineke's happy to answer more questions, so ask away in here!


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Tracking via Starlink

Hi, I was wondering if any has heard anything (or has ideas) about using Musk's Starlink for wildlife tracking? Thanks, -harold

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It sounds interesting. I've been trying to find coverage maps for Starlink but so far, I haven't found any actual coverage maps. I seem to just find "planned" coverage maps. It's hard to see how these would get used for wildlife tracking at this moment. The initial devices will use an antenna that's 0.5 meters in diameter which for me, would be approximately from the base of my foot to my knee. 

I think power consumption and coverage will also be main factors if the system gets used. Based on other satellite communications designs, the system would have to be pretty large by animal tag standards, even without the antenna, due to the batteries required to handle the maximal current. It would be interesting to test out some modules for this technology, though.

FYI for whoever's interested, you can sign up to be a potential beta user. More info here.


This is something I was thinking about recently as well. It is my understanding that the reciever antennas are fairly large. I think, however, there will be some very interesting things that can be done with starlink. If you could do your tracking with some type of antenna network and send the data to the reciever then star link gives you a high speed connection with which you could do near real time data processing.

Hi all,

Starlink is Ku and Ka-band as they are targetting broadband, so you're looking at similar large(ish) transmit / receive dishes as traditonal VSAT, and they will POE-based so lots of power required for the links. Kineis (Argos), Lacuna, Iridium and ICARUS are the main contenders in my eyes over the next 5+ years.

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WWF US Conservation Leadership Award

World Wildlife Fund
Applications are now open for the the WWF-US Conservation Leadership Award, a prize honoring exceptional young people working toward conservation solutions in the United States. If you are an early career...

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Webinar: Building location-based narratives

Interested in using ArcGIS StoryMaps to tell engaging stories that inform and inspire. give your narrative a stronger sense of place, illustrate spatial relationships, and add visual appeal and credibility to your ideas...

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Challenge: ElephantEdge
Protecting elephants from conservation's most pressing issues like poaching and human-wildlife conflict requires big, bold, and innovative solutions., Smart Parks, Edge Impulse, Microsoft, and several other...

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AudioMoth Water Resistant Case Design

Hi,    I’d like to share a low cost design for water resistant cases for AudioMoths that I created (instructions in the attached image). I’d say...

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Hi, do you still have some left overs of hyrdrophobic cloth? I'm currently in Mexico but a friend of mine is in UK so she can bring them to me. Thank you so much. 

Hi - I'm down to three sheets - the usable area is 12cm by 12 cm - I did post some cloth to the US and the total  price was under $5USD which I think would be 80-100 Peso but equally happy to send to your friend.  Email me [email protected] and we can sort out fine details - one thing is I'm away from home till early september. so couldn't send till then and the UK-Mexico post take about 5 days.  Best Wishes -  David Brown

Hello to you all, I hope everyone is doing ok during this Covid-19 contingency.

Jsut sharing this adaptation for the water proof case for the Audio Moth.

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Metal Detecting Sensors for Anti-Poaching

Sam Seccombe
Since 2016, ZSL’s Instant Detect team have been working on improving metal detecting sensors for anti-poaching. The team believe that using metal detecting sensors will provide a highly targeted detection of potential...

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Tech Tutors Recording: How do I get started with Arduino?

Our final season one WILDLABS Tech Tutors are Akiba and Jacinta from Freaklabs, who tackled the question: How do I get started with Arduino? Customised datalogging with WildLogger. This episode will also be the first in...

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ProxLogs - miniaturised proximity loggers

We have developed miniaturised proximity loggers (smallest model is ~1g) that can be used to gather high resolution social and spatial information on animal behaviour in the field...

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Hi Luci. 

Did you ever get a response on this? I'd be interested in collaborating and helping develop out the system. We can probably assist in the manufacturing and assembly as well. Let me know if you're interested.


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Share your funniest field fails with us!

Hi Wildlabbers, We've got a fun challenge for you this week - we're looking for the funniest field fails from our community! Did a bear chew on...

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Here's a video and a pic of a field fail on a project we did with Dr. Meredith Palmer. We designed and built an automated behavioral response system (ABRS) where we would play a sound when a camera trap was triggered and then record the video of the animal's response to it. Unfortunately the hyena's response to the sound of a prey was to eat the audio system.

Here's a link to the last video captured by the system:

And here' s a pic of the aftermath:


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Model Question: CT Detection angle and Field of View

Hello, I'm currently working on estimating the density of bezoar goats in Iraqi Kurdistan using REM. My data consists of camera trap images over a seven-year period. The...

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Hi Hana, have the above details. They measure field of view with a ruler at a set distance and some maths. Detection angle is harder and one way is to do a slow walk test, a foot every 20 seconds, across the cameras view and work out where the camera first captures images and then map this back to the field of view.

Hope this helps,



Hi Hana, I know for Bushnell the manual has the FOV, it should be 50 degrees for yours. All the manuals are online so you just have to find your model. 

As for the detection radius I agree with looking at trailcampro, to see if they've tested your model.


Fig 2 here; might help for the Bushnell. I haven't tested Stealthcams. 

There is more here;


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How do I use portable genomics in the field?

Ineke Knot
Our eighth WILDLABS Tech Tutor is Ineke Knot, who tackled the question: How do I use portable genomics in the field? You can catch up on this tutorial on our Youtube channel and read through the callaborative notes...

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Event: StreamingScience's #Tech4Wildlife Thursdays

Join Conservation Technology Educator Andrew Schulz each Thursday at 7:00pm EST for #Tech4Wildlife Thursdays, a casual chat event with friends from the conservation tech community. Many of these chats will feature...

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Recognising illegally-traded animal body parts

Greetings all, after working for many years in Sumatra, I know that tackling the illegal wildlife trade is hugely complicated and is made more given that items in trade may...

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Hi Sara and Debbie,

Just wanted to chime in here since I actually worked on this exact project several years ago when I was an intern at WWF.

We used scans from a near infrared spectrometer to classify ivory. The model was able to distinguish between fake and real ivory, including even distinguishing between elephant ivory and mammoth ivory. My manager for the internship, Rachel Kramer, had done all the hard work of collecting hundreds of scans of ivory samples from various museum collections and ivory that had been seized.

I am happy to share more details about the project if you are interested. Unfortunately I did not get to see it through because I was only working there for one summer three years ago, but I now work as a data scientist and so I have a lot more experience with this type of modeling. 

I am really curious! I will ask my old manager and get back to you.

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Tracking Wild Reptiles, Amphibians, And Their Temperatures

Emily Taylor
In this case study from herpetologist Emily Taylor, we learn about the best methods and gear used to track snakes, lizards, and other reptiles and amphibians via radio-telemetry, and how these techniques have changed...

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Hi, have we had any break throughs in radio transmitters for snakes, surgery is way too invasive in my opinion. It works but we need to look at different technologies. 
Hi, I would also be interested if any new technologies recently turned up and if you may have a list of producers?
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OpenCollar Update 2

OpenCollar is on fire! And by saying that we mean we’re steaming towards putting the first open-source modular elephant tracking collar into the wild to protect these...

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Cool stuff Laurens! I'm closely following the open collar developments which triggers some ideas on what we could do for the river dolphins. Look forward to connect shortly! Cheers

Hey Laurens, 

How did your field tests in Rwanda go? 


Hi. I've been following the opencollar initiative and was wondering what the current status is. The project looks amazing!

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Survey: Cons Tech Needs Assessment

Hi everyone!  I am a PhD candidate at Colorado State University researching human-wildlife conflict. Myself and several collaborators from CSU are in the process of...

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Done. Good luck with the survey :)

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