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Header image: Laura Kloepper, Ph.D.


Looking for tips about masters in Wildlife forensics and possible places to get some work experience.

Update:Thanks for recent comments, this post is quite old now my apologies for not updating this any sooner. I have since finished my Masters and am currently a PhD candidate at...

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Did you find anything?

Yes, I considered that one as well. At the time of this post (2016) the full masters wasn't available yet, only the online certificate courses. Unfortunately, both the masters and certificate courses were to expensive for me at the time. 

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Insight; a secure online platform designed for sharing experiences of conservation tool use.

A secure platform designed for those working to monitor & protect natural resources. Insight facilitates sharing experience, knowledge & tools to increase efficiency & effectiveness in conservation. By sharing we reduce time & money spent to find, test, & implement solutions.


Replacement (cheaper) foam mic covers

Hi everyone; looking for a source of (cheaper) foam mic covers suitable for the stub mics on a Song Meter Mini.  I've always purchased the 'official' ones but as the price of...

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Hi! I got these ones from Amazon. Also, I was tired of creatures eating them so I created a shield using window mesh screen


Hi - thanks for your reply.  I've been thinking along the same lines though unsure where I'd purchase 'acoustic foam' from.  I've made 'dead cats' before for some of my active monitoring mics and that material is not too difficult to source but the only acoustic foam I've come across is the type for deadening sound in studio etc. - the exact opposite of what I want!!  The search continues ....!

Brilliant - thank you.!  Great idea about the screen too - I'm replacing some of them monthly so may try that myself.  Have you found any issues with the mesh generating any tones with wind?

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TWS2023 - get in touch

Hi, I'll stick around at the TWS2023 Louisville with our friends from e-obs to do some live Firetail demos and discuss your ideas and requirements. Would be great to get in...

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I'm registered with the TWS2023 app, so feel free to nudge me there as well

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Payment for ecosystem services - mobile money case study?

Hello everyone! I'm writing an article for the GSMA's flagship annual report on the intersection of mobile money and payment for ecosystem services. I'm looking to...

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The folks at AB Entheos in Nairobi are also looking at wild life damage insurance

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DeepFaune: a software for AI-based identification of mammals in camera-trap pictures and videos

Hello everyone, just wanted to advertise here the DeepFaune initiative that I lead with Vincent Miele. We're building AI-based species recognition models for camera-trap...

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Hello to all, new to this group. This is very exciting technology. can it work for ID of individual animals? we are interested in Ai for identifying individual jaguars (spots) and andean Bears (face characteristics). Any recommendation? contact? thanks!


That's a very interesting question and use case (I'm not from deepfaune). I'm playing with this at the moment and intend to integrate it into my other security software that can capture and send video alerts. I should have this working within a few weeks I think.

The structure of that software is that it is two stage, the first stage identifies that there is an animal and it's bounding box and then there's a classification stage. I intend to merge the two stages so that it behaves like a yolo model so that the output is bounding boxes as well as what type of animal it is.

However, my security software can cascade models. So if you were able to train a single stage classifier that identifies your particular bears, then you could cascade all of these models in my software to generate an alert with a video saying which bear it was.

Hi @GermanFore ,

I work with the BearID Project on individual identification of brown bears from faces. More recently we worked on face detection across all bear species and ran some tests with identifying Andean bears. You can find details in the paper I linked below. We plan to do more work with Andean bears in 2024.

I would love to connect with you. I'll send you a message with my email address.



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Democratising Access to Earth Observation Data, Saving Wildlife across East Africa with Digital Earth Africa's Dr. Kenneth Mubea

Kenneth Mubea
Watch and read our interview with Dr. Kenneth Mubea, Capacity Development Lead at Digital Earth Africa, enabling the use of earth observations to address key conservation challenges across the African continent.

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Hey @mubea :) Super excited about the insightful work your team at doing at Digital Earth Africa and I've gone ahead to add an entry of DEA as an organisation onto...
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Join us in our session to feature the latest developments and applications in groundbreaking biomonitoring tech in the tropics

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Hello!The Galápagos Islands can be considered Tropics? We do drone monitoring of the marine iguanas with the project Iguanas from Above :)Thanks.Andrea Varela
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Searching for researchers working in Africa

Hi all,I work for World Vision Australia on a project called "Scale Up FMNR" (Famer Managed Natural Regeneration). At its most simple level, FMNR is a practice that encourages...

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Hi Andrew,

Rainforest Connection (RFCx) has projects in a couple different countries in that region, and also working with agroforestry systems to monitor biodiversity using acoustic monitoring! You can read more about that project (Kenya) here: We've also got a project working with small-scale cacao farmers in Colombia to monitor biodiversity in their cacao plots. For some background, RFCx is a non-profit focused using sound and AI to monitor biodiversity and detect threats, and we also manage the Arbimon acoustic analysis platform. 

I'd be happy to talk through ideas further if you'd like, feel free to reach out! [email protected] 

All the best,


HI Andrew,

I am replying to the "elsewhere". I am based in Aus but travel and work in the Arts/ Science field of field recording, often with scientists. I have been acoustic monitoring a peri-urban site in Victoria with a local council. The subject is a wetland, transferring from farmland to a wetland public space that is now surrounded and impacted by urban infrastructure. I was lucky enough to get sounds before, during and after CoVid lockdowns so we can hear a stark comparison of anthropogenic sound.

I'd love to chat further about this and other work I do if this fits your collaboration criteria. 



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Nepal's tiger conservation gets tech boost with AI-powered deer tracking

Researchers in Nepal are using vertical cameras and AI technology to track and profile individual spotted deer (Axis axis), similar to the methods used for tigers.


PAM workflow and file question

Hey everyone,I have been working in Arbimon to identify the call of an animal I'm studying (hack call of Ceropithecus nictitans), and have 400 presences and 500 absences in my...

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Like this:

ffmpeg -i input.wav -f segment -segment_time 60 -c copy output%03d.wav

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Seismic detectors

Hello community, Is anyone familiar with, or using, seismic detection technology to prevent HWC? At WWF, we have been looking into the possibility of using devices with seismic...

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Hi Nilaksha,

Congratulations! That is great news! Please do keep us posted on how it goes and do let us know if you need varied field sites in which to test the tools. @Teun , how's your prototype coming along?



Dear all, any update on this subject?


All the best.

Hi Antoine, 
Sorry about the late reply. The field trials were abandoned mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We're planning to improve our prototype and conduct field trials in this December. I'll post an update here. 

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In case you missed it... (no.2)

Five #tech4wildlife people, projects and updates that caught my attention this month. This issue is a naturetech, biodiversity startup edition! Featuring a living map of the biodiversity startup scene, is nature data...

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Update 2: Cheap Automated Mothbox

Here's an update of the work we are doing building the cheap open source mothbox for @Hubertszcz External design In a lot of wilderness tool development...

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Hi Andrew,

thanks for sharing your development process so openly, that's really cool and boosts creative thinking also for the readers! :)

Regarding a solution for Raspberry Pi power management: we are using the PiJuice Zero pHAT in combination with a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W in our insect camera trap. There are also other versions available, e.g. for RPi 4 (more info: PiJuice GitHub). From my experience the PiJuice works mostly great and is super easy to install and set up. Downsides are the price and the lack of further software updates/development. It would be really interesting if you could compare one of their HATs to the products from Waveshare. Another possible solution would be a product from UUGear. I have the Witty Pi 4 L3V7 lying around, but couldn't really test and compare it to the PiJuice HAT yet.

Is there a reason why you are using the Raspberry Pi 4? From what I understand about your use case, the RPi Zero 2 W or even RPi Zero should give enough computing power and require a lot less power. Also they are smaller and would be easier to integrate in your box (and generate less heat).

I'm excited for the next updates to see in which direction you will be moving forward with your Mothbox!



Thanks a lot for this detailed update on your project! It looks great!

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Modifying GoPro cameras to be IR sensitive.

Hi all,As a sensory ecologist interested in visually-mediated behaviors of nocturnal animals, a major struggle I encountered early in my career was how to monitor these creatures...

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Hi Jay! 

Thanks for posting this here as well as your great presentation in the Variety Hour the other day!


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Acoustic Monitoring Specialist

The Institute for Bird Populations (IBP) seeks a California-based acoustic monitoring specialist to collect, manage, and process avian acoustic data from multiple research and conservation projects across California...

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Cheap Automated Mothbox

Hi everyone! @Hubertszcz has a biodiversity monitoring project in Panama, and we have been working on quick and dirty, ultra low cost high quality insect monitoring. We built a...

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I'm looking into writing a sketch for the esp32-cam that can detect pixel changes and take a photo, wish me luck.

One question, does it even need motion detection? What about taking a photo every 5 seconds and sorting the photos afterwards?

It depends on which scientists you talk to. I am an favor of just doing a timelapse and doing a post-processing sort afterwards. There's not much reason i can see for such motion fidelity. For the box i am making we are doing exactly that, though maybe a photo every minute or so

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