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Title Author Summary Groups Date
Gabriel Kiarie

Gabriel Kiarie

This article outlines how acoustic monitoring of bird species provides a means to study ecosystems with minimal disturbance and over wide areas. Birds are excellent indicator species, therefore, monitoring their trend using data recorded... Climate Change, Acoustics, East Africa Community
Eric Becker

Eric Becker

In their three-part interview from our new series Technical Difficulties, Colby Loucks and Eric Becker share the failures they've encountered and learned from throughout six years of working on the WWF-US Wildlife Crime Technology Project... Wildlife Crime, Drones, Sensors
Gayle Pedersen

Gayle Pedersen

In her contribution to the Technical Difficulties Editorial Series, Gayle Pedersen discusses how the failure of underlying infrastructure can complicate conservation technology work, and how the culture of avoiding failure publicly... Biologging, Connectivity
Arribada Initative

Arribada Initative

 In this article, you will get a glimpse of how Arribada Initiative recognizes the advantages of incorporating SnapperGPS receivers into existing tag designs  to acquire fast GPS fixes within the marine environment. Results obtained from... Biologging, Remote Sensing & GIS
Gautam Shah

Gautam Shah

In his contribution to the Technical Difficulties Editorial Series, Internet of Elephants founder Gautam Shah shares the lessons learned from challenges throughout his unique career path as an entrepreneur working and engaging the public... Sensors, Emerging Tech, East Africa Community
Colby Loucks

Colby Loucks

In their three-part interview from our new series Technical Difficulties, Colby Loucks and Eric Becker share the failures they've encountered and learned from throughout six years of working on the WWF-US Wildlife Crime Technology Project... Wildlife Crime, Drones, Sensors, Camera Traps
Alina Peter

Alina Peter

In Alina Peter's and Kristen Snyder's contribution to the Technical Difficulties Editorial Series, you'll receive a practical checklist of factors and questions to consider at various stages of your conservation technology project, all... Human-Wildlife Conflict, Biologging, Camera Traps, East Africa Community
David Savage

David Savage

In David Savage's Technical Difficulties case study, he discusses lessons learned from working with bioacoustic tools in the field and dealing with damages caused by environmental factors and wildlife.  Download this case study here. Acoustics
Ellie Warren

Ellie Warren

In her article for the Technical Failures Editorial Series, WILDLABS' Ellie Warren discusses how the loss of one tagged sea turtle represents the wider challenges faced by conservation efforts, and how the collaborative nature of the... Sustainable Fishing Challenges, Biologging
Ashley Rosen

Ashley Rosen

In this limited content series from Ashley Rosen, you'll explore best practices for designing enclosures for communication network equipment, and learn how airflow and temperatures inform effective enclosure design. Today, we're sharing... Sensors
Allen Coral Atlas

Allen Coral Atlas

The Allen Coral Atlas have completed the first global coral reef maps.  Visit the Allen Coral Atlas website for more information. Header image: Coral Reef Image of the Ailinginae Atoll, Marshall Islands, Credit: Greg Asner This article was... Remote Sensing & GIS
International Journal of Computer Vision

International Journal of Computer Vision

The International Journal of Computer Vision is calling for papers on Computer Vision Approach for Animal Tracking and Modeling. Visit the Springer website for further details and submission guidelines. AI for Conservation, Biologging