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Header image: Laura Kloepper, Ph.D.


Sumatran Forest Type Maps and Data

Anyone know of any good databases or sites to find forest cover maps for Indonesia? I know that is highly specific but, I am looking for maps that show forest type for a...

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The Ecosulis Rewilding Tech Challenge

With the aim of advancing rewildling-related technology in the UK and introducing new talent and ideas into the field of rewildling, Ecosulis is thrilled to announce the launch of their first ever Rewilding Tech...

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HWC Tech Challenge Update: Testing our prototype thermal cameras in the Arctic

Arribada Initative
Arribada just returned from their first thermal camera field trials in Greenland, where they tested the image quality and detection abilities of their chosen thermal sensors in an arctic climate, assessed their...

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Hi @adanger24 and @Alasdair !Do you have any news on progress with this project you can share?Cheers, Lars 
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Conservation X Labs is hiring!

We are hiring engineers, marketing specialists, and an operations director! For those who are passionate about technology and its potential to improve natural resource management...

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Wild pigs crop damage assessment and movement using GIS and drones

I am working for crop protection from wildlife in Bhutan. Wild pigs are a national issue damaging crops. I am planning to assess crop damages caused by wild pigs and even track...

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Dear Sdorji,

Thanks for sharing! Are you specifically looking for monitoring methods? In that case, you could probably also find relevant information outside of the HWC group, perhaps in groups focussing on camera trapping, the use of drones etc on the other WILDLABS pages. Do you know about the Bhutanese national HWC strategy? Does this also focus on wild boars? Or is your initiative not connected to that?

Best regards,


Dear Femke,

I am actually looking for studying the crop damages using drones and also tracking the movements, may be using GPS collars. But I do not actually know about these tools and have not used. So just thought if I can get methods and procedures. It is great that you already know about our national strategy. Yes, I am the core member of Bhutanese national HWC strategy and we have recently completed drafting. I have worked on wild pigs chapter and one strategy there is crop damage assessments and movements study. We are also proposing crop insurance but without a concrete data, there is nothing we can do about crop insurance. So I am thinking to collect basic information such as crop damages and movements of wild pigs.

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Locally fabricated electric/solar fencing widely spreading in Bhutan

Human-wildllife conflict in the form of livestock and crop losses are a huge problem in Bhutan. Of late, we have developed a locally fabricated electric/solar fencing (except the...

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Dear Sdorji,

Thanks for sharing and your request for suppport from this group! I was thinking that perhaps @Mohan+Raj could share with you some insights from India? He has also developed fences and is involved in the technologies to improve monitoring and maintanance.

Best regards,

Dear Femke,

Thank you for your email. I hope I can hear from Mohan Raj. Electric fencing is one area where it can play very important role in human wildlife conflict management. In Bhutan, there are now about 3636 km and we are already experiencing some issues such as sustainability, wooden poles, nelgect during off-season, etc. I hope we can learn from each other and see areas for collaboration.



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Recording problems with Audiomoths

Hi guys I'm currently in Mauritius where I've done acoustic monitoring of Mormopterus acetabulosus for the last couple of months, trying to figure out what habitats it...

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Hi David

Thank you for your answer. I'm using 2000mAh Fujitsu R06 batteries. When configuring the AudioMoths, daily energy consumption is said to be 72mAh. The batteries should last for at least 20 days. I've never had them deployed for more than seven days straight (and they even did the zero lenght files at deployment for only three days). Maybe the energy consumption calculator in the configuration program is faulty?

Where can I find the firmware?


Information and links to the new firmware and the app is here   Note: there is a possiblilty of the update failing and the recovery proceedure is here

With batteries it is also to do with voltage decay as well as power. There was a discussion Nov 2017 about voltage limits and it was said that SD cards get a bit twitchy at less than 3.3v but the rest will still be operating at around 3v - I can't find any data on R06 however in general voltage drop is influenced by temperature, dicharge rate, age/no of recharges etc etc - your are right it may not the batteries but there is a possibility it might hence my suggestion.

I'd suggest also posting on the AudioMoth support forum, to see if anyone else has seen this issue and has a fix.


David B

Forgot to say - if you are having trouble reformatting SDcards on Windows- the project suggests this programme

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News from around the world

In positive news from China, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration (NFGA) has teamed up with Tencent to combat IWT online, by introducing crime reporting tools...

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3D printed audiomoth cases

Hi, I've made an initial attemp to design a 3D printed case for an audiomoth (with 3 x AAA battery pack) and have made it available on the thingiverse (https://www....

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Upcoming events

What events will you be attending in 2019 related to wildlife cybercrime?  What events might be of interest to the Community?

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Good Reads?

Hi-- What are good books about the Trade and Wildlife Crime? I'll start with LIZARD KING - by Bryan Christy - this was a really good book because it...

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Keeping this thread active. 

POACHED - Inside the Dark World of Wildlife Trafficking

by Rachel Love Nuwer

This is super interesting, and gives a really good look at poaching.  Rachel goes in depth and reports back from the field, including an inside look at the CITES meetings. This opens lots of issues that need to be addressed.


There are two great articles about the issue of bird poaching in the Mediterranean and its serious threat to Palaearctic bird populations by Jonathan Franzen.

A 2010 article in the New Yorker,

and a 2013 National Geographic feature,

I wrote a 2017 blog post for National Geographic about the topic of bird poaching in Cyprus,



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can we detect gillnets in turbid water?

Hey wildlabers! I'm trying to come with a way to detect artisanal gillnets in the Mekong river – the river dolphins can’t see them and get stuck in them....

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Hi Aurelie,

I do some work in underwater robotics and it's a tough problem!  Maybe there is a way around the problem instead of through.  May I ask, is the goal specifically to map where the nets are within a certain stretch of river, or to be able to ensure there are no nets wihin the area, or...?



Yes, I agree it's a tough problem - i'm certainly stumped ;)


but thanks so much for your reply and counter question - the goal is to find these gillnets and remove them...and we don't want to be pulling up every net and buoy...


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How to help

Hello everybody, I am a technologist, specialising in apps/web/backend/startups, and I feel an ever-growing duty to use those skills for animal conservation; particularly...

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Hi Ross,

Let's connect - I am a social scientist that has been researching demand reduction and am working on some projects, including a website, that helps consumers avoid illegal "unsafe" souvenirs. I have a few ideas floating around in my head that would take someone more tech-savvy than me to know if feasible - maybe we can exchange thoughts via email. I'd love to hear more about your ideas to reduce demand!) Feel free to email me at [email protected]

Best, Rosemary

Hi Ross,

We are developing a web-based platform with multiple tools to analyse biodiversity quality, habitat assessement management and other apps. We need some help thinking how to monetise the apps/subscriptions as well as further developing the platform. You can email me here: [email protected] if interested. Thanks.

Kind regards,


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WILDLABS Virtual Meetup: Big Data in Conservation

The third and final event in Season One of the WILDLABS Virtual Meetup Series was on Big Data in Conservation. The recording is now available to watch, along with notes that highlight the key takeaways from the talks...

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Troubleshooting: Trophy Camera Brown, Bushnell

Heej everyone, I am a Dutch student currently conducting a camera trap study in Costa Rica. I will be comparing density estimates of mammals between line transect surveys and...

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Hi Marisa,

It sounds like the Iris on the lens may be stuck open or its been drifting into an open position (hence why you could see images for a while, but now the image is completely whited out). Is there the ability to alter the lens Iris on the camera?

If you can view what the image looks like directly from the camera (is there an ability to view the fiield of view as you set thecamera up?) you should  see the same problem if the Iris is wide open.

Try and isolate the problem step by step to rule out each element of the technical system, whenever you have a technical fault.  In this instance there isnt much that you have to play with on a simple trail camera. It would seem the power supply is OK because images are being captured (even though they are whited out) and the PIR is functioning to trigger the images. Check the SD card you are using works OK in another camera to rule that out as the problem too. Are the settings on this camera the same as others that are working correctly? If not alter them too.

There is also a detachable anti reflective LED cover on this Bushnell. Check its not been slipping over time and bouncing the LED illumination directly into the camera lens. That would white images out to varying degrees too.



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Project BEESWAX7 Infographic

Hi, To give you the "heads-up" on our Project BEESWAX7, herewith attached is a copy of our project Inforgraphic which describes the concept. I hope you like it. Tally...

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Love it! Covers so many of my interests - conservation, beekeeping and fiddling with Arduinos - would love to know more about the project.

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Live discussion on intersection of conservation and games

Hi all We're conducting a live interview with Brooke Tully on the intersection of games and conservation as part of her "Innovations in Conservation" series....

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Hey Gautum,  
Looks like the interview went really well! If people weren't able to make it, Gautam's interview along iwth others in the series are all available to watch here


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Bright Frog Game Studios logging on!

Hello! My name is Gabriela Fleury, a conservation biologist and graduate of the University of Cape Town's ConBio programme. I work with Jaymie Krambeck, a software engineer...

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Loving the enthuasim Gabriela (and Jaymie), welcome to the WILDLABS community! We're delighted to have you on board.

You're already right amongst it, so I'm pretty much just going to keep our of your way so you can keep doing your thing. Just know that I'm here (via direct message through my profile or at [email protected]) if you need me. 

As with all new members, I do recommend checking out our regular digest as a great way to get oriented about the latest conversations that are happening in the community, the most recent issue is available here.

You've done a stellar job introducing yourself to the community here, if you're keen to connect with other members a good starting point is our welcome thread or our member directory

Other than that, there is nothing more to add from my end. I look forward to seeing your enthusiastic posts in our community! 


Welcome! How are you getting on with your game studio?

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