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Description Activity Replies Groups Updated
Hello Wildlabs Community, Just wanted to make you aware of the release of the 2017 Annual Report from the SMART (Spatial Monitoring And...
Software and Mobile Apps 5 years 11 months ago
We want to understand  how or if time-lapse imagery is used to monitor wildlife and landscapes in real-time and...
Camera Traps 5 years 11 months ago
Hi Steph and all, I don't work with detector dogs directly but colleagues of mine in the Pedernales province of the Dominican Republic have used a dog to locate iguana...
Conservation Dogs 5 years 11 months ago
Just signposting this group to the Camera trapping workshop event to be held at the Royal Geographical Society in London on Thursday...
Camera Traps 5 years 11 months ago
Hi Damien, Lora technology enables a range of very efficient solutions that you can deploy over a large area. We provide consultancy and field support for deploying such...
Camera Traps 5 years 11 months ago
Hi Megan That sounds great, thank you! I will message you. Best Katrin
Conservation Dogs 5 years 11 months ago
hi Stephen,    Kites have gimbals too (ranging from simple strings to metal rigs) and you can connect to a camera much like a drone. In my case I have a gimbal...
Drones 5 years 11 months ago
Dear All   Our group in Australia has developed a device for monitoring wild dogs/dingoes in remote areas and have a fully authomated system using Iridium and or 3-4G...
Camera Traps 5 years 11 months ago
Hi Stephanie, thanks for the update above. We will be doing two things this week to support the community. To meet the demand from Round 3 we require an essential component (...
Acoustics 6 years ago
Sounds great! I am doing the almost same thing, since here we have a problem between elephant and human living in the same area and conflict a lot. We would like to warn people...
  • +3
Camera Traps 6 years ago
My preference is to use Adobe Lightroom, allowing me to move forwards or backwards one frame at a time. I can also adjust the exposure. This is an example from one of my videos....
Camera Traps 6 years ago
I'm honored to be part of this WILDLABS group and specifically this Camera Trap forum. I hope that what I've learned weekly over...
Camera Traps 6 years ago