
Ropeless Fisher App
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  • Jake Burton edited website - (17 November 2023 4:23pm)

    Jake Burton contributed to Product - "Ropeless Fisher App"


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Species Group 


Designed specifically for pot trap fishing applications, Ropeless Fishing technology removes traditional surface buoys and rope from the water column and stows them safely on the seafloor along with the pot traps. Acoustic sonar will transmit a signal when the fishing vessel is back onsite and ready to haul the fishing gear. This signal will trigger an acoustic release mechanism so that hard float buoys will carry the rope to the surface and the traps may be hauled. Ropeless Fisher™ not only reduces the possibility of wildlife entangles, it also reduces annual gear loss rate and protects against poaching and vandalism.

Product Type 

Technology Type 




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Where to buy

External Resources

Conservation Challenges


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