
eDNA & Genomics / Feed

eDNA is a molecular conservation tech tool that can be used to detect species presence in samples taken directly from the environment. To date, eDNA has been used for species detection, biomass estimation, diet analysis, reconstruction of past flora and fauna, and wildlife disease detection. Still a relatively new area of conservation tech, eDNA is in a phase of rapid innovation and growth, with improved ease of use and more accessibility allowing this technology to find new uses in the field and lab.


News: The Latest in Conservation Tech

Check out this round-up of three of the latest news stories from the conservation tech world.  See more conservation tech news by subscribing to our bi-monthly digest. 

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Measuring biodiversity from DNA in the air

This paper explores ground-breaking advances in terrestrial biomonitoring, demonstrating how DNA from terrestrial animals can be collected from the air under natural conditions.

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WILDLABS Tech Tutors: Season 3

The WILDLABS Tech Tutors are back for all new season of in-depth walkthroughs, deep discussions on effective, impactful, and inclusive conservation technology project strategies, and - of course- even more answers to...

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New Article: Environmental DNA Metabarcoding

Check out the new research article "Environmental DNA metabarcoding as a useful tool for evaluating terrestrial mammal diversity in tropical forests." Recently published in Ecological Society of America's Ecological...

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Making the Most of Tech Tutors Season 2!

WILDLABS is celebrating its five year anniversary! Throughout the rest of 2020, we'll be sharing articles, community features, and case studies showcasing the incredible projects, collaborations, and successes that this...

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Southern Right Whales & Genome and Satellite Technology

Emma Carroll
In this news article by Rutherford Discovery Fellow Emma Carroll, we learn about how genomics and satellite data are helping researchers gain a new understanding of southern right whale population recovery, migration...

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Tech Tutors: Review Session

Missing Tech Tutors? Us too! Catch up on every episode from Season 1, check out some of our community highlights, and find out what we loved most about launching this series in this mid-week Tech Tutors review session....

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Tech Tutors: How do I use portable genomics in the field?

Hi dear WILDLABS community,I'm happy to share with you that I'll be providing a Tech Tutor webinar on the 13th of August about portable genomics titled 'How do I use...

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Hi Wildlabbers,

We'll be using this thread for all follow-up questions and ongoing discussions after tomorrow's episode with Ineke! If you haven't registered yet, make sure you get your ticket here.

As always, we'll update this thread after the episode with the full tutorial and Q&A on our Youtube channel. We'll also share our collaborative notes and resources gathered from the episode's chat.

See you tomorrow for what will definitely be an exciting episode!


Hi Wildlabbers,

Ineke's episode is up on our Youtube now! Follow this link or watch it below. You can also find our collaborative notes from this episode here (where you'll definitely want to check out Ineke's handy glossary!).

Ineke's happy to answer more questions, so ask away in here!


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How do I use portable genomics in the field?

Ineke Knot
Our eighth WILDLABS Tech Tutor is Ineke Knot, who tackled the question: How do I use portable genomics in the field? You can catch up on this tutorial on our Youtube channel and read through the callaborative notes...

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Competition: 2020 Hackaday Prize

Conservation X Labs
The 2020 Hackaday Prize competition has begun! This year, Conservation X Labs has partnered with the Hackaday Prizes as one of four nonprofits seeking tech-based solutions to urgent challenges. Conservation X Labs'...

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Webinar: Non-invasive Conservation Genetics

Imogene Cancellare
Register for today's Conservation Science Webinar Series presentation, Non-invasive Conservation Genetics of Snow Leopards: a Review of Current Work and Defining Future Needs. Imogene Cancellare, PhD candidate in the...

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Virtual Meetup Discussion: eDNA

Hi everyone,  We're a couple of hours out from our eDNA virtual meetup. If you want to join, you'll need to register here.  Today we're going to be...

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Hey Alex, 

Our pleasure! Yep, we will be uploading the recording along with our notes from the session to this page. We'll also upload the individual talks to our yourtube channel here. We'll have them up in the next few days, probably early next week. 

We're starting to think through topics for next season - I'm interested to hear if there are any technologies/tools or questions you'd like us to cover? 



I know there was some discussion of bioacoustics--I'll echo this interest. I have no experience and will be deploying audiomoths in my study area in early spring, so I need to get up to speed quickly!


Ah! Well you're in luck.. We're doing acoustics first thing next year. Late January some time, so in good time for your field season. We also had the audiomoth team give a talk at one of our previous meetups - Peter Prince's talk is here




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WILDLABS Virtual Meetup Recording: Environmental DNA (eDNA)

Our third event in Season Three of the WILDLABS Virtual Meetup Series is now available to watch, along with notes that highlight key takeaways from the talks and discussion. In this session, speakers Kat Bruce, Alice...

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Join us at the Tech Hub Showcase event ot hear how our winners are using technology to scale their solutions to the illegal wildlife trade. The event will take place at Digital Catapult, 101 Euston Road, London, on the...

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Meet the WILDLABS TECH HUB Winners

In February, we released an open call for the WILDLABS TECH HUB, offering 3 months of support for solutions using technolgy to tackle the illegal wildlife trade. We were overwhelmed by an incredible 37 submissions,...

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Processing blood? Centrifuge troubleshooting

We have a centrifuge in house at Denali (Jorvet one; brown and cream) and we lack one that looks like this (blue and white one), which is the one we need. We are working with...

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Do you want me to put you in touch with folks at my company who know the second hand lab supplies market extremely well and might be able to help you buy the right centrifuge second hand?

@ffyngau out of interest, what are you using the centrifuge for? Avian health research in Denali NP? @mattypie thanks so much for your offer to help connect with an affordable supplier.



Hi Emily, 

Rachel has some practical suggestions about rigging your current centrifuge up to fit the small tubes. What do you think - vIable? 

1) If you're measuring hematocrit, perhaps using flat-bottomed vials which do fit (less accurate though)
2) taping capillary tube in the tubes that fit (flat against bottom for clay retention)
3) try taping two support rods across the top to hold opposing capillary tubes

— Rachel Skubel (@rachelskubel) March 29, 2018


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Technology Empowered Conservation Lecture Series

Paul Jepson
New technological forces look set to transform biodiversity science. This series will showcase and discuss cutting-edge applications happening in Oxford and beyond. It is guaranteed to inspire and challenge. 

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FIT Cheetahs

Larissa Slaney
A new research project is looking to investigate whether technology combined with the ancient skills and knowledge of Namibian trackers can help save cheetahs from extinction. Called FIT Cheetahs, the research project...

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