discussion / AI for Conservation  / 12 July 2023

Request: Public datasets and models for marine videos (with fish looking fishy-ish)

During Andrew's talk in our June Variety hour (see here), @dmorris put out a call in the chat that might be relevant to our marine and ai folks not on the call, so sharing it here in case anyone can contribute! 

Re: Andrew's fish work... part of the reason I got in touch with Andrew a few weeks ago is that I'm trying to keep track of public datasets and public models for marine video that have basically this gestalt (video where fish look fishy-ish). I think we're getting close to enough public data to train a general-purpose model that will work well across ecosystems. My running list of datasets is here:


Let me know if folks know of others!

There are also a grand total of two public models that I'm aware of that sort of fall into this category... one is Andrew's:


The other is:


If folks know of other publicly-available models, let me know about those too!