
Wildlife Drones
Short summary for card views and tables:  
Wildlife Drones has developed the world’s first and most innovative drone-based radio telemetry technology to support wildlife professionals and researchers to track multiple animals simultaneously and in real-time
  • Wildlife Drones edited services - (22 May 2024 5:44am)

    Wildlife Drones contributed to Organisation - "Wildlife Drones"


The world’s most advanced drone-based animal tracking technology

Radio-track animals with our drone-based telemetry system and search for radio signals across vast, difficult terrain like wetlands or rugged mountains.

Collect more radio-telemetry data, more often and with less effort. It’s the world’s most advanced tracking solution for locating tagged animals in real-time. Compatible with any VHF tags globally, our unique sensor technology is a valuable addition to any conservation, management, and environmental science project worldwide.

» Rapidly survey difficult terrain

» Track multiple animals simultaneously

» Get real-time location data

Book a free virtual demo:

Organisation Type 

Species Group 

  •  Amphibians
  •  Birds
  •  Fish
  •  Invertebrates
  •  Mammals
  •  Reptiles

Main Address

Daley Rd
Acton, Canberra
Australian Capital Territory 2601



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