
Adventure Scientists
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Adventure Scientists® is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization based in Bozeman, MT that equips partners with data collected from the outdoors that are crucial to addressing environmental challenges.
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Adventure Scientists® is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization based in Bozeman, MT that equips partners with data collected from the outdoors that are crucial to addressing environmental challenges. By mobilizing and training outdoor enthusiasts and local communities to collect high-quality scientific data that are difficult to access, require too large a scale, or are too costly to obtain with traditional methods, they are a cost-effective and powerful accelerator to conservation around the world. 

Their international work is developed alongside partners working with local communities. They utilize the combination of their experience, systems, trainings, and technology, paired with the traditional knowledge and practices of communities, to advance solutions that promote conservation, sustainable livelihoods, and good governance.

Organisation Type 

Species Group 

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