discussion / Remote Sensing & GIS  / 21 March 2017

Missing Maps April Mapathon - Cambridge

Join us for another evening of mapping (and pizza!). No previous experience required. 

On Wednesday 5th April from 6pm-8:30pm, we are hosting a Missing Maps event in support of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), the Red Cross and the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT), to help improve maps of vulnerable or disaster affected places.

Cambridge Conservation Forum GIS Group & RSPB have kindly offered to host the March event at the David Attenborough Building, CB2 3QY, Cambridge in the centre of town. 
We are also grateful to 1Spatial for sponsoring the event.

We also plan to squeeze in a post-mapping drink at one of the many establishments in the centre of town (venue tbc).

Register for FREE here!

Hi Steph,

It was fantastic! We had a full house, with all 40 tickets sold out and really good attendance rate. We were mapping an area of Zimbabwe for the Clinton Health Access Initiative's malaria program. We were joined remotely by some collaborators at OpenStreetMap Bangladesh, and together we completed > 70% of the task. The next Cambridge Missing Maps is going to be at the British Antarctic Survey on Thursday 18th May and you can register here! We hope to include the David Attenborough Building on the Missing Maps Cambridge circuit for future events. The Cambridge Conservation Forum GIS Group are also planning to hold a MapforEnvironment event in the very near future, which will of course be advertised on WILDLABS.NET!


Thanks for adding the photo from the event. Missing Maps is becoming really popular, so tasks get completed quite quickly. We shared the task numbers for people to finish off at home if they wanted to, but by the time of next month's mapping party, this task will long have been completed so we'll be working on another one! I hope you can make it on Thursday 18th May.