discussion / Remote Sensing & GIS  / 9 March 2016

Geographic Information System Equipment

I am been sent by my government to study in the prestigious master's in management and conservation of species in trade at the international university of Andalusia, Spain and one of the subjects is applications of Geographic Information systems for species management. I request information from m embers to just give me an idea before the course and what kind of equipments can I buy to be able to come back home and setup a project based on this.

Hi Felix,

Thanks for sharing your question! I would have thought your course adviser might be the best person to advise about what equipment you would be required to take the course. However, GIS applications usually require access to a computer, a GIS program like ArcGIS or MapInfo, and access to information like satellite imagery or other data layers that are used by your GIS program. These should be provided by your university course - most universities have GIS labs where they teach you how to use the programs without the requirement to invest in equipment while learning.



Thank you. I am doing pre reading and Information gathering, so I'll know what to expect and be prepared.

Thank you for your kind answer Stephanie.