Automated Multisensor Stations for Monitoring of Biodiversity (AMMOD)
Short summary for card views and tables:  
The AMMOD project aims to bring together and adapt novel technologies in order to automatically register biodiversity, analogous to weather stations.


The AMMOD project aims to bring together and adapt novel techniques in order to automatically register biodiversity, in analogy to weather stations. This includes automatic sampling of flying insects, pollen and spores for determination with DNA barcodes (see GBOL project); automatic image recognition of birds, nocturnal insects (“moth scanners”) and mammals; automatic bio-caustic determination (of birds, bats, crickets, etc.); automatic analysis of the scents in the landscape ("smellscapes"); development of data flows, data archiving, data access, visualizations, analysis methods.

Product Type 

Technology Type 

Development Stage 

Species Group 

Help Needed 


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