discussion / Acoustics  / 12 July 2023

WOPAM Day (World Oceans Passive Acoustic Monitoring Day)

Steve Simpson (on behalf of collaborator @MilesParsons) joined our June Variety Hour to give a report from the Wolrd Oceans Passive Acoustic Monitoring Day. It was such a great talk and well worth catching up on if you're interesting in our oceans or biacoustics - the highlight of Steve's talk was a powerful video (who doesn't love an emotional soundtrack!) about WOPAM which featured people and projects that are listening to our oceans across the globe. Skip to 5:30 if you want to catch it!

Key takeaway (tl:dr) - what's next for WOPAM: 

If you have any questions as you're catching up, drop them below and Steve/Miles will pick them up!