Event /  4 Sep 2023

Africa Climate Summit 2023

Kenya will co-host the inaugural Africa Climate Summit (ACS) with the African Union Commission (AUC) in Nairobi from 4th - 6th September 2023. The ACS will bring together leaders from Africa and beyond to design and catalyse actions and solutions for climate change in Africa by providing a platform to deliberate on the nexus between climate change, Africa’s development reality, and the need to push for increased investment in climate action globally, and specifically in Africa.

In person Event
4 Sep 2023 - this event is in the past.
United Nations Office (UNON), Gigiri, Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya.

Africa Climate Summit 2023

Driving Green Growth & Climate Finance Solutions for Africa and the World #ACS23

The Africa Climate Summit is a pivotal gathering that aims to redefine the narrative on climate change and create a new paradigm of collaboration bringing together global leaders, policymakers, youth activists, civil society organizations, academia and the private sector to drive meaningful action and forge a sustainable future for Africa and the world. By pooling our resources and engaging diverse stakeholders, we can achieve significant progress in tackling climate change. This summit provides a platform to explore innovative ideas, exchange knowledge, and catalyze concrete actions that will make a tangible impact on the planet.

Core Goals

With the overarching theme, "Africa Together for Bold, Innovative and Resourced Climate Action: Unlocking Climate Finance and Green Investments," this summit aims to consolidate Africa's voice and craft a sustainable green growth blueprint for the continent. The outcome of the summit will be the influential "African Leaders Nairobi Declaration on Climate Change and Call to Action," guiding Africa's climate agenda and preparations for the upcoming COP28.

Africa Climate Week, running in parallel with the summit, will include pre-events organized by diverse stakeholder groups such as youth, civil society, the private sector, and academia. These events will foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, and engagement across sectors with an aim to deliver:

  • African Leaders Nairobi Declaration on a Green Growth and Climate Finance Agenda and Solutions for Africa and the World - this would include a commitment to a broad framework for Green Growth and specific commitments (e.g., Energy Transitions, 30x30 Nature Commitments, Carbon Credit Regulatory Frameworks).
  • Pathway to a new global financial deal that includes 6-8 “at-scale” and fit-for-purpose financing instruments/products to be delivered by DFIs, MDBs and private financiers that serve specific growth goals, e.g., carbon credit project development facility, green manufacturing facility, nature financing facility, reskilling/ jobs transition facility etc.
  • Investment commitments, including showcasing multi-billion $ worth of green investment deals on the continent across all sectors (including energy, nature, manufacturing etc.)
  • Announcements on tangible progress on ongoing major continent-wide/ global initiatives (e.g., Bridgetown, ACMI, Desert to Power), and new partnerships/ initiatives
  • Roadmap for implementation of key declarations/ announcements
Key Themes
  1. Climate Finance
  2. Mitigation and Green Growth
  3. Climate Adaptation and Resilience
  4. Loss and Damage
  5. Climate-vulnerable Groups
  6. Research, Innovation and Technology
Participation Benefits

Attending the Africa Climate Summit 2023 provides a unique opportunity to be at the forefront of climate action in Africa. By participating, you will:

  1. Insights: Gain Access to the latest research, trends, and policy developments in climate change mitigation and adaptation specific to Africa. Learn from experts and thought leaders who are driving change in various sectors.
  2. Network: Connect with a diverse community of stakeholders, including government officials, scientists, business leaders, activists, and community representatives. Share experiences, forge partnerships, and collaborate on impactful initiatives.
  3. Showcase Innovations: Present your innovative projects, solutions, and technologies that contribute to climate action and sustainability. Gain visibility and recognition for your work on a regional and international platform.
  4. Influence Policy: Contribute to discussions shaping climate policies and strategies at the national, regional, and international levels. Share your perspectives, recommendations, and lessons learned to influence decision-making processes.
  5. Inspiration and Empowerment: Engage with inspiring stories and success cases from across Africa. Gain inspiration and empowerment to take meaningful action in your own community or organization.
Summit Program and Schedule

4th Sep - Ministerial Day

Building momentum around the summit, anchoring the discussion on the notion of Climate Positive Growth, highlighting an overall opportunity-based framing, the specifics of different pathways for economic growth through climate action, and the unique role of global south countries.

5th Sep - Getting down to business

Deep dive into opportunity areas, creating a spotlight on individual opportunities, their business models, financial viability, and tangible progress towards each opportunity area to date.

6th Sep - Making it happen

Moving from discussion to action, culminating in signing the Nairobi Declaration.

Although climate change is a universal existential threat, there is good reason for Africa’s institutions and leadership to drive the agenda of mitigating its effects.


- H.E President, Republic of Kenya - Dr. William Samoei Ruto

Summit Venue

The Africa Climate Summit (ACS) 2023 will be hosted at United Nations Office at Nairobi, Gigiri, Kenya which serves as the headquarters for the United Nations in Africa and is one of the four major UN office sites globally. As a hub for diplomatic activities and international cooperation, UNON provides a platform for hosting a wide range of events, conferences, and meetings. It offers state-of-the-art facilities and services that cater to the diverse needs of participants, ensuring successful and impactful gatherings.

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