
Solar BAR
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The Solar BAR is a solar powered bioacoustic recorder, designed for long duration continuous monitoring. It has a built-in solar panel and charge controller with no external cables. It is capable of recording continuously (or scheduled) for years with only minimal service visits to change the memory cards.

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- Height: 11.5 cm Width: 30.5 cm, Depth: 25cm, Weight: 4kg (including battery) - ​4 SD card slots up to 1TB each (4TB of storage). ​- FLAC lossless compression effectively doubles your storage capacity, meaning you can record up to 8TB of equivalent wav files. ​- Supports multiple sample rates: 8kHz, 16kHz, 22.05kHz, 32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 96kHz (with corresponding anti-aliasing filters). ​- Highly sensitive, ultra-low noise omnidirectional microphone includes a 20dB class A pre-amp and output driver for cables. ​- Adjustable gain up to 60dB. ​- Built-in GPS time-sync and location stamping


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