discussion / AI for Conservation  / 17 March 2021

Allen Coral Atlas - using machine learning to map coral reefs

The Atlas Coral Atlas combines high-resolution, seamless satellite imagery mosiacs, image processing techniques, machine learning, and object-based analysis (plus field data!), to generate globally consistent benthic and geomorphic mapping layers for shallow tropical coral reefs. This one-of-a-kind project is also developing global bleaching and turbidity monitoring systems to detect changes in shallow benthos in near real time.

Today the Allen Coral Atlas announces three newly mapped regions: Central Indian Ocean, Great Barrier Reef & Torres Strait, and Western Australia! This brings us to over 337,000 km2 mapped, and counting! You can check out these new regions on the Atlas website. All data layers are available for free download! Simply create a login and you can start selection your area of interest for download.

We release maps regionally as they are completed, so be sure to stay in touch to find out when your region of interest will be mapped. Get in touch at [email protected]