
Axy 5 S
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Axy 5 S by TechnoSmArt is the small version of the Axy 5 family. This accelerometer is indicated where a longer battery duration is needed compared to the XS version. This version represents a good compromise between the battery duration and low weight and size of the device.
  • Jake Burton edited specifications - (5 October 2023 1:54pm)

    Jake Burton contributed to Product - "Axy 5 S"


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Species Group 

  • Birds
  • Fish
  • Mammals


Axy 5 S is the small version of the Axy 5 family. This accelerometer is indicated where a longer battery duration is needed compared to the XS version. This version represents a good compromise between the battery duration and low weight and size of the device.

Axy 5 S is the evolution of Axy 4 with several improvements: a magnetometer it was implemented together with the possibility to fully schedule the recording sessions. Now you can prolong the battery life and record only when is needed.

Product Type 

Technology Type 


Cost range

  •  Price available on request

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Axy 5 S is the small version of the Axy 5 family. This device is indicated where a longer battery duration is needed compared to the XS version. This version represents a good compromise between the battery duration and low weight and size of the device.

Axy 5 S is the evolution of Axy 4 with several improvements: it includes now a magnetometer and has the possibility to fully schedule the recording sessions. Now you can prolong the battery life and record only when is needed.

Axy 5 S measures the acceleration of the body along three axes and that allows you to characterize different behavioral patterns and estimate energy expenditure. The device also includes a temperature sensor and an optional pressure sensor.

The Axy 5 S accelerometer can record continuously for several weeks, 24/7 if you do not need a schedule. Highly customizable to be used with a wide range of species.

Available with a pressure sensor (for flying and marine animals).


SENSORSAccelerometer, magnetometer and temperature sensor
SIZE RANGE (L X W X H)from 22 x 13 x 10 mm
HOUSING MATERIALcustomizable (none, epoxy resin, 3D printed casing)
WEIGHT RANGEfrom 4.5g depending on battery size, with splash proofing
TEMPERATURE ACCURACY+/- 2°C (with constant offset)
MEMORY CAPACITY4 Gbits (60 days at 25hz, 8 bits)
SAMPLING FREQUENCYfrom 1 to 100Hz (temperature max 1hz)
CLOCKReal time clock. Accuracy +/-1 min/month.
ATTACHMENT METHODCustomizable (holes, tesa, glue, collar)


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