
Short summary for card views and tables:  
Sonotronics is a Pioneer in Acoustic Telemetry for Animal tracking. Providing Ultrasonic Transmitters, Receivers and Hydrophones for Tracking Animals and Equipment underwater.
  • Holly Cormack edited overview - (5 October 2023 5:01pm)

    Holly Cormack contributed to Organisation - "Sonotronics"


Sonotronics is a leader in the manufacturing of ultrasonic tracking equipment related to the underwater tracking of marine animals, equipment marking, and other marine applications.

Sonotronics offers high performance Active Tracking Systems for real time. Specializing in implementing the latest technologies and providing Simple solutions for customers tracking needs. Sonotronics products include a wide variety of ultrasonic transmitters with various combinations of lifetime, size, range, and telemetry options.

Sonotronics offers high performance manual tracking systems for real time determination of animal behaviour. 


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Organisation Type 


Species Group 

Main Address

3169 S. Chrysler Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85713
United States

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