
IoSA Tracking
Short summary for card views and tables:  
Internet of Small Animals: A better way to track (small) animals
  • Ivan Herrera Olivares edited conservation challenges - (4 December 2023 11:34am)

    Ivan Herrera Olivares contributed to Organisation - "IoSA Tracking "


IoSA combines the expertise of engineers of imec-IDlab, and ecologists of Antwerp University to create logging tools, focusing on gathering and processing relevant behavioural information, focusing on ultra-low power, ultra-light miniaturized solutions. 

Explore animal behaviour in harder to monitor species with their innovative biologging system. Combining contact detection, coarse movement tracking and environmental monitoring with loggers starting from less than 1g, this state-of-the-art technology equips you with high resolution insights at hyper-local spatial scales about your study subjects.

All text sourced from -

Organisation Type 

Species Group 

  •  Birds
  •  Invertebrates
  •  Mammals


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