
Fishing Cat Conservation Alliance (FCCA)
Short summary for card views and tables:  
The Fishing Cat Conservation Alliance (FCCA) is a dedicated group working to protect fishing cats and their habitat in floodplains and coastal ecosystems, conducting research and engaging communities to promote mainstream conservation.
  • Diep edited ecosystem - (2 June 2023 8:32am)

    Diep contributed to Organisation - "Fishing Cat Conservation Alliance (FCCA)"


The Fishing Cat Conservation Alliance (FCCA) is a dedicated group comprising conservationists, researchers, and fishing cat enthusiasts. Their primary objective is to safeguard the fishing cat and its habitat in functional floodplains and coastal ecosystems. The FCCA conducts extensive research to understand the unique ecological needs of this species and actively engages local communities in conservation initiatives. They aim to raise awareness and promote the mainstream conservation of fishing cats, fostering curiosity and empathy rather than fear. By collaborating as a team, the FCCA strives to establish new benchmarks in global small wild cat conservation and welcomes individuals from diverse backgrounds to join their efforts in protecting the fishing cat.

Organisation Type 

Species Group 

  •  Mammals

Main Address

PO BOX 1488, Navasota, Texas 77868
United States

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