Funding Opportunity / 

ICCB 2019 Travel Grants – Applications Open

The Society for Conservation Biology is accepting applications for ICCB Travel Grants, which will help offset some of the awardees’ expenses to attend the 29th International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB 2019) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 21-25 July 2019. Applications are due March 22, 2019. Please note extended deadline and expanded applicant types!

Deadline: 22 March at 11:59 p.m US Eastern Standard Time

Timeline: Decisions to be announced by the second week of April 2019

Award amount: Varies based on location, need, and priority status (see details below)

Required information for the application:

  • First Name  
  • Last Name  
  • Email Address 
  • Are you a current member of SCB? (SCB member are given priority consideration)
  • Applicant Type 
  • Country where you work and/or attend university 
  • Did you submit an abstract for ICCB?  (Abstract submitter are given priority consideration)
  • Abstract Title
  • In 80 words or less, please explain why you (or your university/organization) is unable or limited to cover the travel costs of attending ICCB 2019.  
  • In 80 words or less, please explain how ICCB 2019 will help advance your contribution to conservation. 
  • In 80 words or less, please explain how your work and service has contributed to conservation.  
  • Current CV

ICCB Travel Grants will help off-set some of the awardees’ expenses to attend SCB's 29th International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB 2019) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 21-25 July 2019.

The availability of travel reimbursement funds is determined by the amount of money raised through sponsorships and the amount provided to the awardees will vary based on location, need, and priority status.


Applicants need to meet one of the following essential required applicant types:

  1. Full-time graduate (Master or Ph.D. level equally considered), or undergraduate students from developed countries. Priority will be given to graduate students over undergraduate students based on a 70/30 ratio. 
  2. Students currently enrolled at a university based in a developing country (this criterion applies regardless of citizenship). Priority will be given to graduate students over undergraduate students based on a 70/30 ratio.
  3. Early career researchers based in a developing country and whose salary does not come directly from sources in developed countries.  This criterion applies regardless of your country of citizenship.
  4. Early career researcher, anyone employed and conducting research within three years of having completed a Masters or a PhD degree.
  5. Staff from NGOs based full-time in a developing country. Priority will be given to those traveling internationally on a 70/30 ratio.
  6. General Delegate, anyone who would like to attend ICCB.


To apply for Travel Grants please click here