discussion /  / 16 November 2017

Questions for online event Nov 20

Hi everyone,

We're really looking forward to Monday's finale event and to have another chance to connect with everyone. Because we have limited time, we'd like to pre-identify which Tech Challenge winners would like to respond to questions that our supporters will be asking. Please respond with your ranked preference for answering the following questions. For example, if your top preference is question 2, and your second preference is question 3, and your third preference is question 4, you'd respond with : 2, 3, 4, 1. Please consider your answers before the event, as we'll need to make sure that at least two winners are able to answer every question, which will leave us with just a few minutes for each of your responses. We'll continue conversation here in the WILDLABS WCTC community, however, so Monday is not the end of discussion! 


  1. How is your solution different now than it was two years ago? How did participation in the WCTC cause you to change or evolve your solution and why? [identifying new insights which you gained, new partners with new opportunities and ideas; changes in laws or policies forcing a change; etc.]
  2. What are your current thoughts on the role of science and technology in fighting the illegal wildlife trade and have they changed or evolved over the past two years? [Are you hopeful, inspired, discouraged?]
  3. What was the greatest benefit and insight you received as a result of the WCTC and how can the conservation community /stakeholders help you maintain momentum with your technology to ensure long term results, post WCTC?
  4. How would you describe the current stage of your solution in terms of development, objectives, funding, opportunities and/or challenges?

Are there other questions you'd like to answer? Please write them in your response as well. 


Many thanks!
